Times of Israel

Five former chiefs of the Mossad spy agency leveled harsh criticism at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week, with one saying that Israel was “dangerously sick” under his leadership.

“I feel so bad about what is happening in the country, the corruption is so deep, so pervasive,” Shabtai Shavit told the Yedioth Ahronoth daily in an excerpt of a joint sit down interview ahead of Independence Day. “There are no red lines, no taboos and add to that the deepening rift among the people.”   Continue reading “Ex-Mossad chief: Israel ‘dangerously sick’ under Netanyahu’s leadership”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

Have you ever wondered why on some days the sky is its normal blue color with perhaps a few puffy clouds billowing by, while on others the sky is covered with aerosol-looking “streamer” clouds emanating from airplanes, criss-crossing back and forth as they suffocate the atmosphere in a blanket of white? Many people call this latter phenomenon “chemtrails,” and an eye-opening video recently published to REAL.video shows how these chemtrail operations appear to be spraying so-called “living fibers,” which are showing up on landscapes, crop fields, and even around people’s homes.   Continue reading “Watch this clip at REAL.video showing the effects of “living fibers” being sprayed from the skies via aerosol all over our food and families”


President Donald Trump has delayed his order to declassify documents related the the FBI’s surveillance of former campaign adviser Carter Page, and asked the Department of Justice to review the documents first.

Trump said on Friday that he met with the Department of Justice, who felt that releasing the documents could have a perceived negative impact on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing ‘Russiagate’ probe, and has received calls from allies asking that the documents not be released, due to their sensitive intelligence content.   Continue reading “Trump delays order to declassify Russia probe documents”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

A cabal of Democrats are conspiring with the Deep State to halt the release of unredacted FISA court applications regarding onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, in direct defiance of an order issued to the FBI and Justice Department by the president.

Earlier this week POTUS Donald Trump said he had given both agencies instructions to declassify and release the documents in an effort to be transparent and to allow the American public to see exactly why former President Obama and officials within his administration believed it was in the vital national interest to spy on an American citizen, and one that just happened to be associated with a rival presidential campaign.   Continue reading “Dems PANIC, try to halt release of FBI / DOJ documents that will criminally implicate deep state traitors”

Your Perception is not Reality

Imagine if it emerged that the Republican chairman of the House or Senate intelligence committee had a Russian spy working on their staff. Think it would cause a political firestorm? Well, this month we learned that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) had a Chinese spy on her staff who worked for her for about 20 years, was listed as an “office director” on payroll records and served as her driver when she was in San Francisco, all while reporting to China’s Ministry of State Security through China’s San Francisco Consulate. The reaction of the mainstream media? Barely a peep.   Continue reading “This may well be the most serious espionage transgression in modern American history”

Middle East Monitor

Israel’s critics often describe the country as being above the law, but until now this has never been brazenly declared by its government. Documents published this week shows a legal representative of the Israeli government audaciously claiming that Israel can “legislate anywhere in the world,” that it is “entitled to violate the sovereignty of foreign countries,” and that it “is allowed to ignore the directives of international law in any field it desires”.

The bold declaration was made in legal materials recently submitted to the Israeli Supreme Court in which the government representative said that the Knesset is allowed to ignore international law anywhere it desires.   Continue reading “Israel declares it is above the law”


Before his links to the world was cut by his Ecuadorian hosts, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gave an interview on how technological advances are changing humankind. He said global surveillance will soon be totally unavoidable.

The interview was provided to RT by organizers of the World Ethical Data Forum in Barcelona. Assange, who is currently stranded in the Ecuadorean embassy in London with no outside communication except with his legal team, has a pretty grim outlook on where humanity is going. He says it will soon be impossible for any human being to not be included into global databases collected by governments and state-like entities.  Continue reading “Generation being born now is the last to be free – Assange in last interview before blackout”

CBS News

For the media, Elizabeth Holmes’ story proved irresistible: a bright young woman revolutionizing blood testing, in Silicon Valley no less. Fortune magazine put her on their cover. Forbes named her one of the richest self-made women in the world. Time selected her as one of its 100 Most Influential People. At CBS News, Norah O’Donnell interviewed Elizabeth Holmes for CBS This Morning. Continue reading “Was the media duped by Elizabeth Holmes?”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

A win for at least one resident — and victim of shady forfeiture practices — has been handed down by Utah’s top court. Kyle Savely had $500,000 taken from him by Utah law enforcement during a traffic stop. No charges were filed and Savely was never arrested, but a dog told the Utah Highway Patrol it could search the vehicle and seize the cash, even though the search failed to produce any drugs. (h/t The Newspaper)   Continue reading “Utah’s Top Court Says Cops Can’t Use Federal Loophole To Dodge Criminal Charge Requirement For Forfeitures”

The Intercept – by Sharon Learner

THE PEOPLE WHO wrote an ordinance banning the aerial spraying of pesticides in western Oregon last year aren’t professional environmental advocates. Their group, Lincoln County Community Rights, has no letterhead, business cards, or paid staff. Its handful of core members includes the owner of a small business that installs solar panels, a semi-retired Spanish translator, an organic farmer who raises llamas, and a self-described caretaker and Navajo-trained weaver. Continue reading “How a Ragtag Group of Oregon Locals took on the Biggest Chem Companies – and WON!”

ABC News

As Hurricane Florence hammers North Carolina’s coastline with relentless rain and wind, first responders are scrambling to rescue residents who didn’t heed evacuation orders and are now stranded in their homes, cars and even on rooftops amid rising floodwaters.

About 300 residents in the coastal town of New Bern had been rescued by early Saturday morning and were taken to shelters after the dangerous Category 1 hurricane moved ashore early Friday, according to New Bern’s government. Another 100 were still awaiting rescue overnight Friday into Saturday with “three rescue teams who are working around the clock to get into communities to retrieve people.”  Continue reading “‘It’s like a bomb has gone off here’: Stranded residents hunker down as Florence hammers NC”

Daily Mail

A golden retriever has become a town’s newly elected mayor.

Maximus Mighty Dog Mueller II, but more commonly known as Mayor Max, is the new top dog in the picturesque mountainside town of Idyllwild, California.

His duties include cruising around in a personalised pickup truck, making public appearances, ribbon cuttings and performing commands for treats.   Continue reading “Top dog! Family pet is elected mayor of Californian town”

Breitbart – by Allum Bakhari

A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe.

The video is a full recording of Google’s first all-hands meeting following the 2016 election (these weekly meetings are known inside the company as “TGIF” or “Thank God It’s Friday” meetings). Sent to Breitbart News by an anonymous source, it features co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, VPs Kent Walker and Eileen Naughton, CFO Ruth Porat, and CEO Sundar Pichai. It can be watched in full above. It can and should be watched in full above in order to get the full context of the meeting and the statements made.   Continue reading “LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership’s Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election”