National Journal

Shift­ing demo­graph­ics na­tion­wide are chan­ging the face of Amer­ic­an em­ploy­ment. Im­mig­rants make up 13 per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion and 17 per­cent of the work­force, but their em­ploy­ment pat­terns con­trast with those of their U.S.-born coun­ter­parts across in­dus­tries and states. Un­der­stand­ing these dif­fer­ences na­tion­ally and with­in each state is vi­tal for poli­cy­makers as they con­sider strategies to boost their eco­nom­ies and de­vel­op their work­forces. To help give them the clear pic­ture they need, The Pew Char­it­able Trusts pro­duced first-of-their-kind data on the like­li­hood of im­mig­rant work­ers be­ing em­ployed in 13 ma­jor in­dus­tries, com­pared with U.S.-born work­ers, in all 50 states and the Dis­trict of Columbia.   Continue reading “Immigrants in the Workforce, State by State and Industry By Industry”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

The new surge of illegal immigrant youths has forced the federal government to look at an emergency plan to house them at six military bases at at least two federal worker centers, according to the administration.

The Pentagon is beginning “site assessments” at bases as far north as North Dakota and Massachusetts.   Continue reading “Obama eyes 6 military bases to house surge of illegal immigrants”

AWD News

“Since the crash of” Sukhoi-24 “russian, Russia has taken every conceivable opportunity to undermine Turkey. Certainly my government behaves like a mature and experienced government, but our patience has limits. Faced with Russian efforts, we have, no fear, no remorse. We act with moderation, to bring our relations back to normal, if necessary, I assure you ,we can can occupy Russia in less than seven days with NATO and our regional allies ”   Continue reading “Turkish Government: We Can Occupy Russia In Seven Days”

Washington Post – by Yanan Wang

For months, worried parents in Flint, Mich., arrived at their pediatricians’ offices in droves. Holding a toddler by the hand or an infant in their arms, they all have the same question: Are their children being poisoned?

To find out, all it takes is a prick of the finger, a small letting of blood. If tests come back positive, the potentially severe consequences are far more difficult to discern.   Continue reading “In Flint, Mich., there’s so much lead in children’s blood that a state of emergency is declared”

NBC News

Before a gun can be used to hunt, for protection, or in a mass shooting like Wednesday’s tragic killing in San Bernardino, California that left 14 victims dead and 17 wounded, it must be bought. That one sale is a single dot in a multibillion-dollar industry, one that is coming under new scrutiny during the post-massacre gun control debate. Here’s a by the numbers breakdown.   Continue reading “America’s Gun Business, By the Numbers”

Jon Rappoport

KTLA reports (“More Than 14 Killed, 14-Plus Wounded After Up to 3 Shooters Open Fire: San Bernardino Police Chief”) —here’s a key quote:

“The call first came in at 10:59 a.m. of multiple shots fired from the area of 1365 S. Waterman Ave., San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said. The department’s SWAT team was training nearby and was suited, ‘ready to roll’ and responded rapidly, Lawhead said.”  Continue reading “Breaking: mass shooting, San Bernardino, plus “training exercise””

GeoEngineering Watch – by Dane Wigington

The power structure is beginning to panic as the public wakes up to the criminal climate engineering insanity. The growing police state is completely out of control and becoming unimaginably blatant with their actions. In recent weeks Washington has placed “gag orders” on the following agency employees, “The National Weather Service”, the “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration”, and the “US Department of Commerce”. This is a massive red flag that should trigger alarm bells everywhere.

Bill Hopkins, the executive president for the National Weather Service employees organization (NWSEO) said this:   Continue reading “Government Implements Illegal “Gag Order” On National Weather Service And NOAA Employees”

Orlando Sentinel – by Henry Pierson Curtis

A gun business in Apopka is drawing fire from Muslims.

Spike’s Tactical is marketing an assault rifle it claims was “designed to never be used by Muslim terrorists.” The AR-15 assault rifle is laser-etched on one side with a Knights Templar Long Cross – a symbol of the Christian Crusades to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslims – and Psalm 144:1 on the other side: “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”   Continue reading “Assault rifle with Bible verse to repel Muslim terrorists unveiled in Apopka”

The Marshall Report – by Dianne Marshall

The President of Argentina – Christina Fernandez de Kirchener announced before the United Nations that her nation had been approached by an Obama administration official, Gary Samore, former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, requesting them to provide enriched nuclear fuel to the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2010. (Samore did not dispute this claim).

The request fell short when Kirchener asked for the deal in writing and Samore was never heard from again.   Continue reading “President of Argentina Accuses Obama of Treason Against The United States”

All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

With everything else that we are now watching happen across America and the world in September 2015, the mysterious FEMA warning signs seen below with a September 15th date have people asking why the date of September 15th is so important?September is National Preparedness Month and FEMA is wisely advising Americans across the country to stock up now and according to the sign above, be prepared for AT LEAST 30 days, something that ANP agrees with completely and applaud FEMA for pushing this advice.    Continue reading “Mysterious September 15th Warning On FEMA Signs Have People Asking – Does FEMA Know Something We Don’t Know?”

Breitbart – by Donna Rachel Edmunds

The Greek island of Lesbos has been turned into a war zone by rioting migrants, leaving the island’s 85,000 residents in despair. Around 25,000 migrants are currently camped out on the island with hundreds more arriving daily, leading to frequent violent clashes and rioting despite their claim to be fleeing violence.

Located just 6 miles from the Turkish shore, the migrants come over in inflatable boats which they cut up on arrival to prevent being turned back, expecting to be able to quickly travel on by ferry to mainland Europe, German station RTL has reported.   Continue reading “Greek Island Turns Into War Zone As Syrian And Afghan Migrants Clash”

American Overlook

During the annual Starbucks shareholder meeting, CEO Howard Shultz sent a message to everyone who buys coffee at the large chain. If you support traditional marriage over gay marriage, Starbucks doesn’t want your business.

Because Starbucks aims to “embrace diversity of all kinds,” Shultz told a specific shareholder, who supports traditional marriage, he should sell his shares and go to another company.   Continue reading “The CEO Of Starbucks Just Issued THIS Stern Warning For Those Who Support Traditional Marriage…”