KHOU News – by Michael Brick, Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Workers who lose their jobs would have to clear a drug screening to qualify for unemployment compensation under a proposal approved by the Texas Legislature.

Under current law, employers take out insurance policies to help laid-off workers survive on weekly payments of $62 to $440. Those who are fired for cause, including failing an employer-sponsored drug test, do not qualify.   Continue reading “Drug tests for unemployment benefits approved”

Information Clearinghouse – by Rick Ungar

Tennessee GOP Congressman Stephen Fincher, swept into office in the Tea Party wave of 2010, is on a mission from God.

Armed with an array of proverbs and quotes from the Holy Bible, Congressman Fincher is pressing his fight to dramatically curtail the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—better known to most Americans as food stamps—relied upon by 47 million Americans for some or all of their daily sustenance.   Continue reading “GOP Congressman Stephen Fincher On A Mission From God-Starve The Poor While Personally Pocketing Millions In Farm Subsidies”

American Thinker – by James Lewis

Washington rumor has it that Obama wants to be U.N. Secretary General.

There are several reasons that make that likely, and if it’s true, it throws new light on a lot of Obama’s oddities — including his Royalty Bows, his Apology Tours, his Muslim Sellout, and the Benghazi Cover-Up.

But first — why would Obama be planning to become the chief of the U.N. before he has even finished his second term?    Continue reading “Benghazi and Obama’s Ambition to Be U.N. SecGen”

Dean Clifford

Has Everyone started to participate in “Divestment 2013″ yet? This is where we all divest and defund the system that we all seem to despise so much. This is the most simple movement, and low risk movement that ANYONE could possibly join. Here’s how easy it is:

1. Cancel your satellite or cable package. This will lead to an increase in brain function, and a decrease in funding for our enemies (enemies of freedom of thought and choice.)   Continue reading “Divestment 2013”

Seattle Times

WACO, Texas — Federal agents and the state fire marshal have effectively barred a federal safety panel from the site of a Texas fertilizer plant blast that killed 15 people and injured about 200 others, hampering its investigation, the panel’s chairman said.

In a May 17 letter to Sen. Barbara Boxer, U.S. Chemical Safety Board Chairman Rafael Moure-Eraso asked the California Democrat to help the board obtain evidence under control of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that he contends is essential to the board’s investigation, the Waco Tribune-Herald and Austin American-Statesman reported.   Continue reading “Safety Board: ATF blocking plant blast probe”

The Daily Caller – by Charles C. Johnson

The “charity” run by President Barack Obama’s half-brother that was fast-tracked for IRS tax-exempt status is based at a Virginia UPS store, according to its website.

The organization’s IRS filings list another Virginia address that is actually a drug rehab center where the foundation does not appear ever to have been based.     Continue reading “Tax-exempt Obama Foundation doesn’t exist at listed addresses”

Charleston Voice

This is culled and abbreviated from a 12/14/2011 post of ours. We feel it is appropriate to review in light of the goings-on and increasing intensity to audit the Fed and gold reserves of our own, and those in Fed custody for other nations.

This is a very interesting video series by Eric deCarbonnel of Market Skeptics  about the Exchange Stabilization Fund. It is a look into the secret slush fund that operates trillions of dollars of with no oversight. It is the nexus of money and the dark world of market intervention, covert operation, drug and other illicit activities the Elite run. The real purpose of this video series is very unsettling and turns out to be a very crafty piece of propaganda.   Continue reading “How the CIA, US Fed Reserve & Treasury Use the Secret Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) to Hide the Truth from the American People”

Freedom Outpost – by Kevin E. Lake

Recently, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has come under attack for malicious treatment of certain U.S. citizens and groups by singling them out based upon their personal political preferences. At this time, it is still unclear where the direct orders came from to initiate such heinous activities, but what is crystal clear is that this type of activity is not new for the IRS.

The IRS has mastered the art of breaking their own laws, one case in particular; using banks to launder and then steal disabled veterans’ disability checks.   Continue reading “Disabled Veterans Have Checks Stolen By IRS”

Information Clearinghouse

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham questioning two Pentagon officials, Michael Sheehan, the assistant secretary of defense in charge of special operations, and Robert Taylor, acting general counsel, Department of Defense.

SEN. ANGUS KING: Gentlemen, I’ve only been here five months, but this is the most astounding and most astoundingly disturbing hearing that I’ve been to since I’ve been here. You guys have essentially rewritten the Constitution here today.   Continue reading ““Astoundingly Disturbing”: Obama Administration Claims Power to Wage Endless War Across the Globe”

Information Clearinghouse – bu Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers

The weekly news is like a recurring bad dream that is becoming an even worse nightmare. While the investor class cheers a rising stock market, the rest of us sink.

The headline that jumped out at us this week came from Bloomberg NewsCEO Pay 1,795-to-1 Multiple of Wages Skirts U.S. Law. Is that possible?  Can they have gotten that outrageous? Bloomberg reports that it’s true.   Continue reading “Recurring Nightmares? Wake Up and Take Action”

Reality Blog – by Clint Richardson

I’d just like to remind the good people of America that there is only one man that the people voted in as president of the United States – well, technically he is elected by the electoral college and not the people, but who’s really paying attention to politics anyhow?

And again I’d like to remind the people that this one “elected” man in the presidency then appoints all other officers and cabinet members of the Federal Government. He is the Chief Executive Officer – the boss. All other officers are underlings operating solely on the authority of the President conveyed to them… millions and millions of unelected men and women controlling every aspect of our lives.   Continue reading “The President Does It Again…”

Information Clearinghouse – by Paul Craig Roberts

There are many signs of gangster state America. One is the collusion between federal authorities and banksters in a criminal conspiracy to rig the markets for gold and silver.

My explanation that the sudden appearance of an unprecedented 400 ton short sale of gold on the COMEX in April was a manipulation designed to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing policy has found acceptance among gold investors and hedge fund managers.    Continue reading “Gangster State America”