The fiscal cliff, austerity by any other name, this which is being sold to us as a pretense of dissent, is in reality not but disagreement as to what is the safest path to take in upping the theft of the American nation.  Talking about stealing something from someone is a whole lot different than actually committing the act, just as having someone say they are going to take your property is a whole lot different than actually enduring it.

The fraudulent argument of a debt owed by we the people is just a smoke screen.  I mean, what are we talking about here, $800 billion in cuts and or $1.2 trillion in tax increases?  How about a dose of reality?  Under QE3 and stimulus from August through December, 2012, $600 billion has been borrowed in our grandchildren’s name and given over to the international banksters in trade for more toxic derivatives.
Continue reading “Three Card Monte at Gunpoint”

There is a big fuss being made over Russian President Vladimir Putin banning further adoptions of Russian children by Americans.  Putin’s act is said to be in retaliation for the United States passing legislation condemning alleged human rights violations by the Russian government.

In the first place, the American Zionists display a yard of guts in condemning anyone for human rights violations, considering the fact that the Bush regime that committed genocide on the people of Iraq is being harbored and protected here in the United States.

We have seen a lot of coverage on this issue with a thousand US couples whimpering and whining because they will not be allowed to complete their adoptions of Russian children.  This country belongs to all American nationals and I don’t recall giving my permission to take from my grandchildren to give to any other children anywhere in the world.
Continue reading “Vladimir Putin Puts the Halt to US Adoptions of Russian Children, and I Don’t Care”

There has been a lot of debate back and forth about the publishing of the addresses of registered gun owners in New York by The Journal News.  The mainstream propagandists have latched onto this exhibitionism in an attempt to keep the issue of guns front and center in the mainstream.  They are putting forth the question, should the newspaper be allowed to publish the names?  And of course the counter question, should bloggers be allowed to publish the names of those who publish the names?

Divide, divide, divide.  All are missing the muddy elephant in the middle of the living room, which is the map pointing out the residents containing the registered handguns.  This is New York where it is hard to get a concealed carry permit, yet look at the map.  And remember, these are just the people who have concealed carry permits and handguns.  How many more have long guns?
Continue reading “American Patriots – A Fringe Element?”

The false flag in Connecticut has faded into the back pages as the events surrounding the incident have been shown to indicate yet another false flag without question.  Now the communists who want we American nationals disarmed so they can murder us and take our property will try to launch gun confiscation with but the flimsiest of toeholds.

They tout percentages in the high 60s and 70s of NRA members who support further gun restrictions.  What they do not say but what we all well know is that the NRA only represents 4 million of the 180 million gun owners in this country.  And as for their polls, I’m sure the communists have infiltrated the NRA at the grass roots as all this feat requires is to sign up and pay a fee.
Continue reading “Record Gun Sales as the Soviet Socialist Insurgency Falters”

Another Christmas Eve and another taxpayer financed luxurious Hawaiian vacation for the traitor Obama and his family.  As poor children in America shiver, hungry in the cold, the Obamas will be eating the finest cuisine and basking on a sandy beach.  As the children of American nationals, who can trace their lineage back to the colonies, sleep in tents and in storm drains, Obama’s brats will enjoy room service on a silver platter.

This is the stuff that revolutions are made of.  Our founding fathers warned that unless we were diligent and kept close guard of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, we would wind up homeless on the continent our forefathers conquered.  But how could they have ever envisioned a foreigner occupying the White House and under the control of an international elite hell bent on the enslavement of the American people?
Continue reading “Christmas 2012 – The Stuff that Revolutions are made of”

A new Fox Poll out says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s job performance is rated as follows: 59% approve, 29% disapprove, and 12% are unsure.  This, as Hillary is playing hooky from the Congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack that left a US ambassador and his body guards dead.

This is a classic example of propaganda polling to bolster the image of one of these criminals when they find themselves in a compromising position.  These polls are the bullshit of all bullshit.  The label says the poll was conducted December 9th through the 11th with the question presented to 1,012 registered voters with a margin of error of + or – 3%.  Bull, bull, bull, bullshit.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton, America’s Darling”

In an event every bit as staged as the Sandy Hook shooting, NRA Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, called for a government police officer in every school as a foundation for a full blown police state to be implemented through the nation’s public schools. This is the NRA’s answer to ending gun violence in the United States, with NRA members as proposed participants to make the police state seem like an evil implemented via the consent of we the people.

LaPierre went on to blame violent video games and offer the NRA’s support for censorship, which no doubt will be designed to lead straight to the internet and control thereof.  LaPeirre made no mention of the pharmaceutical industry and its mind altering drugs that have been crammed down the throats of a whole generation of Americans, literally from the time they could walk, right up to the day they lose their minds.
Continue reading “NRA Proposes a Police State in Response to Sandy Hook Massacre”

After being thoroughly thrashed by Larry Pratt (President of Gun Owners of America) on Tuesday night, Piers Morgan returned on Wednesday surrounded by his communist brothers and sisters, allowing only a couple of stooges from the controlled opposition to attend what he billed as a debate.

Morgan has only been in this country for seven years but declares himself the champion for the abolishment of our 2nd Amendment.  Morgan is an agent of the Queen of England, a Tory who should be arrested immediately and charged with agitating for insurrection and overthrow of the Republic of the united States of the Americas.
Continue reading “Piers Morgan Charged with Conspiracy to Insurrection against the Republic of the United States”

Kathy sent me the following report and with her permission I am posting it.

There has been a rumor and now confirmed this morning by “the media” if you can call them that!

There was one little girl in the class that was totally executed that was not shot at all.  She was covered in the blood of her classmates and she PLAYED DEAD!  She came out alive.
Continue reading “Report from Kathy in Newtown, Connecticut”

The Connecticut False Flag Gun Confiscation Production is being crammed right back down the throats of the communists before they can even get it regurgitated.  Gun sales have spiked with records being set across the nation and what is the number one top seller?  That is right, assault rifles.  Once again, the communists’ plot has backfired and they are seething.

The low life scum bag sleaze weasel commie puke, Piers Morgan, had his pompous ass handed to him by Larry Pratt, President of Gun Owners of America, the true advocates of we American nationals.  Morgan was left looking almost as pathetically stupid as he actually is as Pratt sited the statistics that show that gun control produces nothing more than a monopoly on guns for criminals and leaves honest folk without self defense.  By the end of the interview, Morgan was reduced to childishly trying to insult Larry Pratt, which only made him look smaller, if that is at all possible.
Continue reading “US Nationals Identify 2nd Amendment Traitors Within”

The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut is now being morphed into a straight up battle over gun confiscation between the socialists and the NRA…..the gun grabbers wish.   We American nationals count on the NRA about as far as the littlest one among us can throw Mount Rushmore.  The NRA is packed with traitors and represents nothing more than controlled opposition, with the elitists therein more than willing to sell out our 2nd Amendment for an elevated status of privilege.

This from the New York Times:
Continue reading “Sandy Hook Communist False Flag Falling Apart at the Seams”

The communists this week will ramp up their efforts to begin gun confiscations in the US.  The propaganda put forth is beginning to become obscene as each child allegedly shot in the Connecticut elementary school is being brought into every living room via the brainwashing box for the purpose of making the deaths a personal tragedy for every American.

No one can say for sure what happened at that grade school as the cover up of the cover ups continues with each passing hour.  If 20 children were indeed killed, we should be outraged.  But these propagandists want to take that outrage and use it to destroy us.  They would put forth the contention that 20 innocent children have been killed; therefore we should take the guns of everybody who had nothing to do with the killings reasoning that there will be no further killings.  Does this mean that these black op spooks will stop killing our children if we surrender our arms and are threatening to continue to do so if we do not?
Continue reading “When is Child Murder Wrong?”

In the old Soviet Union one method the communists used to put down political dissent was official oppression under the guise of mental health.  If you were the kind of person who could find fault with the communist regime, you were considered mentally deranged.  The state would take you into custody and send you to a facility for reeducation, which consisted of a cocktail of mind altering drugs, electroshock treatment, and the occasional torture session.  When you left the facility specifically designed to correct your mental deficiency, you once again believed in the communist ideals and could not speak out against the government as you could not get the words past your numb tongue and the drool running out of your mouth.

The communist insurgency within the United States, following the school shooting in Connecticut, are on the bandwagon calling for massive new powers within their government psychiatric cabal.
Continue reading “Anyone Who Doesn’t Love the Dictator Obama is Crazy”

On Friday, December 14, 2012, Bill of Rights Day as proclaimed by Barack Obama, the false flag school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut was perpetrated to launch another US communist gun confiscation program.  So what actually happened at that elementary school?  Well, just like the Clackamas, Oregon mall false flag, the Aurora, Colorado theater false flag, the Tucson, Arizona false flag, and the 911 false flag we will never know as these are all internal black ops, which are designed to leave the population in a permanent state of confusion.

In this day of high tech surveillance with government controlled cameras looking at us and documenting our actions everywhere we go, there always seems to be a breakdown when it comes to government sponsored terrorism.
Continue reading “Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting is a False Flag Black Op Push for Gun Confiscation”

Marine Vet, Jon Hammer, of south Florida was arrested back in August by the corrupt Mexican government.  Hammer was headed to Costa Rica to go surfing.  He had recently received an antique shotgun which belonged to his great-grandfather and he apparently intended on doing some hunting as a part of his vacation.

The shotgun was declared and cleared by US Customs before he crossed the border but of course the Mexican Customs just on the other side seized Hammer’s gun and arrested him, saying his antique shotgun was a military weapon.  It has since been acknowledged that the shotgun was not on the so called forbidden list in Mexico, yet Hammer remains detained, telling his parents via phone conversations that he is chained to a bed.
Continue reading “US Marine Corps is being Punked by Mexico”

In the relentless attempt to get the United States in yet another foreign war, the propagandists reported Wednesday that Syrian President Assad’s military fired scud missiles at insurgent rebels.  And, as if using the word “scud” was not bad enough, it was revealed that the evil monster Assad actually, in violation of international law, used incendiary bombs.  You know, that nasty phosphorous that gets on a person and burns right through their body parts and into the ground.  Anyone who would use such a devise on a civilian populous should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Oh wait, wait, wait.  I did, I mean I didn’t mean that.  If the US actually enforced such a standard, they would have to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu and prosecute him and his subordinates who followed his orders.  Because for many years Benny has been dropping phosphorous cluster bombs on the innocent Palestinian men, women, and children who live on the Gaza Strip, where they are actually penned up to make it easier for the Israelis to bomb them and there is nowhere to run.
Continue reading “Cluster Bombs and Scud Missiles – Is Assad Guilty of War Crimes?”