Libertarian News – by michaelsuede

This story will probably make you sick to your stomach.  A complaint for civil damages was recently filed against the Live Oak County jail system in Texas, naming the county and three guards as having turned the jail into their own personal sexual torture dungeon.  The complaint alleges that three guards at the county jail ran a “rape camp” where they “repeatedly raped and humiliated female inmates,” and forced them to masturbate and sodomize male guards, and one another. The three guards named in the report are Vincent Aguilar, Israel Charles Jr. and Jaime E. Smith.   Continue reading “Jail Guards Turn Women’s Prison Into Their Personal Sex Dungeon”

CenturyLink – by JENNIFER PELTZ – Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — Mel Wymore is a typical city council candidate in many ways, campaigning as a community board appointee, ex-PTA chair and founder of a roster of local organizations. But Wymore’s community-leader resume has an unusual feature: He built much of it while he was a woman.

If he wins, Wymore would be the first openly transgender officeholder in the nation’s biggest city and one of only a handful ever in the U.S., though his campaign isn’t emphasizing his personal story — or sidestepping it.   Continue reading “Transgender candidate could become a first in NYC”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Well now, here is evidence of what I’ve been saying all along and that is that you cannot be religiously neutral. It just can’t happen. Religion is at our very core and if we will not honor the true and living God as God, then we will fill that vacuum with a false god. Exhibit A: Rocky Mountain High School in Colorado. Outrage is building over the fact that students were encouraged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance over the loudspeaker in Arabic replacing “one nation under God” with “one nation under Allah.”   Continue reading “US High School Recites Pledge In Arabic: “One Nation Under Allah””

Mami’s Shit

Gloating Jew Joel Stein wrote an opinion Editorial for the LA Times Back in December,2008. He managed to reveal the truth about who really runs the Hollywood & Global media empires. In his mind, he was trying to boast about Jew Supremecy. In actuality, he screwed the pooch by removing the cloak of secrecy surrounding how the Jew controls the minds of most of the western world. The comments on the article are quite amusing to read.   Continue reading “How Jewish is Hollywood?”

AlterNet – by Rebecca Leber

Twenty-six members of Congress will live off of a food stamp budget this week to draw attention to House Republicans cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The program’s eligibility requirements already leave out  50 million food insecure households, but another 2 million Americans would lose access to food stamps in the proposed changes for the Farm Bill.

The SNAP challenge means that Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) and 25 participating members must try to live off of under $4.50 per day for food and drink.   Continue reading “26 Members of Congress to Live Off Food Stamp Budget to Protest Cuts”

A Public Defender

If you see something, say something. Edward Snowden did and now apparently the country’s atwitter about whether Big Brother is so in the Orwellian sense or in the run of the mill older brother who knows better and looks out for you so the other kids don’t pick on you sense.

Many of you – a full 37% according to one survey – are quite okay with Uncle Sam having a complete record of your lives. Some of you even go beyond that; so far as to say that you’d be okay with giving your Government your DNA.   Continue reading “J’Accuse, or: why you really shouldn’t trust the government”

James Clapper NSAThe Guardian – by Glenn Greenwald

I haven’t been able to write this week here because I’ve been participating in the debate over the fallout from last week’s NSA stories, and because we are very busy working on and writing the next series of stories that will begin appearing very shortly. I did, though, want to note a few points, and particularly highlight what Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez said after Congress on Wednesday was given a classified briefing by NSA officials on the agency’s previously secret surveillance activities:   Continue reading “On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda”


PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The U.S. Justice Department has found that a Providence vocational school ran what amounted to a sweatshop involving developmentally disabled students.

WPRI-TV reports ( ) the department’s Civil Rights Division sent a letter to Rhode Island’s capital outlining violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act at the Harold H. Birch Vocational School.   Continue reading “School for disabled accused of running sweatshop”

War is a Crime – by David Swanson

If we think at all about our government’s military depopulating territory that it desires, we usually think of the long-ago replacement of native Americans with new settlements during the continental expansion of the United States westward.

Here in Virginia some of us are vaguely aware that back during the Great Depression poor people were evicted from their homes and their land where national parks were desired.  But we distract and comfort ourselves with the notion that such matters are deep in the past.   Continue reading “How the Pentagon Removes Entire Peoples”

(angela n.)Consumerist – by Mary Beth Quirk

Sorry about that headline, I’ve just been really tired and not sleeping well and anyway —  where was my bank account when a snoozing clerk accidentally transferred about $300 million accidentally? Oh, right. It wasn’t in Germany, which is where our dozing dude made his rather large mistake. It only took a second for him to fall asleep and leave his finger on the keyboard, turning a 2 into well, 222222222…   Continue reading “Bank Clerk Transfers $300M After Falling Asleep With His Finger On The Keyboardddddd…”

The Independent – by SHAUN WALKER

Russia’s parliament will debate a controversial law on Tuesday that could see people arrested for behaviour that is deemed to promote homosexuality.

The bill provides for Russian citizens engaged in the “propaganda of non-traditional sexual orientation” to be fined, while foreigners could be arrested and immediately deported.   Continue reading “Russia set to pass strict anti-gay law that could see foreigners deported for ‘sexual propaganda’”

The Daily Meal – by Elizabeth Licata

The world needs a public service campaign to discourage kids from eating or drinking things on dares. It almost never ends well, and sometimes it can have extremely dangerous or life-threatening results.

A teenager in Virginia recently drank an entire quart of soy sauce on a dare, and the excess of salt in his body put him in a coma and nearly killed him.   Continue reading “Soy Sauce Overdose Puts Teen In Coma”