Rep Diane Franklin, a Republican for the State of Missouri, has proposed a 1% tax on violent video games, said proceeds to be deposited in the state general revenue fund and appropriated solely for the treatment of mental health conditions associated with exposure to violent video games.

Let’s take a look at this little tax, which is being harped through the mainstream as a good idea.  Our 1st Amendment right to look at, read, or play with any information is as absolute as our right to speak out.  It is inalienable and of course, like the rest of our rights, has already been infringed upon from many angles.  The proposal is for a penalty for those who would play with what the communist government identifies as a bad game.  Is this not an attempt to compel government dictated behavior through a system of rewards and punishments?  If you do as the government says, you are unaffected.  If you do not, you are penalized.
Continue reading “Manipulation through Taxation”

In conjunction with the blatant push by the communist infiltrators within the United States for infringements upon our 2nd Amendment right to own and bear arms for our defense against enemies foreign and domestic, there is the perpetuation of the insurgent invasion across our southern border, which in reality is yet another infringement upon our sacred Bill of Rights.

The 4th Article of our Bill of Rights says, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.”
Continue reading “American-Mexican Nationals”

We are getting reports of the Bar-Ricade banner, located on the left side below the American Jihad banner and above the “Power Companies Hate This” banner, not being seen.  We need to know if this is just a few isolated instances or a problem with the website.

If you wouldn’t mind, we would appreciate your input.

[poll id=”2″]

The communists’ argument for infringements on our 2nd Amendment is being turned upside down, ironically by the communists themselves.  Out of one side of their mouth, they are insisting that the federal law is supreme and must be enforced by state and local officials.  If not, then the federal government will enforce the federal law as it did in the south for the equal rights of black Americans, as guaranteed under our Bill of Rights.

However out of the other side of their mouth, they are saying that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and that state’s legislature can enact and enforce state laws that violate the 2nd Article of our Bill of Rights and the federal government will refuse to intervene and send federal troops to enforce this federal constitutional law.
Continue reading “Liberty can be a bit dangerous, but how much more dangerous without it?”

Obama, holding true to his communist campaign slogan, “Forward”, announced yesterday the merger of Amerika’s psychiatrists with our secret police.  Few and far in between, are those who truly understand the full implications of these new executive dictates.  Without going into a tirade, we will summarize.  When fully enacted, these draconian laws will allow for any American national to be dispossessed of their 2nd Amendment right without any due process of the law.  This is what you get when you allow any infringement.

The 1934 gun control act established the treasonous notion that our 2nd Amendment right could be infringed.  The 1968 gun control act expanded on the infringement in declaring that those convicted of felonies could have their 2nd Amendment right removed.  In 1994, an additional infringement was added via the background checks, a complement of course to the 1968 infringement addressing convicted felons.
Continue reading “Premier Obama Introduces Desperate Measures”

US Premier Obama will be announcing his formal dictates for gun confiscation today, surrounded by a group of young communists who has been brought in to emphasize the fact that this treason will be committed in the name of America’s youth.  A youth that will never be taught American history, as this curriculum has been removed from what are now communist indoctrination centers, where American children are drugged and brainwashed to the ideals of international socialism.

The Bill of Rights for the individual nationals of the United States is absolute and when infringed upon by any tyrant from anywhere is to be defended by we the people at large.  We must refuse the communist dictates verbatim.  We have already let the infringements go way too far and for far too long in our quest to live peaceable lives.
Continue reading “Today Obama will tell American Patriots to Lock and Load”

The alleged parents of the alleged Sandy Hook shooting victims came forth yesterday, front and center within the mainstream propaganda machine to declare what they want the rest of this nation to give up as a result of their alleged tragedy:  Universal background checks, and who could be against this?  Well, I for one can, as I understand that registration is a step in the procedure for confiscation.

Not that I believe anything in reference to Sandy Hook or that Adam Lanza killed anyone, but those guns were registered and there had been a background check.
Continue reading “The Communists are in Fear of What They have Unleashed”

The soviet socialists have put forth every suggestion as to what they might attempt in furthering their advance towards the disarmament of we American nationals and I don’t think they are liking our response.  The futility of lying about our numbers has become obvious as the mainstream propagandists are being forced to admit that the more talk there is of confiscation, the more we Americans are arming, equipping, and preparing to resist any further incursions upon our God given rights.

The speculation on what might be proposed ran completely wild last week and I believe this was the intent, as the goal has been to gauge our response to ascertain as to where we have drawn our line.  The fact is every assertion of gun control put forth by the communists is causing that line to be pushed forward by we American nationals to the point that we are not only forbidding any further acts of infringement, but indeed are demanding that all past infringements be removed.
Continue reading “Grab your Guns, Here come the Gun Grabbers”

With the failure of the propagandists to deceive the American public in reference to the effects of guns on violent crime, they are indicating a new direction toward confiscation.  From the Alex Jones rant to the YouTube video with James Yeager in a fit of madness threatening to start murdering upon passage of confiscation laws, there is a clear shift of emphasis from the danger of the weapon to the danger of the person wielding it.  The argument being put forth from the psychiatric angle is as flawed as the argument that says that the guns are the problem, in fact to the point of suggesting thought control as an angle of attack.

As every mass shooter has been under the influence of mind altering, commie psychiatrist prescribed drugs, the question must be addressed.  Were the drugs a consequence of a psychosis or is the psychosis a consequence of the drug?
Continue reading “Gun Safety via Mind Control”

It has been a couple of months now since I heard one of these communists on the Communist News Network put out the word to his comrades to implement doublespeak to precipitate the attack on our unalienable, cannot be infringed upon, 2nd Amendment right.  I wish I would have written this fellow’s name down, but I didn’t.  This is what he said, “We have to quit saying ‘gun control’ and replace that term with ‘gun safety’”.

This being said in the last few days I have seen this Orwellian tactic being implemented within the propaganda machine.  Now we are not talking about gun control legislation but rather gun safety legislation.  An infringement by any other name is still an infringement but the strategy being implemented is clear in its intent.
Continue reading “Communists Introduce 2nd Amendment Infringements via Doublespeak”

The propaganda machine is probing every orifice looking for a point of entry as we American nationals stand in determination that the infringements upon our Bill of Rights are going to stop forthwith.  The communists on MSNBC are all but breaking down into a titsy fit as they admit that their 2nd Amendment infringements cannot pass through any legitimate constitutional process.

They have taken to telling the most blatant lies, saying 75% want high capacity magazines banned.  Oh yeah, we are going to believe that with a million high capacity clips on back order with just one company.  And in reality this is what is killing the propaganda as the gun, clip, and ammo sale numbers cannot be distorted through lies based on fabricated percentages.  The only poll that has been accomplished in reference to further infringement on our 2nd Amendment says 74% are stating emphatically, “No more”.
Continue reading “A Message to the Communist Insurgency on Gun Control – ‘Give it a Go’”

The stage was set at the Communist News Network for Round 2 of Piers Morgan vs Larry Pratt. Morgan, being the lobster back commie imbecile he is, showed up at this battle of wits completely unarmed.  On the other hand, Larry Pratt, representing the best in our people, was loaded for bear, pun absolutely intended.

Mr. Pratt had obviously studied Piers Morgan’s one dimensional style which involves turning a phrase to twist the truth.  Pratt hammered Morgan with fact after fact that dismissed Morgan’s position built upon lies as it was established that Britain has indeed become one of the most violent first world nations in the world since gun bans have been instituted there and, per capita in comparison, the United States is in reality an armed Utopia.
Continue reading “Larry Pratt Retains his Title in Round Two, K O-ing Piers Morgan yet again”

Whether you call it the alternative media or patriot communications, in the past year the grass roots has come back to claim the venue to the point of representing a threat to the alternate media empires that have been built around the ideals of freedom and liberty.  The patriot movement, like every other aspect of our wealth dominated society, is being corrupted as more and more of the big websites and broadcasts are holding back on the whole truth in an effort to protect the institutions they have created.

American patriots, being American patriots, more and more have stepped up to fill the void, and in presenting the uncompromised whole truth, have become a threat to the alternate news media empires.
Continue reading “Will Alex Jones Lead us to Victory?”

In signing the 2013 NDAA, the soviet socialist insurgency began censorship of the airwaves, another legislative attack on our Bill of Rights.  This is the communists deciding what information we American nationals will have access to.  Press TV is an Iranian news source and has been removed from US airwaves because it is anti-Zionist, which paves the way for sites like From the Trenches World Report to be removed from the internet because we are anti-communist, anti-Zionist, and anti-soviet insurgency into the United States.

This is an absolute attack on our 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press.  This is a group of communists in Washington DC declaring that the world view of the Iranians will be silenced, as it stands in opposition to the world view of their Zionist masters.  Think about the arrogance in telling American adults that they cannot listen to what Iranian adults have to say, while simultaneously introducing ten pieces of legislation, which represent, by definition, ten more infringements upon our unalienable 2nd Amendment right.
Continue reading “Get Ready for the Communist Full Court Press”

Georgetown Law Professor, Louis Michael Seidman, is openly advocating for removal of the Constitution of the United States of America.  Montana State Representative Jerry O’Neil is advocating adding to the Amendments in the Constitution in order to strengthen our national sovereignty and gun rights.  Senator Dianne Feinstein has openly stated that she would enact total bans on firearms to be followed by confiscation.  And New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg makes no secret of the fact that he would see the American people completely disarmed and even told what they can eat and drink by the government.

Literally every day we are hearing those who have taken an oath to protect and defend our Constitution attacking our liberties and freedoms contained therein.  They are asking questions like, “How much personal privacy should we as individuals have to surrender to the collective they represent?” and “Should nativity scenes and crosses across our land be removed?” as more and more Masonic imagery is being thrown in our faces, “What shall be considered hate speech and thus be forbidden under pain of punishment?” and “Should they be allowed to remove websites that challenge government authoritarianism?”
Continue reading “Communist Party in the United States Openly Advocating Insurrection”

The unemployment rate remained at 7.8% for the month of December.  The December job growth by sector went as follows:

Construction was up by 30,000 jobs.  This would consist of illegal aliens rebuilding the East Coast after Superstorm Sandy at substandard wages with no benefits.  And of course we the taxpayers will be picking up the tab, so where is the gain?

Next we had health care up by 45,000.  This would be new private contractors to administer Obamacare to be paid for by we the taxpayers.  No gain.

Food service was up by 38,000.  This one I simply do not believe as it is my personal experience, which is bolstered by the reality of diminished Christmas sales that expendable income is disappearing with the devaluation of the dollar.
Continue reading “Arrogance, Deceit, and Lies make up December’s Job Report”

Well the 113th Congress is convened, let the treachery begin.  All the new Senators and Congressmen were sworn in yesterday.  I assume that entails an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  I wonder how many minutes, hell seconds, passed before the first violation occurred.

New jobless claims came in at 372,000 for the week and not so much as a mention of this ongoing catastrophe.  However there was a lot of talk about immigration reform and gun control.  I guess this shows where the communist agenda lies.
Continue reading “Time to Cut to the Chase – You are either for us or agin us”

Mainstream propaganda has jettisoned back into the idiocy in an attempt to pull our minds away from the treachery of a fraudulent election and its end result, the status quo theft of America into the future.  We are going on five years now of “We need to address the problem of jobs” and rather than hear an opposing view from either side of the false left-right paradigm, both are quite content to allow the lie of a 7.9% unemployment rate to stand.

We have gone over this many times but in the interest of keeping the record straight, we continue to lose more net jobs in America, day by day, through NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT.  Those of us still working continue to pay cash to international corporations based in the United States to move the jobs of our brothers and sisters out of this country.
Continue reading “The BS Mainstream and the Lull before the Storm”

The fiscal cliff has been avoided.  The legislation was signed apparently in the middle of the night, which is when con men and thieves are at their best.  It is truly sickening watching the praise being heaped on the traitors in Washington for twisting the knife they have buried in our collective back.  Of course everyone understands what is really going on here, which is another stalling tactic.  The con man Barry Soetoro threw just enough money to his insurgent forces on the ground to keep them engaged in the theft of America.

The legislation raises taxes on those making $400,000 for a single person or $450,000 for a couple.  Perfect.  Perfect.  Considering the destroyed dollar, this puts what little is left of privately owned small businesses in the United States smack dab in the cross hairs.
Continue reading “Fiscal Cliff Legislation Passed – The Great Con Goes On”

The mainstream is reporting that the fiscal cliff has been averted via a Senate proposal that will be considered in the House of Representatives on this New Years Day.  Technically, if you buy into the BS, we went off the cliff at 12:01 Eastern time on New Year’s morning.  Just goes to show you how phony this whole fraud is.

Initial reports of the so called agreement purport that it will be passed in the Congress, but as the morning has worn on, doubts have risen.  And while we are looking at the right hand, the left hand is sticking it up our backsides with the enactment of the socialist Obamacare.  How much do they want to take from we the people?  Well that is an easy one.  The answer is everything we have.
Continue reading “The Real Debate on the Fiscal Cliff”