Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Famed YouTuber Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg’s announcement on Tuesday that he was donating $50,000 to the YouTube censors at the Anti-Defamation League is backfiring hilariously.

His young followers noticed immediately that Pewds’ donation to the ADL came after they celebrated Disney for severing ties with him in 2017:  Continue reading “PewDiePie’s $50k Donation to The ADL Widely Interpreted As ‘Blackmail’ Payment”

Breitbart – by Simon Kent

An island in Iraq home to Islamic State terrorists was annihilated Tuesday night by almost 80,000 pounds of bombs dropped from combined U.S. and allied warplanes.

Dramatic aerial footage shows multiple explosions as bombs hit Qanus Island followed by huge mushroom clouds billowing into the air over the Tigris River.  Continue reading “Islamic State-Infested Island Cleared by 80,000 Pounds of U.S. Bombs”

Another Day in the Empire – by Kurt Nimmo

If you’re interested in the backstory on Jeffrey Epstein—a story largely ignored by the corporate media—read Whitney Webb’s How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare. 

The subhead reads: “Following another catastrophic mass shooting or crisis event, Orwellian ‘solutions’ are set to be foisted on a frightened American public by the very network connected, not only to Jeffrey Epstein, but to a litany of crimes and a frightening history of plans to crush internal dissent in the United States.” Continue reading “Israel and US Introduce Tech “Solutions” to Destroy Political Activists”

Daily Mail

The death toll from devastating Hurricane Dorian will be ‘staggering’ with thousands still missing, officials have warned amid reports looters are ‘trying to shoot people’ in the scramble for food and water.

Up to 70,000 are in need of ‘life-saving assistance’ while Great Abaco is said to be virtually uninhabitable, with bodies piled up and witnesses say there is a ‘smell of death’ with corpses floating in the water.    Continue reading “Bahamas Hurricane Dorian death toll will be ‘staggering’ with THOUSANDS still missing as bodies pile up and militias are formed to stop looting”

Breitbart – by Chris Tomlinson

Swedish behavioural scientist Magnus Söderlund has suggested that eating other people after they die could be a means of combatting climate change.

The scientist mentioned the possibility of cannibalism during a broadcast on Swedish television channel TV4 this week about a fair in Stockholm regarding “food of the future”. Continue reading “Swedish Scientist Proposes Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change”

The Telegraph

Robert Mugabe, who ruled Zimbabwe for nearly four decades since independence from Britain, has died at the age of 95.  The former strongman, who was ousted in a military coup almost two years ago, reportedly passed away in hospital in Singapore, where he had been receiving medical treatment since April.

“It is with the utmost sadness that I announce the passing on of Zimbabwe’s founding father and former President, Cde Robert Mugabe,” tweeted President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is in Cape Town for the World Economic Forum.  Continue reading “Robert Mugabe, former strongman of Zimbabwe, dies aged 95”

Daily Mail

Shocking footage has emerged of an out-of-control man locked in an altercation with a sheriff before gaining control of her gun and firing it at her.

The bullets fired at the officer missed and she luckily escaped the incident without life-threatening injury.

The San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputy had responded to calls from a distressed mother in Victorville who pleaded with police to remove her son from her home, shortly before 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.  Continue reading “Shocking moment a thug punches a female cop to the ground before taking her gun and firing repeatedly at her – but MISSES her every time”


The argument we usually hear from those who would ban civilians from carrying firearms, openly or concealed, is that women, mostly, would end up either shooting themselves or have the gun taken away from them and shot.

What we don’t usually hear is that if a person has a gun, they’ll freak out, panic, and accidentally shoot and maim half-a-dozen bystanders to a purse-snatching, but that’s present David Frum sees.  Continue reading “David Frum: People should not carry guns because they’ll maim half-a-dozen bystanders over a purse-snatching”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

Reverse warrants are the new tech-related toy law enforcement is experimenting with. Oddly, a lot of what’s come to light so far originates in the Midwest, an area not exactly known for early adoption. Outside of the NYPD and feds confirming they use warrants to seek a list of possible suspects (rather than targeting any specific suspect), most reporting has covered deployments by law enforcement agencies in Minnesota.  Continue reading “Feds Used A ‘Reverse’ Warrant To Try To Track Down Bank Robbers In Wisconsin”

The End of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

When you have done things a certain way for almost your entire career, it can be exceedingly difficult to admit that you were wrong.  This is true in any field, but it is especially true for those in the ministry.  So Benny Hinn showed an enormous amount of courage when he completely repudiated the “prosperity gospel” on Monday night during a Facebook Live broadcast.  This represents a 180 degree turn for his ministry, and it could be a watershed moment for American evangelical Christianity as a whole.  For decades, an extreme emphasis on wealth and prosperity has virtually drowned out the message of the cross on Christian television, and this has greatly damaged the evangelical movement.  Having high profile leaders such as Benny Hinn renounce the “prosperity gospel” would do much to heal the damage that has been done, and he should be greatly applauded for his public repentance. Continue reading “A Watershed Moment For American Evangelical Christianity – Benny Hinn Has Just Renounced The Prosperity Gospel”

The Blaze – by Aaron Colen

In a move that seemed to confuse even the police officer who greeted him at the station, a Texas man turned in his legally owned AK-47 to his local police station in an attempt to do his part to stop mass killings, according to KTBC-TV.

The man, identified in the story only as Billy from Austin, made sure to alert the media of his intentions so KTBC could send a reporter and a camera to document him bringing his weapon to an officer who appeared unsure what to do with it at first. Billy called for other legal gun owners to have the courage to follow his lead.  Continue reading “Texas man turns in legally owned AK-47 to police in response to recent shootings, claims it takes ‘courage’ in staged news event”

Breitbart – by Ian Hanchet

On Tuesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) stated that he expects to hear from the White House on what gun legislation, if any, President Trump is willing to support next week.  Continue reading “McConnell: I Expect Answer on What Gun Bills Trump Will Support Next Week”

Breitbart – AP

Hurricane Dorian is finally moving. But for a day-and-half it just sat on and pounded Grand Bahama Island because nothing high up in the atmosphere was making it budge.

That meteorological gridlock, which slows or stalls storms, is happening more often in a warming world, studies show.  Continue reading “Upper atmosphere gridlock stalled Dorian”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) suggests the odds of passing gun control when the Senate reconvenes in September are better than ever.

Toomey is specifically referencing the gun control bill he and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) first pushed after the December 14, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School attack; a bill which they have now revived as part of their push for universal background checks.  Continue reading “Sen. Pat Toomey: Odds of Passing Gun Control Better Than Ever”

Breitbart – by John Binder

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is releasing more than 200 border crossers and illegal aliens a day at the current catch and release rates, according to federal data.

After a soaring decline following the implementation of President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy where foreign nationals seeking asylum are mandated to wait in Mexico while their claims are processed, DHS officials seem to have stabilized the catch and release of illegal aliens at a rate of releasing about 208 a day. Continue reading “DHS Releasing More than 200 Illegal Aliens into the U.S. Every Day”