My Way News – by Wendy Benjaminson

WASHINGTON (AP) — New Defense Department guidelines allow commanders to punish journalists and treat them as “unprivileged belligerents” if they believe journalists are sympathizing or cooperating with the enemy.

The Law of War manual, updated to apply for the first time to all branches of the military, contains a vaguely worded provision that military commanders could interpret broadly, experts in military law and journalism say. Commanders could ask journalists to leave military bases or detain journalists for any number of perceived offenses.   Continue reading “DoD manual allows journalists to be held as ‘belligerents’”

Front Page Mag – by Michelle Malkin

The most transparent administration in American history is at it again — dodging sunlight and evading public disclosure.

Joining former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her secret servers, former IRS witch hunt queen Lois Lerner and her secret email accounts, former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and her Internet alter egos, and former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and his non-public email account is White House science czar John Holdren.   Continue reading “What Is Obama’s Top Population-Control Freak Hiding?”

All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

With international news agency Reuters now warning of the possibilities of worldwide food shortages leading to civil unrest, we take a look at the photographs seen above and below of a mass casualty vehicle that were recently sent to us by ANP reader Layla Harrington in the town of Longview, Texas as well as a new video out in which Jim Bakker tells us that he is preparing to go to jail because of Jade Helm 15.    Continue reading “Mass Casualty Bus Seen In Texas As Reuters Warns Of Civil Unrest, Food Shortages” – by Debbie M. Lord

An opinion piece first published in The Washington Spectator then republished on Newsweek, calls for the removal of the POW/MIA flag that files from government buildings.

The post, written by Rick Perlstein, the national correspondent for the Spectator, says the flag should come down because it represent racism on the part of the United States for its involvement in the Vietnam War.   Continue reading “Opinion piece calls POW/MIA flag ‘racist hate;’ suggests it be taken down”

All News Pipeline – by Susan Duclos

In May of 2014, experts testified before the House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies, on what the “catastrophic” effects of an “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)” would be for Americans.

According to Dr. Peter Pry, a member of the Congressional EMP Commission and executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, an EMP event could wipe out 90 percent of America’s population.   Continue reading “EMP Attack On America – Preppers Vs Non-Preppers In The First 72 Hours – Who Will Live, Who Will Die”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

The police and surveillance state predicted in the forward-looking 1940s classic “1984” by George Orwell, has slowly, but steadily, come to fruition. However, like a frog sitting idly in a pan of steadily-warming water, too many Americans still seem unaware that the slow boil of big government is killing their constitutional liberties.

The latest sign of this stealth takeover of civil rights and freedom was epitomized in recent Senate testimony by FBI Director James Comey, who voiced his objections to civilian use of encryption to protect personal data – information the government has no automatic right to obtain.   Continue reading “FBI says that citizens should have no secrets that the government can’t access: the Orwellian cyber police state has arrived”

All News Pipeline – by Susan Duclos

Last week the Lancet published results suggesting the new Ebola Vaccine was “highly effective” and perhaps 100 percent effective at protecting against Ebola, the news reported by multiple news outlets and websites, pointing to trials  of the single-dose VSV-EBOV vaccine which began in Guinea in March where the latest figures show over 11,000 people have died from the deadly virus.   Continue reading “Coincidence? “Ebola Vaccine” Goes Hot In The News Just Days Before “Ebola Scare” In Alabama”

Daily Mail – by Mark Prigg

Google has come under fire for a controversial new service that reveals just how much it knows about you.

Call Timeline, it is designed to allow users of the firm’s online maps to see the places they frequent most often.

Google says it will help people remember restaurants and other places they visited easily.     Continue reading “Google reveals ‘terrifyingly scary’ timeline feature that can show users their location history”

The New American – by  Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

At a recent meeting of government representatives of nations participating in the United Nations’ Programme of Action (POA), the focus was on tracking of civilian weapons, component parts, and ammunition, and how the United States should spend more money helping foreign countries accomplish those goals.

At the Second Meeting of Governmental Experts (MGE2) held at the UN headquarters in Manhattan, the globalists discussed a couple of agenda items that should give pause to Americans.   Continue reading “UN Calls for RFID Chips and Biometric Tracking of Guns and Ammo”

Off the Grid News – by Tara Dodrill

The owner of a major off-grid underground bunker is fighting the government for the right to keep the shelter open.

“Ark Two” was built by Bruce Beach in Horning Mills, Canada, 35 years ago, with a total of 42 school buses buried under 14 feet of dirt and two feet of concrete in Dufferin County, approximately 60 miles northwest of Toronto.   Continue reading “Government Raid Targets Off-Grid Man’s Underground Bunker”

All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

Once called ‘conspiracy theory’, foreign troops in America have long been proven fact and if we need any more proof, we get it this morning from WNEM in Michigan and the 1st video below from Dave Acton who tells us all about Operation Northern Strike in Michigan that will feature units from Latvia, Poland, Australia and Canada in both air and ground combat exercises. While Jade Helm 15 has dominated the headlines this summer, this exercise, too, will allow soldiers to ‘train the way we fight’ according to exercise director Michigan Air National Gurd Lt. Col. Matthew Trumble.    Continue reading “Foreign Troops On US Soil Confirmed As Northern Strike Begins”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

This is what happens when an idiot in the White House appoints another idiot as head of the U.S. Army.

In the aftermath of Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’s murder of four Marines and a Navy petty officer at a Naval Reserve Center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, questions once again are raised about the policy, begun by then-President Bill Clinton, of disarming service members on military bases.   Continue reading “Army COS Gen. Odierno doesn’t want our soldiers to be “over-armed””


A leaked document shows nearly one-third of the 847,000 veterans in the Department of Veteran Affairs’ backlog died while waiting for treatment, amounting to more than 238,000 patients, according to documents obtained by the Huffington Post.

The VA maintains that the number is so large because it has no mechanism to purge the list of dead applicants, and that some of the veterans may have died years ago. VA spokeswoman Walinda Westtold the Huffington Post that some people on the list may never have completed an application, or could be using other insurance.   Continue reading “238,000 US veterans died waiting for health care – leaked document”