Breitbart released the following press release Wednesday afternoon:

Americans to Come Together in Hundreds Peaceful Gatherings of Solidarity, Resistance, and Resolve Following Election Results

Hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.

Continue reading “America on Edge: MoveOn Organizes Anti-Trump Protests Around Country”

Hitlery was never sick or Drain Bramidged , she faked it all, “right before our eyes”

Russia’s Pootten was in on the scam also with yelling war war war if Hitlery gets selected, “right before our eyes”

Frump is a Joke and a immoral weak man, and always has been, nobody in their right mind would of ever voted for such a duff without the scam pulled on America, “right before our eyes”   Continue reading “Demonic Warfare, “right before our eyes””

New York Post – by Daniel Halper

The White House isn’t ruling out the possibility of Hillary Clinton receiving a last-minute pardon from President Obama — even though she hasn’t been charged with a crime.

Asked at Wednesday’s press briefing whether Obama had considered utilizing his unique executive power, press secretary Josh Earnest was cryptic.

“The president has offered clemency to a substantial number of Americans who were previously serving time in federal prisons,” Earnest said.   Continue reading “White House open to a Clinton pardon”

Daily Mail

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has congratulated Donald Trump on his shock election win, saying the reality TV star can help enhance relations with the Asian country.

Duterte, who infamously told President Obama to ‘go to Hell’ last month, has often expressed his outrage with his administration.

Having repeatedly threatened to end his nation’s alliance with Washington, he is said to be ‘looking forward to working with the incoming administration’.   Continue reading “Philippines’ President Duterte Congratulates Trump”

SF Gate

Holding signs reading “Not our president” and defiantly chanting Wednesday morning, thousands of students spilled out of East Bay high schools, taking to the streets in anti-Donald Trump protests — the latest round of action across the Bay Area following the New York billionaire’s election to the highest office in the land.

A wave of students rushed out of Berkeley High School around 9 a.m. and met near the school’s theater along Allston Way before the throng of young people were joined by several teachers in a march to the UC Berkeley campus.   Continue reading “Thousands of East Bay students walk out following Trump election”

The Hill – by Melanie Zanona

Dozens of celebrities vowed to leave the country if Donald Trump won the White House, saying they’d flee to everywhere from Canada to Jupiter.

The threat is a common one after any election outcome: Canada’s immigration website crashed from heavy traffic as it looked increasingly likely that Trump would win.   Continue reading “Celebs who said they’d leave country if Trump won”


One person is dead and three more were injured in a shooting in Azusa, California, a northern suburb of Los Angeles. Two nearby polling stations have been placed on lockdown, as well as two schools.

One person is dead and three others have been shot, LA County Fire Inspector Gustavo Medina told CNN. The Los Angeles Fire Department said earlier that they were treating four patients as a result of the incident.   Continue reading “Polling stations on lockdown after shooting kills 1, injures 3 in Azusa, CA”


Nov 8 (Reuters) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an unprecedented vilification of the Israeli media on Monday, accusing a leading television journalist of being part of a plot to bring down his right-wing government.

After declining to be interviewed by Channel Two anchorwoman Ilana Dayan for a piece investigating the workings of his administration and the role his wife plays in appointing officials, Netanyahu’s office sent a written statement.   Continue reading “Netanyahu attacks Israeli media, singles out investigative journalist”

PJ Media – by J. Christian Adams

Leaked funding documents reveal an effort by George Soros and his foundations to manipulate election laws and process rules ahead of the federal election far more expansively than has been previously reported.

The billionaire and convicted felon moved hundreds of millions of dollars into often-secret efforts to change election laws, fuel litigation to attack election integrity measures, push public narratives about voter fraud, and to integrate the political ground game of the left with efforts to scare racial minority groups about voting rights threats.   Continue reading “Leaked Documents Reveal Expansive Soros Funding to Manipulate Federal Elections”

Daily Mail

Firebrand Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday he would cancel an order for about 27,000 American-made assault rifles, in his latest display of defiance against the United States.

The rifles were due to be provided to the Philippine police but Duterte said he would look for cheaper alternatives.   Continue reading “Philippines’ Duterte cancels US rifle order”

Hollywood Reporter – by Rebecca Sun

The only political concerns among film executives interested in Hollywood-China dealmaking remain questions about China’s annual foreign-film quota and its requirements for receiving official co-production status.

What they’re not worried about are American Congressional suspicions that increasing Chinese investment in Hollywood is a way for the country’s Communist Party to affect the world’s most influential film industry.
Continue reading “Chinese Film Executive Calls U.S. Lawmakers’ Concern About Hollywood Investments “A Joke””

May she rot in the 9th circle of hell forever.

Fox News

Janet Reno, the first woman to serve as U.S. attorney general and the epicenter of several political storms during the Clinton administration, has died. She was 78.

Reno died early Monday from complications of Parkinson’s disease, her goddaughter Gabrielle D’Alemberte said. D’Alemberte said Reno spent her final days at home in Miami surrounded by family and friends.   Continue reading “Former US attorney general Janet Reno dies at 78”

22serveimageTrump Pals Around with George Soros

Conservative Review – by Jen Kuznicki, February 27, 2016

Not only has Trump funded open borders politicians like Schumer, Durbin, McCain, Graham and Menendez, but he’s also been bailed out by George Soros.

Trump actually spent Christmas Eve with George Soros in 2009, according to the New York Post.  But hey, billionaires gotta stick together, you know?  Nevermind that Soros is for a One World Order, an anti-Zionist and an anti-constitutional funder of all things unholy.   Continue reading “Best Buds Donald Trump and George Soros”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Hillary Clinton is the top choice for president in many countries, but none as high as those in Latin America, according to a new global survey.

Ipsos said Friday that the Democrat’s top support comes from Mexico and other nations south of the border:   Continue reading “Mi Presidente: Clinton’s top global support in Latin America, 86% in Mexico”

Fox News Latino

As Venezuelans struggle with widespread shortages in everything from basic food stuffs to toilet paper, the socialist nation’s defense minister announced on Wednesday that the military will take control of the distribution of “all medical and surgical supplies managed in all hospitals.”

Venezuelan Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino López said during an address broadcast on state-owned Venezolana de Televisión that the National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela will take control of the medical supply sector “to guarantee that these medicines and supplies get to the patient efficiently and are neatly distributed and assigned.”   Continue reading “Venezuelan military to take over distribution of medical and surgical supplies amid shortages”