state of the unionThere will be a large anti-gun rally at the Capitol tonight.  It will be billed as the State of the Union Address.  I’m sure our founding fathers will be rolling over in their graves, as the 2nd Article to our original Constitution is attacked by the international soviet socialist foreign insurgent Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago, back alley corporate mack daddy, to the cheers of the communists that Michele Obama AKA Michele Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat’s ole lady gave tickets to so that they could attend the treason orgy.

What these bastards are doing is a crime and if the people’s law was being enforced, every one of them would be arrested as they are coming out the door and the video of this so called State of the Union Address would be all the prima fascia evidence needed to secure their conviction.  Whether we realize it or not, the Revolution is in full swing, as the communists are putting troops on the streets and drones in the sky. Continue reading “State of the Communist Insurrection Address Tonight”

chris dornerWe have yet to determine if Christopher Dorner is even so much as a presently alive person, as many aspects of the scenario being put forth in the mainstream propaganda simply just do not add up.  Considering the long list of sheriffs across the US declaring their support for our 2nd Amendment, could there be another angle?  When the lists of these constitutional sheriffs started enumerating exponentially with the full support of we American nationals, the communists attacked this reality by labeling the constitutional sheriffs as rogues who would go against the status quo authority.

Could the powers that be be so out of touch with reality as to have orchestrated this cop gone wild scenario without realizing the backlash which could occur?  Do they really think they can paint a picture wherein a rogue cop declaring moral authority to attack and murder, would also be believed to support infringements upon the rights of we the people?  A ‘good cop’, ‘bad cop’ all rolled into one with the idea being to establish the mainstream communist occupying police force as an acceptable alternative to chaos?  Continue reading “Chris Dorner and the Reality of the Situation”

weathermanSo we are now naming snow storms, just like we do hurricanes and tropical storms.  Super Snow Storm Nemo dropped up to three feet of snow on parts of the northeast.  States of emergencies, evacuations, and road closures…what a crock of shit.  Now that there is an identification label for each storm, I guess we will have a flood of applications for federal assistance every time a flake of snow hits the ground.

The weather used to be something we talked about when we had run out of words and boredom had set in.  Now the winter Gulf Stream is being dramatized and analyzed ad nauseum, using words like, “epic” and “catastrophic”.  This whole dramatization of the weather is not but a tactic being used to redistribute more wealth from the rest of the country to the communist controlled east coast.  Continue reading “Oh No! Super Snow Storm Nemo!”

false flagFront and center in the present propaganda is one Chris Dorner, an ex-LAPD officer who is accused of going on a murderous rampage and is said to still be at large.  After much evaluation and thought, a consensus is building to support the assertion of yet another false flag.

Chris Dorner is portrayed as a very capable aggressor who just retired as a captain from the Naval Reserve with credentials in both land and underwater warfare.  However there are many discrepancies surfacing as the situation remains fluid. Continue reading “LAPD Manhunt – Another False Flag?”

drone-hellfireThere is an old saying, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit” and at present we are seeing a bullshit blitz coming out of the mainstream propaganda machine.  The top priorities for the insurgents, after running on a platform for jobs, jobs, jobs, is now focused on gun control and the legalization of 80 million illegal aliens.

The United States insurgent government is funneling arms to Al Qaeda in Syria to precipitate the overthrow of that country’s government, while at the same time we are spending billions building an army within our own borders to fight Al Qaeda here in the good old USA…right. Continue reading “Conversation on Government Assassination on US Citizens”

un small arms treatyOn July 27, 2012, negotiations on the United Nations Small Arms Treaty fell apart with member nations placing the blame for the failure directly upon the United States, with US Senators stating that the treaty would lead to new gun restrictions in the United States which would be constitutionally unacceptable, including but not limited to registration of ammunition, which at the time, just seven months ago, was considered to be impossible.

Interestingly, just prior to this get together, on July 20, 2012, we had the false flag in Aurora, Colorado, with a propaganda campaign coming out of it centering on online purchases of ammunition, AR-15s, and large capacity clips.   Of course we all know we the people saw Aurora for what it was and began purchasing guns and ammunition double time. Continue reading “UN Small Arms Treaty to be Enacted in the United States before it is Signed”

chris kyleFormer Navy Seal Chris Kyle, noted for his book, “American Sniper” wherein he claims to have whipped Jesse Ventura in a bar fight, was shot in the back by a deranged vet, Eddie Ray Routh, at a Texas gun range.  Chad Littlefield was also killed in the shooting.  Reportedly Chris Kyle was counseling this deranged vet who was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and, as a part of his treatment, was taken to the gun range.  For what, to fire off some guns in an attempt to trigger a flashback, where thereafter the three would sit down and talk about it?

This stinks to high heaven.  Chris Kyle was adamantly pro 2nd Amendment.  He also had deep ties within the government, as he had, as a Navy Seal, procured and executed 150 assassination contracts for the international corporate mafia.  The assertions being put forth in the propaganda coming out on this incident indicate it is going to be used to disarm war vets.  Continue reading “Gun Ownership, A Mental Disease”

gandhiThere is a lot of talk out here in cyberspace, with some putting forth the notion that our Republic can be restored without having to fight.  Every American national is absolutely entitled to their opinion, but I would put forth the following.  For the past twenty years, a majority of our people have been living within the delusion that we the people were in control of our government via the ballot box and the jury box, and this quite simply was not true, as our courts had been taken over and our elections defrauded.

Twenty years ago, when those of us who were paying attention pointed these facts out, we were called conspiracy theorists.  And of course there were those very self important people who were so much more intelligent than we, who not only refused to acknowledge what was then obvious and take measures to correct, but actually perpetuated the problem via their empty minded, thoughtless participation.  Continue reading “The Passive Resistance Pipe Dream”

piggyBankThe Organic Prepper – by Daisy Luther

People all over the globe are struggling right now to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.  For some, these tips will not be helpful because their situation has become so dire.  For the rest of us, though, there are many places that we can cut the budget in order to put aside money to prepare.  If you are spending money on any of these things and claiming that you can’t afford to prep, I’m calling “Baloney Sandwich” on that today.

You may not want to make changes.  You may not want to sacrifice your little luxuries.  You may feel like you “deserve” them or that you have “earned” them. Continue reading “Tough Love: You DO Have Enough Money to Prep”

israeli jetsIsrael, without provocation, attacked the sovereign country of Syria Wednesday, in violation of international law.   But of course Israel doesn’t give one little damn about international law, no more than the dual citizen Israeli-Americans who have infiltrated our government care about our constitutional law.  Israel is rogue and arrogant to a fault and they care not if their actions might cause the deaths of millions or even billions.

We American sovereigns who understand the evils of Zionism would not care if Israel was completely destroyed, but then I guess that is why the Zionists feel we must be disarmed and subjugated.  Continue reading “Israeli Attack on Syria – Naked Aggression”

gdp‘The experts did not see it coming.’  Now, where have we heard this before?  Apparently the economy in the United States shrank the last quarter of 2012.  From July through September a 3.1% gain was reported.  Remember, this was the beginning of our new boom coming up on the 2012 election.  And then in the 4th quarter, BAM!, we had a negative growth of 0.1%.

Now what is wrong with this picture?  Well, coming up on the election, we hanging out here in reality tried to tell you that the GDP numbers being put out were a lie just like the unemployment numbers are a lie.  Then at that the end of the 4th quarter, the books had to be balanced.  The 4th quarter consists of October through December, you know, our harvest and Christmas season, the best our economy gets all year.  Continue reading “4th Quarter GDP Numbers In – And the Depression Continues”

gang of eightThe so called “Gang of Eight” has put forth their agenda for legalization of 11.2 million illegal aliens.  We have mentioned in the past that the illegal invasion we are seeing from the south is in reality an attempt to replace our workforce here in the US with third world peasants and this latest proposal is just another step down that road.

There are 100 million American nationals out of work, in all reality, displaced, as the majority are baby boomers who were culled right when they had reached the top of their pay grade.   These 100 million American nationals have been swept under the rug by the mainstream propaganda machine.  Those 11 million illegals are in reality 110 million that are to displace us.  Continue reading “Communist Insurgency Gearing up for March”

manufacturingCommunist infiltrators in the United States will continue to push their grass roots campaign to intimidate the people’s so called representatives into supporting their push for gun confiscation and they will succeed if the silent majority is silent.  We must meet this threat head on and use our overwhelming numbers to shout these traitors down.

We also must call the gun manufacturers in the United States to account for their actions in aiding this foreign insurgency by cutting back on manufacture and sales of guns and ammunition to we the people.   We cannot forget that the big manufacturers are a part of the industrial war complex and sell their products all over the world.  Continue reading “Unemployed Americans – Want a job?”

commie marchThe communists began their new campaign for gun confiscation yesterday, assembling at the Washington Mall for a silent march down Constitution Avenue.  How ironic.  Of course this so called protest was sanctioned by the soviet insurgent government.  No billy clubs and tear gas for these traitors and only positive coverage in the mainstream propaganda machine.

Imagine a march centered on a desire to diminish our 2nd Amendment.  The United States is a Republic and our people’s Bill of Rights absolutely cannot be altered by anyone within any of the three branches of government, as our Bill of Rights represents our power as individuals.  Our rights are inalienable and hence the power they represent is absolute without exception or infringement.  Continue reading “Communists Converge on Washington Mall for Gun Confiscation”

chris matthewsThe mainstream propaganda machine, having lost all credibility and being completely dismissed via the alternative media, has pulled an old tool out of the box in what appears to be an attempt to counter the facts that have caused the great awakening of the American people – the infamous ‘conspiracy theory’ theory.

If I reject the mainstream propaganda, say in an instance like Sandy Hook wherein there was one shooter, there were two shooters, no there were three shooters, no there was just one shooter, there was a purple van with the back window shot out and the fellow driving it was arrested in a nearby town, no, no, that is not right, there was just one shooter with two handguns, no, four handguns, no, no it was a Bushmaster .223, but no, that gun was out in the car, no it wasn’t, yes it was, stay tuned and the State Police Sergeant will give you the official story and tell you that to say anything to the contrary on social media will result in your arrest, but wait, wasn’t Brian Lanza the shooter?, no, that was yesterday, today it is Adam Lanza who had Brian Lanza’s identification, I guess his driver license didn’t have a picture, but wait, he hadn’t seen his brother in three years, and what about those nuns?, what happened to the nuns?, I am so confused, I don’t know what to believe, I don’t know if anything happened, and if it did, I don’t know what it was, I am a conspiracy theorist.  Continue reading “Chris Matthews Speaks out on Conspiracy Theories”

California communist Diane Feinstein proposed 150 new infringements upon the absolute, inalienable, cannot be infringed upon 2nd Amendment right of we the American nationals.  Then, to add insult to injury, she proposed more tax money to the ATF goons for the enforcement of the 150 infringements.

It is good to see the people somewhat awake in that they have begun to identify the infringements, not as reasonable law and/or policy, not as gun control or gun safety, but as what they are – infringements.

The Bill of Rights is the people’s law, not to be confused with the Uniform Commercial Code which is the government’s law.  The inalienable rights described in our Bill of Rights are the people’s rights, not the government’s.  And government employees cannot so much as discuss our rights/law in any coalition with their law.   Their law and our law can in no way be adjoined as they are opposed in subject matter.  Continue reading “The Common Law Cause for the Revolution”

Israeli King Benjamin Netanyahu narrowly won reelection to his post as Prime Minister.  Benny had planned a hard right wing regime with an emphasis on further settlements upon the lands of the Palestinians.  It is being said now, however, that he will have a tough row to hoe in implementing his plan.  Could it be that the people of Israel have seen the writing on the wall and realized that Benny is and has been leading them into extremely dangerous waters?

It has actually been quite quiet here in the United States in reference to Israel as of late.  Could it be that a part of the awakening that has led to one consecutive month after another of record gun and ammunition sales includes the realization as to what Zionism is? Continue reading “Netanyahu on the Ropes Following Israeli Election”

The Presidential Inauguration went off like a coronation for a king.  $300 million spent on this bullshit pomp and circumstance as 100 million Americans remain unemployed or under-employed.  $300 million, as former middle class families are living in tent cities or storm drains.  $300 million, as 46 million Americans live in abject poverty.  We have truly reached the level of the aristocratic gluttony that preceded the French Revolution.

Our nation’s law was satisfied on Sunday when Obama and Biden took their oath of office and this should have been enough, especially considering the fact that the 2012 election consisted of 110% fraud and in no way represented the will of we the people.  It should have been way more than enough, considering the fact that Obama and Biden should have been impeached, arrested, and prosecuted years ago.
Continue reading “Obama’s Inauguration – A Dictator is Crowned”

By the end of this day, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat the south side of Chicago back alley treasonous insurgent pimp will have placed his hand upon the Bible and sworn to protect and defend the Constitution for the United States, not once, not twice, but three times.  Obama should be in a federal prison, awaiting trial on charges of insurgency and espionage.  The oath of office has become a running joke and the fact that the Bible has not been removed from the ceremony is only due to the communists’ desire to blaspheme it via swearing lies upon it.

This creature who again took the oath today is one of the greatest enemies the people’s Bill of Rights has ever known.  He is a puppet dictator for the new world order, nothing more, nothing less.
Continue reading “Obama Swears to Yet Another Lie Threefold”

The Lone Star Watchdog – by The Watchdog

The debate of gun control is a psi-op because they want to trick us into voluntarily disarming ourselves over the reason of dead children in Newtown Ct. They will call gun owners racist, members of the Klu Klux Klan. They are trying to designate people who want guns for self-protection mentally ill. They try to pull out of thin air new mental illnesses of people questioning illegal authority being mentally ill, unfit to own a gun with no due process. They are pulling out all stops to disarm us by deception and propaganda.
Continue reading “The Reason Why the Gun Control Crowd are Very Loud is Because They are Very Weak”