It is now thirteen days since the election.  The affects of Superstorm Sandy are still omnipresent.  By proxy, the United States is involved in a couple of more wars in the Middle East as Israel opens fire on Gaza and Syria.  And let’s not forget the looming fiscal cliff.  Definitely a crisis on many fronts and where is our newly reelected leader?  Well, as predicted, he has jumped aboard his taxpayer funded air yacht and headed back home to Asia.  You know they love him over there.

Obama spoke to his people in Thailand yesterday, emphasizing the importance they represent in reference to the future of American jobs.  I guess they would be important seeing as how they will be getting those jobs as more of our industry is moved there.  Maybe they can make us some Twinkies.  Lord knows we need Twinkies.
Continue reading “Where in the World is Barack Obama?”

It would seem Hostess will be shutting down operations and going out of business, taking with it another 18,000 American jobs.  There is a lot of propaganda out there in regards as to who is to blame.  The neo-cons national socialists, of course, are blaming the soviet socialist unions for refusing to allow further pay cuts and benefit reductions for the workers.  The soviet socialists, of course, are blaming the national socialists, saying Hostess has been bought up by investment bankers who want to make its facilities into sweatshops.

The truth, I would think, is that the international socialist insurgency at the top does not care whether the company is run by slave labor consisting of US workers or slave labor consisting of foreign workers, just so long as more wealth, hence political power, is removed from American nationals.  And this is not taking the side of the unions because it can be added that the workers could have a lot more in an honest exchange of work for labor if they did not have to support the parasites in the power structure of the union.
Continue reading “Let’s Make a Better Twinkie and Save America”

The effort to divide we the American nationals one against the other had completely fallen apart following the completion of the fraudulent 2012 Election.  The fact that we are heavily armed is no secret and the mainstream in the alternate media had completely lost control of the patriot movement as the people realized that they were going to have to fight as individuals for their lives.

Then out of nowhere here comes the infamous secession petitions, spreading like wildfire across our country, leaving open the opportunity for the mainstream alternate media to create a new faction in an attempt to regain control over the entire movement.  And the ignorant and the cowardly took the bait like a starving catfish as the proclamation came forth, “Retreat, retreat, the state governments will save you if you just give them a chance, and you don’t even have to fight and die as the state is going to do that for you.”
Continue reading “Is the Secession Movement Real?”

The mainstream propaganda campaign for the day is so blatant in its intent as to be nauseating. Great fanfare is being made of the CIA soap opera, Operation Stinky Finger – Terror in Benghazi, as the genocide being committed on the people of Palestine is minimized to the point of insignificance.

It is almost laughable watching the propagandists attempting to sensationalize the Palestinians’ pathetic attempt to retaliate against the Israeli bombardments.  The reporter zeroes our attention in on the air raid siren in Tel Aviv as we wait for the explosion, which is a tiny pop about as loud as a fireworks mortar.
Continue reading “Israeli Zionists Lapping up the Blood of Palestinian Children”

The United Nations Security Council has called an emergency session to discuss the escalation of hostilities in Israel.  When I say Israel I actually mean Palestine but the fact is that except for a few reservations/concentration camps, Palestine is a conquered country.  The Israeli government, in an act of international murder, killed the chief of Hamas’ military wing, Ahmed Jabari in an airstrike on Gaza, Wednesday.

A total of 10 people were murdered, including Jabari.  Forty-five people are reported injured, 10 of them are in critical condition.  An 11-month-old and a 6-year-old girl were among the dead.  This attack was nothing short of an act of international terrorism.  Hamas is the government in Gaza and Jabari was the commander of the military for that government.
Continue reading “Israel Commits International Murder….. Again”

The mainstream propaganda machine, in an all out effort to put the fraudulent 2012 election as far in the past as they can, as fast as they can, has now turned to the ultra soap opera, As the World Turns Rome Burns and the United States Plunges off the Fiscal Cliff, using scenes right out of Peyton Place.  We have affairs and scandals right up into the highest echelons of the socialist insurgent elite.  And yes, it would seem General Petraeus has betrayed us.

Was it the CIA/Mossad hit in Benghazi or the cover-up thereof?  No, it was something much more devious.  This act comes right out of the Clinton Chronicles.  In an attempt to find out what “is” is, we have learned that US CIA Director General Petraeus has been playing stinky finger with a Washington DC socialite, which has the whole nation wondering, does he smoke cigars?
Continue reading “Goldfinger with a Twist – Starring General Betray-Us”

Twenty-one states petitioning to secede from the Union and it would seem a lot of Americans are signing on.  We must be very careful as we do not want a civil war but rather a Revolution for Restitution.  We cannot allow our goal to be obscured by multiple factions.  If every petition gets the required signatures and is afterwards refused, we cannot form a new country.

I believe the correct course would be to submit our Declaration of Independence as originally written, except to the point of defining that which we are separating ourselves from, which will require an understanding of the international socialist insurgency into our country by all those who intend to enforce the Declaration.  Otherwise, we will end up infiltrated once again as the truth for the cause of our Revolution fades into the obscurity of history.
Continue reading “Revolution for Restitution – We Don’t Need No Civil War”

So who will run for president in 2016?  The mainstream propaganda machine is pushing this question in a futile attempt to get we the people to grasp onto the illusion of hope as the status quo continues the theft of the raw resources of the United States, the idea being simply keeping we the people in a state of indecision.

There is a lot of talk indeed of what is to come in the future, designed to divert our attention from the catastrophe that is the present. Continue reading “Americans Must Let Go of the Status Quo”

The sleazy, treasonous, puss gutted, two bit, Zionist shill, Mike Huckabee stepped up front and center on Fox News Live yesterday, calling for new welfare reform.   The treacherous little monster, talking out of both sides of his mouth, indicated once again that those receiving government assistance needed to be put to task, for their own good of course.

What you will never hear the dirt bag Huckabee talk about are the corporate parasites, who are literally stealing the wealth of our nation, while Huckabee diverts attention away from their crimes in blaming the results thereof on the victims.
Continue reading “Mike Huckabee Damns the Poor”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CIA Director General David Petraeus , Attorney General Eric Holder, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and Press Secretary Jay Carney, the top echelon of the US criminal cabal, in just four short years have proven the unbridled power the international corporate mafia wields within the United States.  They have been so corrupt in fact that they all are getting ready to resign, which leads one to wonder if those who lost the contracting war, which was in reality the 2012 election, are preparing to take revenge through a rash of investigations.

So how does a soviet premier deal with such matters?  Well in the interests of the country and the people, he of course gives a blanket pardon to all his criminal underlings and declares them off limits to any questioning under the guise of national security.  Problem solved.
Continue reading “Obama Forms New Gang”

Israel’s King Netanyahu stepped up to assert once again that Israel will act on its own accord in attacking Iran.  Of course we all know that thanks to the traitors within our government any attack by Israel must be taken up immediately by the United States by law.

The stock market plunged another 121 points yesterday as every talking head making up the mainstream propaganda machine harped on the need to take immediate action to avert an economic collapse as a result of the so called fiscal cliff.  Coming up on the election we predicted on this site that the soviet socialist insurgency was running behind and that we expected to see things go from bad to worse in a hurry.  And here we are.
Continue reading “Step Up Socialists and Let the Contests Begin”

The die is cast.  It will be four more years of a push into communism.  Not that it really mattered which socialist was given the keys to the country.  This election was 110% fraud.  Had it been otherwise we would be looking at a President Ron Paul and a chance to save our country through peaceable means.

According to the propaganda, over 115 million people went out and voted.  That is just for Romney and Obama.  So do you believe these numbers that indicate that each household only has two children, and that is if nobody voted for any of the third party candidates or wrote Ron Paul in?
Continue reading “The Soviet Insurgency makes it through the Election”

Well today is the big day when the American idiots will come forth en mass to add their affirmation to another four years of deprivation and abuse.  And no I’m not saying Obama is going to win.  The deprivation and abuse will come no matter who is to be the front and center meat puppet for the next term.

I saw Michele Obama at her last solo event before the election, begging the people for another four years of her own private plane and bi-monthly vacations to Hawaii.  Of course she is offering her services as nutrition czar in trade.  What a pathetic state of affairs.
Continue reading “November 6th – Idiot Affirmation Day”

The insurgency from the south has all but been removed from the news coming up on the election, though I am sure we are going to hear plenty about them once the ballot box stuffing begins.  How many illegals will vote in this election?  As many as can get their hands on a ballot.  And why shouldn’t they?  It is not like it is against the law or anything, right?  Hell, if they were going to arrest everyone participating in the fraud, that number would encompass everyone punching a ballot.

I believe the number of us that will abstain is enormous.  I also believe that illegals will be casting our ballots in our stead.  I mean they have to do something to stretch the number of idiots in this country.  One thing is for certain, the status quo will be maintained, that is as long as we continue to accept the outrage.
Continue reading “Tomorrow is Election Day, Let the Snake Handling Begin”

Two more days to go until the big count of the ignorant and cowardly, who will step up and declare themselves as they add their affirmation to the fraud, designed with their destruction as its end result.  Other than the elite, I would like to know who these people are who will go out and vote on Tuesday.  Did they not see the prima facie evidence that this election is 110% fraud?  It was right in the mainstream.

I guess I just do not understand them.  Maybe one will read this article and enlighten me.  Answer the question, why are you participating when the only thing you are accomplishing is reestablishing what you know to be treason and a lie?  By definition, both Romney and Obama are guilty of treason against our Republic.
Continue reading “The Goyim Step up to be Counted”

There were 171,000 new jobs created in October and the not-real unemployment rate went up a tenth of a percent to 7.9%.  New jobless filings for the week came in at 363,000, and at this point in the ballgame we really don’t know how this number is being used in the calculation of the unemployment rate.

These unemployment numbers have become laughable as the media meat puppets report on the real unemployment number and the not-real unemployment number in the same breath.  If there is a real unemployment number and a not-real number is also being reported, isn’t the not-real one a lie?

Not according to CNN’s Ali Velshi, who actually attempted to assert that these blatantly fraudulent numbers have validity and that anyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy theorist.  Well, seeing as how in the past three months and indeed even today, we have been presented with the real and the not-real number, I guess we are all conspiracy theorists.
Continue reading “CNN’s Ali Velshi Perpetuates the Unemployment Lie”

It would seem that in spite our standing FEMA army, the people in Staten Island, New York are still without any aid.  Four days after Hurricane Sandy their plight is being shown on every mainstream broadcast.  So, if the reporters can reach them, where is FEMA?  The powers that be wouldn’t be deliberately holding back in order make the situation worse, would they?

In four more days the fraudulent election will be carried out and every contractor on the East Coast is vying for a piece of the clean up and rebuilding action.  The big storm is being billed as some kind of man caused weather anomaly and the internationals, like New York Mayor Bloomberg are trying to use the storm to push for international climate change legislation.
Continue reading “Are Americans on Staten Island being Sacrificed to Mammon?”

They are the fastest growing demographic in the United States.  Progressively, year after year, they will be deciding our elections.  They are the Latinos.  This is one of the few facts being reported by the mainstream.

Do you know there is an association of Latino lawmakers in our country?  Another group of dual citizens with dual allegiances.  Another communist collective putting itself in a position of authority over we American nationals.  And what do the Latinos support?  Further insurgent invasion, more of their people coming from Latin America to enforce their will upon we Americans who built and own this country.  Will we allow ourselves to be conquered by a peasant population without even firing a shot?
Continue reading “The Latino Takeover of the United States”

The water has settled from Hurricane Sandy, minimum $20 billion in damages, millions without electricity, massive destruction to the infrastructure in the states affected, so let the stealing begin.  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, is literally licking his chubby little chops as he praises Obama for signing off on expedited emergency relief, which means Contracts! Contracts! Contracts! and of course, Kickbacks! Kickbacks! Kickbacks!

On the other hand, it is being predicted that the US GDP for the quarter will be reduced to .5 %.  There is definitely a lot of work to be done which means jobs, jobs, jobs, but is this necessarily a good thing?
Continue reading “Americans Unite Behind Sandy”

Approximately 6 million people have been affected by the big storm known has Hurricane Sandy.  New Jersey Governor Chris Christy is saying the damage in his state is incalculable but predicts electricity will be turned back on by next week in time for the election.  Some have predicted that the election will be called off because of the big storm.  If there was a purpose to this storm that many believe was directed by HAARP, I don’t think it would be to stop the election but rather as a cover for the lack of participation therein.

I believe the reports of the Twitter threats against both Romney and Obama were designed to send us down this rabbit trail.   At the top all that is important is that the status quo be maintained and no matter who is declared the winner of this fraudulent election, the other will embrace him and acquiesce with full grace.
Continue reading “Will Sandy be used to Cancel the Election?”