US Military Confirms Jade Helm 15 Is About Infiltration Of America As Blue Bell Ice Cream Caught In Huge Lie

bbrf.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

Back on May 28th , 2015, in an attempt to debunk a story run on All News Pipeline called “Blue Bell Ice Cream Refrigerated Morgue Trucks Join Military Convoy In Colorado Weeks After Listeria Outbreak Shuts Down Ice Cream Production”, Blue Bell representative Jenny Van Dorf (979-830-2180) sent ANP an official statement telling us the fact that Blue Bell trucks were seen in the military convoy was ‘just a coincidence’.  

However, the videos below from  DAHBOO777 and the Fugazi Report have COMPLETELY DESTROYED any credibility Blue Bell had remaining as ONCE AGAIN, we see Blue Bell Ice Cream trucks involved in the “Raider Focus” war games in Colorado, more proof that corporate America is lying to the American citizens as the United States Military prepares for SOMETHING HUGE in this country and as the 2nd video below clearly shows, whatever it is they are preparing for is MASSIVE as massive amounts of military hardware (andBlue Bell Ice Cream trucks) are seen on the streets of America. Additionally, we now have confirmation from a United States military representative that Jade Helm 15 is about the infiltration of America as shared below.

Why Blue Bell (979-836-7977) would destroy their own credibility by lying when they could have easily told the truth is beyond our comprehension here at ANP and the mere fact that Blue Bell issued an official statement, a statement that has been proven as being mere propaganda, should tell everyone that something is terribly wrong here….why would Blue Bell Ice Cream issue an official statement that has been proven to be a lie and what is the real purpose of these trucks that are taking part in this exercise?

This is also more proof that since, officially, we are being told that Jade Helm are just ‘exercises to prepare troops for overseas duty’ while each and every day we are learning something different, should be enough to have every concerned American calling their Congressional Representatives and the White House at 202-456-1111 and DEMANDING answers. Sadly, our representatives in Washington DC have FORGOTTEN that they are MERELY SERVANTS to the American people, not dictators.

Aaron Wilson PhD recently had the opportunity to interview LTC Mark Lastoria of the US Military about Jade Helm 15 and what Lastoria told Wilson should end any talk about Jade Helm 15 being for overseas duty. Read this question and statement about Jade Helm by Lastoria carefully and then, lets have the United States military tell us that these ‘drills’ are about preparation for overseas duty. This statement clearly proves that Jade Helm is about the US military infiltrating America.:

Q. What is this “blending in” that you talked about in Bastrop (Texas)?

A. We want to get the Midwest mindset going, it is an adaptive technique, a subtly we need to master, quite different than Atlantic Coast style. (Which they have apparently already ‘mastered’.)

In the 3rd video below from ANP friend American Contractor we learn more about the military rules and directives of Jade Helm 15 including the fact that they will be using live sniper fire and explosives and that the federal and local government and law enforcement are heavily involved in these ‘exercises’.:

Established policy assigns responsibilities and provides procedures for planning coordinating and conducting RMT off federal real property in accidence with DODD 1322.18

The DoD will deepen collaboration with civilian law enforcement agencies to maximize military training opportunities that concurrently and legally support law enforcement and homeland security requirements. Such Mutually beneficial “dual effect” training will meet both military training requirements and the DoD role in support of law enforcement agencies in the performance of law enforcement missions. 

Interagency exercises – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy. 

Coordination with civilian officials
Local and federal law enforcement agencies will be consulted.

Realistic Military Training (RMT) Off Federal Real Property

Download Document:…

Jade Helm 15 To Conduct Live Fire Sniper Shots and use Explosives…


An ANP reader sent us the picture below out of Yuma, Arizona. Does America REALLY need this kind of hardware on American streets? This clearly looks like something we’d see in a 3rd world nation at war rather than a ‘free’ country.


12 thoughts on “US Military Confirms Jade Helm 15 Is About Infiltration Of America As Blue Bell Ice Cream Caught In Huge Lie

  1. The “All News Pipeline”, and DAHBOO777 were already exposed as being lying sacks of dung. Here they’re switching Walmart for Blue Bell Ice cream in another sensationalized story that’s probably more BS.

    Either company would jump on a lucrative government contract, which may include the delivery of refrigerated food, or the sale of closed stores for twice what they’re worth.

    Corporations have always lied to the public. That’s why they have entire departments devoted to public relations.

    Nothing in this article amounts to “proof” of anything. The Jade Helm exercise infiltrated America months ago.

    1. Another government spy. It’s very true and that is very difficult to accept however the sooner we do accept the truth we are all the better equipped to stop it dead in it’s tracks!

    2. I think shills like dabo7 actually DO tell “some” truth, but we have to be smart enough to know when he’s telling important truth or lies. I guess that’s like most any site, though. Different degrees of truth and limited hangout. We all have to be smart enough to pick the truths and discard the lies. Dabo has had some really great, important, blockbuster videos…and also some obvious propaganda.

      Another example of that: Raw Story (just for example). They have some massively great stories…and some obvious propaganda. We have to be smart enough to IDENTIFY the good stuff…and discard the lies/propaganda.

      Because we actually DO NEED the good reporting. But they try and hook you along to the propaganda, that’s their agenda.

    3. I was waiting to hear or read the “proof” and the “caught in the lie”, but I don’t see it anywhere in this article. Just more hearsay and repetition. So I agree with you, JR and knew you would be looking out for it and see through it, too even before reading your comment.

      There’s definitely something going on with this whole Jade Helm thing, but this article shows no proof of anything to back up their claims or argument.

  2. Wow! Those Blue Bell drivers stop at a Subway for some lunch as some military vehicles roll by and “POOF!”, they’re in the convoy and labeled as morgue trucks!

    DAHBOO777, you might want to change your handle after this blunder, because I’m done watching your videos!

      1. I too agree. DahPoo is a sensationalist, and attention whore just like that scumbag Pete Santilli. 99.9 percent of his vids are but mere distraction. Yet there’s always a wee bit of truth in EVERY lie . . .

        DahPoo, on my shoe, is a goo, I won’t do . . . . .

  3. tptb don’t care about my living body but they’re going to refrigerate my corpse after they kill me? For autopsy? Proper burial? Sure.

    How many ice cream trucks do they have?! If mass murder is on the menu, ditches have always been perfectly acceptable for the murdering party.

    1. Very Good! When mass murderers want the job done, they do it as fast and efficiently as possible. The Ckeka, in Russia would take people underground, and shoot them. They would truck the bodies to the countryside and deposit them to rot. The families of the missing would follow the blood trails from the trucks in hope of finding out what happened to their loved ones. This is how Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky did things. One 9MM to the head…ECONOMICAL and EFFICIENT!

  4. Although those trucks wouldn’t hold many bodies they would hold a lot of harvested organs. In this failed market system some of us are worth far more dead than alive and if we fall under dictatorship our lives would be short.

    1. Very true and far from beyond imaginable as they have and would do anything for a shekel, but harvested organs have a very limited viable life span and trucks of those size would would have much perished cargo. Unless they have the munchies? Soylent green is…..PEOPLE!!! 😀

  5. Regarding: “should be enough to have every concerned American calling their Congressional Representatives and the White House at 202-456-1111 and DEMANDING answers.”

    Come on . . . you think they’ll listen to us much less answer the phone?
    . . .

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