Gas prices are expected to fall through December as there is a glut of crude and petroleum products on the market.  This is the canary in the coal mine and he just fell off the perch, deader than a wedge.  The reason gas is going down is because the buying power of the dollar is going down and people are only buying what they have to to survive.

You will not see this effect on food or electricity as these products are always bought, just to meet the need.  In fact these prices will continue to rise as this is the only way the parasites have to suck more wealth out of we the people through their extortion racket.

Some will say, “But home prices are going up”, and this is the other canary in the coal mine as foreigners are cashing in their fiat dollars in buying up US real estate.
Continue reading “A Canary in a Coal Mine in a Galaxy Far Far Away”

The propaganda machine continues to run in an ever shrinking loop, which is contributing to a mass awakening as memory span is becoming less essential to that end.  Last week was spent perpetuating the lie of a jobs recovery and this week will be spent in demonizing those who have lost everything as a result of the socialist insurgency and the international frauds.  To get the ball rolling Fox Business put forth a whole panel of elitists to attack the unemployed and the basic work ethic here in our country.

It is a fact that our middle class continues to shrink as more and more working poor are being thrust into the deepest depth of poverty.  There is and has for a long time been an open and out front continuing effort to drive the standard of living for 90% of us down, while the other 10% bury themselves in wealth and luxury.
Continue reading “Mainstream Media Loop Back to Blaming the Victims”

Well it is finally time for the lame duck Congress to get busy and of course their number one concern will be legislation for jobs.  Not hardly.  Apparently the issue most pressing and in need of resolve is the legalization of millions more illegal aliens.

Via the invasion across our southern border, the insurgency has accumulated and infiltrated to the extent that the crime it represents is compounded to the point that this treasonous insurgent government is putting forth the assertion that the new illegals must be made legal or the old illegals will punish all those who will not cooperate by voting them out of office.  This is yet another display of the absolute absence of any constitutional law in the US.
Continue reading “Are the Insurgents in the US Government Growing Bold or Desperate?”

73% of all jobs created in the last five months, it turns out, are government jobs, which is to say more taxpayer funded parasites.  The neo-cons continue to demand that entitlements be cut.  Do the people really understand how this scam works?  Under the presidency of Bill Clinton, we were brought under the block grant system, which in effect has turned all of our governmental functions over to private corporations.  These individuals and collectives have taken over all public funds.

Prior to the grant system, money allocations came from Congress.  These monies were sent to states, counties, and city municipalities.  Each allocation came with a set of federal regulations, detailing how the monies were to be spent.  Of course, the monies were dispensed by government officials at every level and the federal regulations commanded that every citizen’s constitutional rights be guaranteed in the distribution.
Continue reading “621,000 New Government Parasites Created in the Last Five Months”

146,000 jobs were added to the US economy in November.  The unemployment rate drops to 7.7%.  It is a fiscal boom.  BUUULLLSHIITT!  This is unreality.  All the economists were expecting the unemployment rate to rise above 8% and to see a massive effect thereon by Superstorm Sandy.  Apparently, it does not matter anymore if the lie is blatant on its face, so long as the $85 billion per month of QE 3 and QE 4 continues to be borrowed in the name of the American people and handed over to the banksters.

Fox News’ Phil Flynn, reporting from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange said and I quote, “I’ve got to go with what they give me, whether I believe it or not.”
Continue reading “The Unemployment Rate Drops to 7.7% – Is There any Lie too Outrageous to Assert?”

A government of, for, and by the people.  Where did we lose sight of this simple concept?  We are like children setting out in the hall listening to our parents discuss our fiscal situation and our future.  If you cannot see the contempt our so called public servants openly have for us, you are blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other.

CEOs are invited to the White House to discuss tax hikes on the poor and middle class.  Hell, foreign governments are invited to the White House to discuss US expenditures.  The pretense of an employee/employer relationship between we the people and what is supposed to be our government is long past dispelled.
Continue reading “The Fiscal Cliff – An Ant Strong Arming an Elephant”

We have often written advocating for American nationals to shut down the ports in the United States in order to stop the flow of our natural resources from our country and stop the theft thereof.  That this strategy would be effective cannot be questioned.  The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63 has brought two of the biggest ports in the US to a virtual halt.

The workers are striking because upon their retirements their jobs are to be outsourced to other countries.
Continue reading “What do the Strikes at the Los Angeles and Long Beach Ports Offer US Nationals?”

There are over 7 billion people on Planet Earth and if one were to judge the condition thereof by the reporting in the mainstream, it would appear that there are four or five things going on in the United States that seem to be unchanging in their essence and the rest of the world is frozen in time.  The looming fiscal cliff, which has come up on and off as the main story in our news for the past three years, the Susan Rice/Benghazi scandal, and the drama in the Piddle East are being shoved down our throats ad nauseum.  The propaganda machine seems to be attempting to hold us in a one week loop until we break down and accept the idea of austerity as a fate accompli that in reality has yet to occur.

Are billions of dollars going to be taken out of our economy?  Oh yes.  Is this revenue going to come from those who can least afford it?  Oh, hell yes.  But between the idea and the reality lies the shadow, which is our acceptance of $50 trillion being stolen from us that we are now being told we must replace through our deprivation.
Continue reading “The Fiscal Cliff Propaganda Loop”

The looming fiscal cliff, Obama playing politics with the economy and showing anti-Israel tendencies in opposing strengthening sanctions on Iran, gun control, stimulus, deficit, debt, what are we missing here?  Come on, everyone knows.  The number one issue in the United States…  And we will not hear any more about jobs until the next election, which we are never going to make it to because our economy is going to crash right along with the dollar.

How stupid do these international soviet socialists think we are?  I’ll tell you a little something about jobs.  There are less every day as what is left of our industry continues to move to other countries.  What jobs are left are paying less every day as the American standard of living disintegrates and American workers are replaced with peasants from the third world.
Continue reading “What Happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs?”

That which we know as the United States was literally hacked out of a wilderness.  Through trial and error and the natural course of life, we developed procedures that caused the American nationals to excel in the creation of the most powerful nation to ever exist on the planet.  It was our liberty to think and communicate freely that propelled us to the top.  It was our clannish adherence to our founding principles and devotion to family that made us strong.  It was our abundance of natural resources and our access and control thereof that made us prosperous.

How could such a people ever be conquered?  Well, you would have to remove that which made us unconquerable and this is what the communists are working at.  While your average man or woman desires a peaceful life, minding his or her own business, living and letting live, the communists devote their whole miserable lives to agitation and perpetuation of their parasitic ideals.
Continue reading “Women’s Unnatural Role in Combat”

The UN voted yesterday to make Palestine an Independent Observer State. 138 members of the assembly, including many EU states, Russia, China, India and Brazil voted in favor of recognizing the Palestinians as a non-member observer state. Israel, the US, and seven other states, including Canada, the Marshall Islands and Panama, voted against the resolution. Forty-one nations, including the UK and Germany, abstained.

The Palestinians have been celebrating on the West Bank while Benjamin Netanyahu and his lapdog, Hillary Clinton, are refusing to recognize the new designation.  Now, there is a surprise.
Continue reading “Palestine Recognized – It is not Futile to Resist”

They are calling it the “Nuclear Option”.  Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, has proposed ending filibusters, which are an important tool in keeping the minority or the individual from being run over by the majority.  Once again I have heard the imposter Obama refer to my country as a democracy.  My country is not a democracy.  It is a republic wherein the rights of the individual trump the whims and wants of the majority.

This Nuclear Option is another attempted power grab by the Zion communists and, considering the dictatorship that has already been declared, it makes perfect sense.  Once the Senate has declared majority rule, I guess they can make any further rule changes they want, like doing away with the requirement for a two-thirds majority to override a veto.  Or maybe the two-thirds majority needed to ratify a treaty, like the UN Small Arms Treaty.
Continue reading “Will the Communists Exercise the Nuclear Option?”

President Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat the South Side of Chicago International Socialist Insurgent, having returned from touching base with his international communist co-conspirators in Asia, has went straight to work on the issues important to we American nationals, meeting yesterday at the White House with Mexico’s newly elected President, Pene Nieto, to discuss Mexico’s participation in US gun confiscation and implementation of the North American Union.

Conveniently, and almost as if on cue, headlines in the United States portrayed the violent murder of a Mexican mayor by the drug cartels and the fact that 50,000 Mexicans have been murdered  by the cartels in Mexico as a result of the Mexican drug wars and it is all the our fault, don’t you know.
Continue reading “Obama Plotting with his International Co-Conspirators – The Quiet before the Storm”

Consumer confidence is at 82% as Americans trample one another in the struggle to acquire the Chinese junk being retailed at the international franchise owned outlets in the US.  The consumer confidence number has to be the most incalculable calculated fraud ever to exist as a part of the propaganda machine.  And that is saying something.

Apparently this number is derived by measuring consumer spending in coalition with decreases in savings, hence the people are spending more and saving less because they are not worried about the future because the economy is recovering and happy days are here again.  This is taking the concept of making lemonade from lemons to new heights.
Continue reading “Consumer Confidence is Up – But Confidence in What?”

According to Fox News, labor unions are trying to kick US businesses while they are down.  This is of course referring to the Black Friday walkout of the Wal-Mart employees.  Number one, Wal-Mart employees are not unionized, and number two, to suggest that the multi-national franchise of Wal-Mart is being kicked while it is down is beyond ludicrous.

Wal-Mart, like the rest of the international franchises, has been making record profits all through this depression and prior to their destruction of millions of small businesses across our country, people who worked in department stores made a living wage.
Continue reading “Unions Kick International Corporations while they are Down”

A Palestinian man was shot to death Friday at the Israeli border in Southern Gaza and ten other Palestinians were wounded by Israeli soldiers.  And what was the just cause for the shooting?  The Palestinians came too close to a border fence and the Israelis feared they might get out.  A part of the agreement for the cease fire was to reestablish free travel for the Palestinians in and out of the Gaza Strip, yet another empty promise it would seem.

Let’s take a closer look at this incident.  A group of Palestinians approached a border fence being manned by Israeli soldiers.  Apparently, the Israelis have dictated that the Palestinians not only cannot cross the fence, but may not come within 30 feet of it.  I guess this is standard operating procedure for a concentration camp.
Continue reading “Israeli’s Right to Enforce its Borders must be Recognized”

It is Black Friday and reports say the goyim have shown up in mass to support their own destruction.  It is a tradition, don’t you know.  Just how twisted has our reality become when the merchants can turn the Christmas holiday into a one month sale that begins before the turkey in our stomachs has even had a chance to digest?

The people of America have become pathetic in their adherence to trend.  If you put a platter of dog shit at every shopping mall and the mainstream propagandists ran a two week campaign, asserting that whoever showed up to eat a spoonful would get a 30% discount on every item in the store, there would be a mad dash to see who could get there first.  Hell, people would be camping on the sidewalks for a week before the event to make sure they got their spoonful.
Continue reading “Black Friday – America Sold Out at a Discount”

The violence in the Middle East has escalated following the arrival of US Secretary of State Hillary, the baby blood drinker, Clinton.  It is being reported that a bus was bombed in Tel Aviv, injuring ten.  Israel has of course responded by deliberately targeting more civilians in Gaza, killing twenty-seven.

I guess the Israelis needed an event to somehow justify the mass murder they are committing.  You don’t think they would have the Mossad blow up a bus for that purpose, do you?

Hillary Clinton was also injured when Netanyahu bit off the end of her nose, which was inserted so far up his ass that it was protruding from his mouth.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Injured after Bus Bombing in Tel Aviv”

Israel has put a hold on its ground attack into Gaza, as a preemptory propaganda campaign has been launched in the face of mounting criticism of the Israeli warmongering.  It would seem many around the world, and most importantly here in the US, have awakened to the reality of Zion and wanton international murder.   Even the mainstream propagandists seem to be dropping hints to the Israelis and the essence that they were charged with war crimes the last time they invaded Gaza.

These statements fly directly in the face of the Zionist hypocrisy put forth yesterday in that the Israelis contended that the Palestinians are using their women and children as human shields in trying to convince we Americans that they are not purposefully targeting civilians.
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton, the Last Hope for the People in Gaza….Oh, oh”