Blacklisted News – by Michael Snyder

Are you ready for a future where China will employ millions of American workers and dominate thousands of small communities all over the United States?  Such a future would be unimaginable to many Americans, but the truth is that it is already starting to happen.  Chinese acquisition of U.S. businesses set a new all-time record last year, and it is on pace to absolutely shatter that record this year.   Continue reading “Meet Your New Boss: Buying Large Employers Will Enable China To Dominate 1000s Of U.S. Communities”

Notes From The UndergroundInformation Clearinghouse – by David DeGraw

Seventeen years ago, I read a book called The Evolving Self. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, it profoundly affected the direction of my life. Here’s the section of the book that became a splinter in my mind and resonated the most with me:

“In order to gain control of consciousness, we must learn how to moderate the biases built into the machinery of the brain. We allow a whole series of illusions to stand between ourselves and reality…. These distortions are comforting, yet they need to be seen through for the self to be truly liberated… to come ever closer to getting a glimpse of the universal order, and of our part in it.”   Continue reading “None But Ourselves Can Free Our Minds Unprecedented Wealth – Debt Slavery – Mental Slavery – Conditioned Consciousness”

The Blaze – by Jason Howerton

NEW YORK (TheBlaze/AP) — The government knows who you’re calling.

Every day. Every call.

Former employees of the National Security Agency say the publishing of a court order asking Verizon to hand over all its phone calling records for a three-month period opens a new window on an operation that has been in place for years and involves all major U.S. phone companies.   Continue reading “NSA Whistleblowers’ Startling Claims: Records on 3 Billion Calls Collected Per Day — And It’s Not Just Verizon”

Information Clearinghouse – by Marjorie Cohn

Although whistleblower Bradley Manning pled guilty to 10 offenses that will garner him 20 years in custody, military prosecutors are pursuing further charges – aiding the enemy and violation of the Espionage Act – that carry life in prison.

The court-martial of Bradley Manning, the most significant whistleblower case since Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, has begun. Although Manning pled guilty earlier this year to 10 offenses that will garner him 20 years in custody, military prosecutors insist on pursuing charges of aiding the enemy and violation of the Espionage Act, carrying life in prison.   Continue reading “Bradley Manning’s Legal Duty to Expose War Crimes”

The Right Scoop

I’ve really come to look forward to Judge Jeanine’s monologues because she is one of the few who will tell the brutal truth no matter how politically incorrect or sensitive. And in this week’s monologue she takes on America’s top law enforcement agent and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder, and rakes him across the coals for the lies he has told and how he is running the DOJ. She calls him a political operative and says he needs to be indicted – and then she writes the actual indictment. Fantastic!   Continue reading “BOOM! Judge Jeanine SCORCHES Eric Holder, says he should be INDICTED”

Marooned In Marin

Is this more of the “pain” that the Obama Regime wants to inflict on America due to the sequester?

And it’s being done to our troops in harms way (NBC News, via Gateway Pundit).

Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan will lose a key daily meal starting Saturday, causing some to forgo a hot breakfast and others to work six-plus hours without refueling on cooked food, according to Marines at the base and Marine Corps officials.   Continue reading “Obama Regime Cuts Meals For Troops In Afghanistan, Yet Lois Lerner Gets Taxpayer Funded “Suspension””

Obama-admin-visitorsVoting American

The former head of the IRS visited the White House more times than any Cabinet member, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller, raising questions about the nature of those visits — particularly around the time the agency was targeting conservative groups.

The Caller analysis of White House visitor logs showed former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House at least 157 times under the Obama administration.    Continue reading “IRS Chief Visits White House 157 Times”

Information Clearinghouse

Former U.S. President George W. Bush recently dedicated his Presidential Library in Dallas. The ceremony included speeches by President Obama, ex-President Bush, and every other living ex-president. But none of the speeches so much as mentioned to Iraq war — the undertaking that dominated George W. Bush’s presidency, and will define his historic legacy.

This omission might be due, at least in part, to the fact that Mr. Bush is now a convicted war criminal who dares not travel abroad out of fear of being arrested.   Continue reading “Bush Administration Convicted of War Crimes”

Information Clearinghouse – by Conor Friedersdorf

The term is a euphemism that obscures the gravity of what its advocates are suggesting — a U.S. air attack on Syria.

Kudos to Josh Rogin for breaking the news that “the White House has asked the Pentagon to draw up plans for a no-fly zone inside Syria.” But wouldn’t it be a more powerful story without the euphemism?   Continue reading “Let’s Be Clear: Establishing a ‘No-Fly Zone’ Is an Act of War”

Being nursed back to health: The abandoned baby boy is pictured being fed in hospital after firefighters rescued him from a sewage pipe after he was apparently flushed down a toilet in Pujiang, Zhejiang Province, China Daily Mail – by JAMES NYE, ANNA EDWARDS and ANDY MCEWEN

CHINA – An abandoned newborn baby boy found trapped inside a sewage pipe after being flushed down the toilet was today being nursed back to health in hospital.

The infant was heard crying in a section of the pipe directly beneath a toilet commode, the country’s state television reported earlier today.   Continue reading “Safe and warm, miracle baby who was plucked ALIVE from a toilet pipe after being flushed away by the parents who didn’t want him”

Reality Blogger – by Clint Richardson

Lately, I have an uncanny knack to predict the future…

It is not anything so extraordinary as clairvoyance or mysticism; no special intelligence or inside knowledge needed. Just plain old comparative reasoning and logic while applying the predictive programming tactics used in every day media and print. Half the time it is just the simple task of removing the word “fiction” from the term science fiction and utilizing current data sets in a predicative way to see present and future innovations.   Continue reading “Redefining Food In 3-D”