The Daily Sheeple

So much for that healthy Subway diet, huh?

It is now being reported that ex-Subway pitchman and convicted pedophile Jared of sub sandwich diet fame has already gained 30 pounds in prison where he can no longer “eat fresh”.   Continue reading “Boo Hoo, Fatty: Ex-Subway Pitchman Pedophile Jared Fogle Already Gained 30 Pounds In Prison”

US News

President Barack Obama may smell something familiar on April 2 when marijuana activists inspired by comedian Bill Maher host what they believe will be a massive act of civil disobedience in front of the White House.

The bold protest plan, announced Tuesday by the D.C. Cannabis Campaign, calls for reform advocates to gather on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House on the Saturday. Speakers will demand that Obama reschedule marijuana without Congress, as he has the power to do, and pardon Americans jailed for marijuana crimes.   Continue reading “Bill Maher Inspires Plan for Massive Pot-Smoking Protest at White House”

BGR – by Brad Reed

NASA’s Hubble Telescope regularly blows my mind by taking some incredible photos of the universe that make me realize just how small our humble little planet is. After combing through the archive of some of the best Hubble space photos onNASA’s website, I’ve picked out 10 that I found to be particularly incredible. Let’s check them out below.   Continue reading “10 mind-blowing space photos captured by the Hubble Telescope”

Associated Press

WHITE, Ga. (AP) — A north Georgia police chief and an officer have been arrested and accused of arresting people on fake charges and then reducing the charges to collect fines, authorities said Wednesday.

Police chief David King, 58, and officer Blake Scheff, 26, of the White Police Department were charged Wednesday with false imprisonment, theft by extortion and violation of oath by a public officer, Georgia Bureau of Investigation spokesman Greg Ramsey said.   Continue reading “Police chief, officer arrested on false imprisonment charges”

Las Vegas Sun – by Scott Sonner

SPARKS — Hundreds of union construction workers walked off the job at Tesla Motors’ battery manufacturing plant in northern Nevada on Monday to protest what union organizers say is the increased hiring of out-of-state workers for less pay.

Approximately 350 plumbers, carpenters, electricians, painters and others walked away from the construction site Monday along U.S. Interstate 80 about 25 miles east of Reno, said Russell James, District 16 business development specialist for the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada.   Continue reading “Construction workers walk off Tesla job site in labor dispute”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Politicians nationwide have discovered a sneaky new way to discourage gun ownership: mandatory insurance.

Laws that would force gun owners to purchase liability insurance have been proposed in three states and the city of Los Angeles, Insurance Business America reported.   Continue reading “Here Comes Mandatory Gun Insurance (And A $10,000 Fine If You Don’t Buy It)”

International Middle East Center

US President Barack Obama, this week, signed into law a sweeping trade agreement which protects Israel from boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) by countries who oppose the ongoing military occupation of Palestine.

The agreement — H.R. 644: Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 — was passed 75-20, on February 11, and later signed into law by the president, on February 24.   Continue reading “Obama Signs anti-BDS Trade Agreement into Law”

RT – by Sam Gerrans

According to Soros, Russia’s strategy is to “avoid collapse by making the EU implode first – by exacerbating the migration crisis and stoking Islamophobia”.

On February 11, the Guardian ran an article by George Soros which had run a day earlier here entitled “Putin is a bigger threat to Europe’s existence than Isis.”   Continue reading “George Soros: A psychopath’s psychopath”

Activist Post – by Derrick Broze

The D.C. Circuit Court has reversed a previous decision which sealed settlement talks related to a lawsuit against the Department of Justice for the failed gun running operation known as Fast and Furious.

Operation Fast and Furious was a program in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) knowingly sold guns to Mexican drug cartels. The program was first exposed in 2011 when it was revealed that weapons from the program were involved in the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.   Continue reading “The Fight Over Operation Fast And Furious Records Is Not Over”

BBC News

The UK will be taking a “big gamble” with its security if it votes to leave the European Union, defence secretary Michael Fallon has claimed.

The “collective weight” of partnerships such as the EU made it easier to deal with global threats, he told the BBC.   Continue reading “EU referendum: Leaving EU ‘big gamble’ for UK security”

Free Thought Project – Justin Gardner

Adelanto, CA – A tiny California desert town is making a drastic change to reverse its downward spiral and embrace an enlightened future. For 24 years, Adelanto tried unsuccessfully to sustain its economy through prisons, but now it will be hosting a very different kind of business—cannabis cultivation.

The town became only the second city in California to permit commercial cultivation of medical cannabis, after a year of heated debate in the City Council. The persistence of John “Bug” Woodard, Jr. paid off in a 4-1 vote on Nov. 23 to allow cultivation.   Continue reading “Prison Town Selling Its Jails to Grow Cannabis to Save their Economy — And It’s Working”

The Register – by Darren Pauli

The United State Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has absolved San Bernardino police of responsibility for changing passwords on the iPhone once used by suspected terror suspect, Syed Rizwan Farook.

Last December, Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 co-workers, before themselves being killed by Police. It’s believed that the pair may have been motivated by links to foreign terrorists, making the contents of their phones of great interest to investigators.   Continue reading “FBI says it helped mess up that iPhone – the one it wants Apple to crack”

The Telegraph – by Richard Spencer

If anywhere can show the consequences of American foreign policy under President Barack Obama, it may be the small town of Marea, north of Aleppo.

In the course of the last five years, it has seen Assad regime tanks roll through from the south, firing shells through its houses.

Continue reading “US-backed militia groups now fighting each other in Syria”


COLUMBIA, S.C. — Jeb Bush dropped out of the presidential race on Saturday, ending a quest for the White House that started with a war chest of $100 million, a famous name and a promise of political civility but concluded with a humbling recognition: In 2016, none of it mattered.

No single candidacy this year fell so short of its original expectations. It began with an aura of inevitability that masked deep problems, from Mr. Bush himself, a clunky candidate in a field of gifted performers, to the rightward drift of the Republican Party since Mr. Bush’s time as a consensus conservative in Florida.   Continue reading “Jeb Bush Bows Out of Campaign, Humbled and Outmaneuvered”

Daily Mail

A Louisiana police captain has sent out a blunt message for members of a local street gang.

‘You will be hunted. You will be tracked. And if you raise your weapon to a man like me, we’ll return fire with superior power,’ said Captain Clay Higgins in a video message, as he stood flanked by officers from more than a dozen Louisiana law enforcement agencies.

Continue reading “Louisiana police captain taunts local gang in video challenge”

Off the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Federal agents subjected a farmer to harassment and warrantless searches simply for producing raw milk, but a county sheriff took the farmer’s side and blocked federal agents from the property – and the sheriff is now speaking out.

The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) took the actions four years ago simply because the farmer was providing raw milk to an organic food co-op. The story is receiving renewed coverage because the Indiana sheriff, Elkhart County’s Brad Rogers, wrote a 600-word explanation for a local newspaper as part of his “Ask The Sheriff” series. Off The Grid News previously reported on the dispute.   Continue reading “Showdown: Sheriff Blocks FDA Inspectors From Raw Milk Farm”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

On Friday, we got confirmation of what everyone already knew: the Greek economy is still mired in recession. GDP contracted 0.6% in Q4 after shrinking 1.4% in Q3.

We also found out that Greek farmers have most assuredly not calmed down since they parked their tractors in the middle of the street blocking traffic late last month.   Continue reading “Caught On Tape: 800 Angry Farmers Storm Greek Ministry, Beat Cops With Shepherd’s Sticks”

Off the Grid News – by Wally Peterson

It’s nothing short of ironic that this nation, which was founded, explored, and made great by adventurous and self-reliant people, has now become a haven for those who insist on being cradled and sheltered by convenience. Responding to the demand that this has created, the government has increasingly made it more difficult to be self-reliant and now seems thoroughly dedicated to preventing anyone from taking care of themselves and their families.   Continue reading “The 5 Greatest Threats To Off-Grid Living”

Counter Current News – by M. David

It took decades of protests and petitioning the government, but after being continuously ignored, African American activists took over a federal wildlife refuge.

While sites are drawn up in the debate over who is right or wrong in the Bundy militia stand off in Oregon today, it is worth noting that this group of activists did the same thing, decades ago, in a protest against what they considered an unjust land grab by the U.S. government.   Continue reading “In 1979 Feds Violently Removed Black Protesters From Wildlife Refuge”