Lone Star Watchdog

The establishment is circling the wagons on all fronts because they are trying to make excuses why they are violating our rights. I would watch NCIS on CBS. A suspect would be taken in. Instead of talking to Special Agent Gibbs. The accused  would say ” I want my lawyer” The Navy cop would say” I am invoking the Patriot Act putting you on a plane to Gitmo if you do not talk”   Continue reading “The Bill of Rights and the Constitution is Still the Law of the Land! Any Questions?”

Shaving After The ApocalypseSurvival Prepping For Hard Times – by Sorbet Gummer

What happens when the apocalypse doesn’t end in fire and brimstone?  What if the apocalypse looks more like a hyperinflation scenario where a shave and a haircut costs decidedly more than the proverbial “two bits”?  Or maybe “your two silver bits” are too valuable to waste on a $500 3-pack of disposable razors.   Continue reading “Shaving After The Apocalypse: How To Prepare For Your $900 Shave And Haircut”

AlterNet – by Alex Kane

A federal lawsuit alleges that Chicago police sodomized a man with a gun until he agreed to become a participant in a drug sting, the Courthouse News Service reports.  Plaintiff Angel Perez is suing police officer Jorge Lopez and the city of Chicago for excessive force related to the incident, which, according to the lawsuit, was quite the nightmare.    Continue reading “Chicago Police Accused of Using Gun to Sodomize Innocent Man”

Illegal Immigration And Crime - Photo by Javier RamirezThe American Dream – by Michael

Do we want to encourage drug dealers, violent gang members and serial rapists to come into this country?  If not, why is that exactly what the Obama administration is doing?  Thanks to very foolish U.S. government policies, it is incredibly difficult to immigrate to this country legally, but it is incredibly easy to immigrate to this country illegally.  So we are keeping out large numbers of good, honest, hard working people at the same time that we have given a giant green light to criminals and lawbreakers.  Does that make any sense at all?    Continue reading “Illegal Immigration = More Identity Theft, More Murder, More Rape And More Drug Dealing”

CenturyLink – by LOUISE WATT – Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) — An American executive said he has been held hostage for four days at his medical supply plant in Beijing by scores of workers demanding severance packages like those given to 30 co-workers in a phased-out department.

Chip Starnes, 42, a co-owner of Coral Springs, Florida-based Specialty Medical Supplies, said local officials had visited the 10-year-old plant on the capital’s outskirts and coerced him into signing agreements Saturday to meet the workers’ demands even though he sought to make clear that the remaining 100 workers weren’t being laid off.   Continue reading “US factory boss held hostage by workers in Beijing”

The Economic Collapse – by Michael

Did you know that you are involved in the most massive Ponzi scheme that has ever existed?  To illustrate my point, allow me to tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Sam.  When he was younger, he had been a very principled young man that had worked incredibly hard and that had built a large number of tremendously successful businesses.  He became fabulously wealthy and he accumulated far more gold than anyone else on the planet.    Continue reading “The Biggest Ponzi Scheme In The History Of The World”

Washington’s Blog

Government Hypocrisy Is the Core Problem

Congress has exempted itself from the prohibition against trading on inside information … the law that got Martha Stewart and many other people thrown in jail.

There are many other ways in which the hypocrisy of the politicians in D.C. is hurting our country.   Continue reading “The Stunning Hypocrisy of the U.S. Government”

Tech at NightRed State – by Neil Stevens

So Edward Snowden is getting charged with spying. Note that this development in itself is not an affirmation of any particular element of what he ‘leaked.’ Parts may be true, parts many not be. For all we know, he’s a spy for things he didn’t leak but instead took with him to the People’s Republic of China to take refuge in that communist country which attacks American interests daily.

Speaking of attacking American interests, it looks like the privacy religion is heating up in Europe, as a coordinated assault on Google is happening in the European Union. Italy,France, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, and the UK have openly coordinated attacks on the company and are hitting the American firm with 6 hits, combined with possible action from the European Union itself.   Continue reading “Tech at Night: Google hates your privacy, and EU regulators hate American firms? Is Bitcoin propped up by child pornography and drugs?”

Breitbart – by Mike Flynn

Just as public anxiety about the weak border security provisions in the Senate immigration bill was building, GOP Sen. Bob Corker stepped forward with an amendment to “fix” the problem. The result of his efforts, however, has been a “Christmas tree” measure, covering items far beyond border security. Breitbart News has learned exclusively that one provision of Corker’s amendment will allow workers who stay in the country past their visa will remain on the “path to citizenship.”    Continue reading “Corker Amendment Permanently Offers Citizenship to those Overstaying Their Visas”

Information Clearinghouse – by David Sirota

Recent leaks reveal a frightening reality: In fighting terrorism, we have resorted to engaging in terrorism

This is a tale of two presidents – the one we hope we have and the one we actually have. It is also a tale of two kinds of violence – the surgical and the indiscriminate – and how the latter blurs the distinction between self-defense and something far more sinister.   Continue reading “A Tale of Two Presidents: The One We Voted For – and Obama:”


LONDON (AP) — British spies are running an online eavesdropping operation so vast that internal documents say it even outstrips the United States’ international Internet surveillance effort, the Guardian newspaper reported Friday.

The paper cited British intelligence memos leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden to claim that U.K. spies were tapping into the world’s network of fiber optic cables to deliver the “biggest internet access” of any member of the Five Eyes — the name given to the espionage alliance composed of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.   Continue reading “Guardian: Documents expose massive UK spying op”

Obama Looks Out For YouCrockett Lives

Obama Snoops Part 2: Infiltrate, Target, Harass Churches

“… the Obama administration implemented a covert program beginning in 2009 that was intended to spy on conservative, evangelical Christian churches. That program involved infiltration — sending in government operatives to join churches for the purpose of data collection.    Continue reading “Obama: Keeping An Eye On You … And You … And You …”

Information Clearinghouse – by Bill Quigley

Thanks to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden many more people in the US and world-wide are learning about extensive US government surveillance and spying. There are publicly available numbers which show the reality of these problems are bigger than most think and most of this spying is happening with little or no judicial oversight.   Continue reading “Spying by the Numbers: Hundreds of Thousands Subject to Government Surveillance and No Real Protection”

Century Link – by VICKI SMITH – Associated Press

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. (AP) — The leg irons that restrained abolitionist John Brown after his failed 1859 raid on a federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry are being sold Saturday in Texas, but two historical parks dedicated to his legacy can’t afford to bid on them

Dallas-based Heritage Auctions estimates the shackles are worth at least $10,000, but some Brown memorabilia has fetched much more. In 2007, a rare daguerreotype sold for $97,750 at a Cincinnati auction.   Continue reading “Texas auction house to sell John Brown leg irons”

FirstFamilyIreland.JPGFox News

President Obama’s trip this month to Africa, with the first family tagging along, is projected to cost taxpayers as much as $100 million, sparking criticism as the federal government scrimps along during sequester-related budget cuts.

Among the related costs will be fighter jets; hundreds of Secret Service agents; a Navy ship with a full trauma center; and military cargo planes to bring 56 vehicles including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet­proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. The details were reported by The Washington Post, based on a confidential planning document.   Continue reading “Costly Obama family trip to Africa under fire amid sequester cuts”

ABC News – by Jon Chang

Fish swimming in water with a trace of the anti-depressant Prozac did not adopt a cheery disposition. Instead, they became edgy, aggressive and some even killed their mates.

The fish were subjected to traces of the drug by a research group at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee that examined how environmental exposure to the medication altered the behavior of fathead minnows, a common fish found throughout the Midwest.   Continue reading “Too Much Prozac Turns Minnows Into Killers”