The News Tribune – by Alexis Krell

A Tacoma lawyer has been dispensing more than legal advice during visits to the Pierce County Jail, according to prosecutors, who accused him of having sex with an inmate and providing drugs to others.

William Mack Stoddard Jr., 68, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of second-degree introducing contraband, unlawfully delivering a controlled substance and conspiracy to deliver a controlled substance.   Continue reading “Lawyer accused of having sex, bringing drugs to Pierce County Jail inmates”


Israeli occupation forces(IOF) and several settlers invaded on Thursday at dawn the city of Nablus, leading to clashes with dozens of local youths; one teen was shot with a live round.

Local media in Nablus said the IOF shot Ahmad Adel Mas’oud, 17, with a live round in his thigh.

In addition, many Palestinians received treatment for the effects of tear gas inhalation.   Continue reading “Thursday Overnight: IOF Raids Continue Across the Occupied West Bank”

Next Gov

The Office of Personnel Management is preparing for a pilot program to automatically track public social media postings of people applying for security clearances.

OPM is conducting market research to find companies that can perform automated social media tracking and other types of Web crawling as part of the background investigation process, according to an April 8 request for information posted online. Responses from interested companies are due by April 15.   Continue reading “OPM Seeks Social Media Tracking For Background Checks”

LA Times -by Don Lee

Housekeeper Celia Vargas was marching on the picket line in front of Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas when a motorcade ferrying the billionaire rumbled past.

Against the backdrop of palm trees and shouts of “no contract, no peace,” the 57-year-old maid craned to catch a glimpse of her employer — a property tycoon who has built his presidential campaign on appealing to blue-collar workers but now risks being cast in Sin City as a union-buster.   Continue reading “Trump’s clash with Las Vegas union highlights his unpredictability”


Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) destroyed 523 Palestinian homes and civilian structures in the West Bank since the start of 2016, with an increase of 275% from last year, a Palestinian center reported Sunday.

According to the report by the Land Research Center (LRC), the Israeli occupation army demolished 188 civilian structures sheltering 854 Palestinians. Nablus province, in the northern occupied West Bank, hit a record high of 58 in the number of demolished homes. The Tana makeshift village was also subjected to three demolitions during the months of March and February.   Continue reading “Israel destroyed 523 Palestinian structures in 3 months”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Top megabank, Wells Fargo & Co just admitted to defrauding the United States government for nearly an entire decade, which subsequently led to the housing market collapse, and no one is going to be punished.

On Friday, the largest US mortgage lender and third-largest US bank admitted to deceiving the U.S. government into insuring thousands of risky mortgages.

According to the settlement, Wells Fargo “admits, acknowledges, and accepts responsibility” for having from 2001 to 2008 falsely certified that many of its home loans qualified for Federal Housing Administration insurance, reports Reuters.   Continue reading “Wells Fargo Just Admitted to Robbing US Citizens by Deceiving the Govt and No One Was Charged”

Breitbart – by Jerome Hudson

As many as 30 all-terrain vehicle (ATV) riders surrounded and stopped an ambulance transporting a sick child on Monday, D.C. police said.

One of the bikers opened the ambulance door and threatened the driver. The ambulance driver was forced to called the police. The child in the ambulance was unharmed.

The incident on Monday involving a gang of ATV bike riders occurred just two days after a motorcycle-riding D.C. police officer was hit by a group of move than 50 ATV and dirt bike riders and dragged down the road.   Continue reading “30 Dirt Bike Riders Swarm Ambulance Transporting Sick Child, Drag Police Officer Down Street”

Natural Society – by Christina Sarich

The list seems to grow daily. The multinational ConAgra now joins General Mills, Mars, and Kellogg’s as a company which will label its products if they contain genetically modified ingredients. With Vermont’s mandatory GM labeling bill going into effect this summer, this is a decision more companies will have to make, and soon.   Continue reading “ConAgra to Label All Products with Genetically Modified Ingredients”


The U.S. National Lawyers Guild (NLG) on Wednesday submitted a regulatory challenge to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requesting an investigation into the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) on grounds of discrimination and contravention of U.S. policy.

According to the NLG, the JNF enjoys tax-exempt status as a charitable organization in the United States even though the reality of its work- supporting Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine – is anything but charitable.   Continue reading “American lawyers request investigation into the Jewish National Fund status”


An investigation into a massive global oil bribery scandal has been launched by authorities in the US, Britain, and Australia, after leaked confidential files indicated that some of the world’s most powerful corporations were part of the racket.

The global investigation by authorities comes after the biggest leak of confidential files in the history of the oil industry, obtained by The Huffington Post, unveiled widespread corruption taking place in oil-rich countries. The US Department of Justice, FBI, UK National Crime Agency and Australian Federal Police are now jointly investigating the allegations in what could become the world’s biggest probe into corruption allegations.   Continue reading “‘Biggest bribery scandal’: US, UK, Australia launch probe into mass oil industry corruption”

Off the Grid News – by Tricia Drevets

Although they are small, mice can cause big problems when they enter your home. They can carry and spread disease and, since they breed quickly, they can do damage to your home and your belongings if left unchecked.

No one wants to think a mouse infestation is in the home, but if you are seeing any of these signs, you may have a rodent problem:   Continue reading “All-Natural, Poison-Free Ways To Rid Your Home Of Mice”

International Middle East Media Center

Mass Israeli demolitions, in the Jordan Valley village of Khirbet Tana, have left more than a third of its Palestinian residents homeless since the beginning of the year, the UN said Friday.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said 87 of the village’s 250 residents, including 35 children, had lost their homes in three separate demolitions since January.   Continue reading “1/3 of Palestinian Village Left Homeless by Demolitions in 2016”


The following article is based on J. R. Terrier’s book “The Easter Celebration – History of Its Hidden Origins“.

Easter is an annual celebration observed throughout the Christian world. However, there are absolutely no verses in the Bible that authorize or endorse the keeping of this tradition.   Continue reading “The Truth About Easter And The Secret Worship Of The Anunnaki”

Joe Miller

What’s the best way for a country like China to exert its influence over the U.S. economy? Acquire American-owned companies like Chinese-owned Haier just did when they purchased General Electric’s (GE) appliance business for $5.4 billion . . .

America can no longer claim to be an independent nation when our manufacturing base is under foreign ownership or foreign control. After all, ownership equals control, and control equals sovereignty. We lose our sovereignty as a nation when foreign companies buy our land, factories, and companies.   Continue reading “China Acquiring U.S.A. One Company at a Time”

Yahoo News

(Reuters) – Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc on Friday said a $13 billion cash offer from China’s Anbang Insurance Group Co was superior to one from Marriott International Inc , setting the stage for the largest ever deal by a Chinese company in the United States.

The operator of Sheraton and Westin hotels said the Chinese insurer’s offer beat Marriott’s previously agreed cash and stock offer by nearly 15 percent, and that it planned to scrap the proposed deal with the rival hotel chain.   Continue reading “Starwood gets higher $13 bln bid from Anbang, tops Marriott offer”

Free Republic – by Fedora

Mr. Cleanface’s Dirty Laundry: Harry Reid’s Mob Money revisited a 1979 Justice Department probe into allegations that Midwestern Mafia members skimming funds from the Tropicana casino had channeled bribes to Nevada Gaming Commission chairman Harry Reid through mob lawyer Oscar Goodman and Tropicana attorney Jay H. Brown. Although the probe officially cleared Reid, he subsequently received numerous contributions from gambling industry figures, including Brown and known Mafia-associates as well as legitimate individuals and corporations. Reid’s son Rory has followed in his footsteps by associating with his father’s patrons in the gambling industry, which is the subject of this post.   Continue reading “Harry’s Henchman Rory Reid: Harry Reid’s Mob Money, Part 2”


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday 11 March, attacked the weekly nonviolent protest against the apartheid Wall and the illegal Israeli settlements, in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, and the weekly nonviolent protest in Al-Nabi Saleh village, causing dozens to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation on both demonstrations.

In Bil’in village, the weekly nonviolent protest started from the center of the village, when locals and international peace activists marched towards the villagers’ orchards.   Continue reading “Children injured and dozens suffer teargas inhalation as IOF attack weekly protests across West Bank”


During a joint press conference held in Jerusalem on Wednesday, the U.S. Vice President Joe Biden condemned what he called “those in the international community who failed to condemn Palestinian terror attacks against Israel.”

Biden, who is in a five-day-trip to the Middle East,  said to the press that his wife and his grandchildren, who have joined him on this trip, were having dinner on the beach nearby where a Palestinian man killed an American citizen and wounded 12 others – and was further killed in cold blood by the IOF.   Continue reading “Biden condemns “Palestinian attacks” despite the Israeli killing of 7”