

Over the past 5 days, the nation has experienced major protests in 12 Democratic Party controlled cities and minor protests in many others. In each case, the protests were sponsored by organizations that openly support the overthrow of the United States, promote communism or promote a social agenda; including The Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Black Lives Matter, La Raza and MEChA. Protesters proudly carried red communist flags emblazoned with the Soviet hammer and sickle, as well as Mexican flags, while they in turn burned American flags.   Continue reading “NavyJack – Treasonous Conspiracies Against the Government of the United States of America”


WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump will begin the process of reshaping America’s trade policy on Day 1 of his administration, according to a memo drafted by his transition team obtained by CNN.

The document lays out the skeleton of Trump’s trade policy for the first 200 days of his presidency, focusing on a set of principles including renegotiating or withdrawing from the North American Free Trade Agreement — a frequent promise Trump made on the campaign trail.   Continue reading “Trump memo reveals transition team’s 200-day blueprint”


Leftist demonstrators protesting against US President Barack Obama’s visit to Athens have clashed with police, who used tear gas to disperse the crowd as people tried to break through cordons.

Some 7,000 people took to the streets of central Athens on Tuesday to protest Obama’s visit to the Greek capital, Reuters reports. The demonstrators initially planned to walk all the way to the US Embassy located in another part of the city, but the procession was disrupted as protesters clashed with police officers.   Continue reading “Greek police clash with demonstrators protesting Obama’s visit to Athens”

Amerika, You have been Trumped

Definition of Trump Card

1:  a card from the suit that has been chosen as the most valuable for a particular card game
2:  something that gives someone an advantage <The prosecution’s trump card is the evidence linking the defendant to the murder weapon.> <He played/used his trump card during the negotiations>    Continue reading “The Trump Card has been Played”

Fox News

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was the favorite to be secretary of state in President-elect Donald Trump’s administration, a senior Trump transition official said Monday.

The official told the Associated Press there was no real competition for the job and that it was Giuliani’s if he wanted it. However, a second official cautioned that John Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, remained in contention for the job.   Continue reading “Giuliani favorite for Trump’s secretary of state, says ‘I won’t be attorney general’”


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned on Monday that Islamic State militants driven out of Syria and Iraq could set up in his country, and if that happened he would forego human rights obligations to keep his people safe.

Duterte said the southern Philippine province of Mindanao was already a hotbed of rebellion and banditry and he was worried about “looming terrorism” and an influx of extremists who could exploit the insecurity.   Continue reading “Duterte says if Islamic State comes to Philippines, forget human rights”

Fox News Latino

It was supposed to be his grand valedictory tour. Now President Barack Obama must use his last major trip abroad to try to calm shocked world leaders about the outcome of the U.S. election, and what comes next when Donald Trump is president.

Trump’s unforeseen victory has triggered pangs of uncertainty at home and grave concerns around the world. Though Obama has urged unity and said the U.S. must root for Trump’s success, his trip to Greece, Germany and Peru forces him to confront global concerns about the future of America’s leadership.   Continue reading “Obama on last foreign tour to Peru, Germany and Greece”

CBS Chicago

Clean drinking water is essential for our health, so when a man with a foreign passport is discovered trespassing in a protected Chicago water plant, the FBI and Homeland security are alerted.

Authorities say Shahroon Augustine entered the Eugene Sawyer Water Purification Plant with a duffle bag, containing a passport from Pakistan.   Continue reading “Water Plant Trespasser Is Released, Then Vanishes”

Hitlery, Frump and Soros are not finished playing there game.

The electoral college can reverse there dissension on who won the selection. and I think Frump and Hitlery already know that was the plan from the start.

“O me O my o”, If you thought the Hitlery suporters crying and wining was something, just wait to see all the Frump voters start there “Hissy Pissy fits when there man is pushed aside.   Continue reading “Right Before Our Eyes”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf sent out the following letter to local business owners, many of whom were battered during the latest anti-Trump riots since Trump’s presidential victory, which unlike peaceful protests in other cities, “ended in harm being done to our business community and the rest of Oakland.” As a result “graffiti and broken windows were left behind by a group of anarchists who continually invade these otherwise peaceful protests with the intention of doing nothing but causing destruction.”   Continue reading “Oakland Mayor Explains Why Local Police Can’t Stop Looting Rioters”

Fox News – by Bryan Llenas

If you voted for Donald Trump, you may not feel welcomed at Grubhub.

The CEO of Grubhub, an online food delivery service, sent a company wide email Wednesday suggesting employees who agree with President-elect Donald Trump’s behaviors and his campaign rhetoric should resign.   Continue reading “Boss says employees who agree with Trump’s rhetoric should resign”

LA Times – by Jonathan Kaiman

The international police organization, Interpol, elected a Chinese security official as its president Thursday, raising concerns among human rights advocates that the appointment could fortify Beijing’s efforts to hunt down political opponents abroad.

The organization’s general assembly elected Meng Hongwei, China’s vice minister for public security for the past 12 years, to the post effective immediately during a meeting in Bali, Indonesia.    Continue reading “Chinese public security official named head of Interpol, raising concerns among human rights advocates”