The Mind Unleashed – by Markab Algedi

Why did a coalition of 19 countries including the US and NATO destroy the Libyan regime and in every sense, the stability of the country in 2011?

One reason of course was the financial independence of Libya, the plan to create the gold backed African Dinar currency as many people are familiar with (which was proven by leaked emails years after everyone already knew).   Continue reading “Trump sets Sights on Libya’s Oil, Seamlessly Carrying the Agenda”

The Daily Sheeple

Oh, the irony…Amazon’s new facial recognition software identified 28 members of Congress as criminals.  This is pretty upsetting for statists everywhere as their precious masters are being “mislabeled.”

In a recent test, the ACLU scanned every Congress member’s official photo and found that 28 of them, including Republicans and Democrats and men and women, were incorrectly matched to 28 mugshots. Continue reading “Irony: Amazon’s Facial Recognition Says 28 Members Of Congress Are Criminals”

Phillip Schneider

On July 9th, President Trump’s announced Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee for the Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, and who has already begun facing intense scrutiny over issues such as Roe V. Wade, the Second Amendment, and Net Neutrality.  

However, Kavanaugh’s stance on the Fourth Amendment runs in opposition to what most Americans believe, that the government should not be collecting the personal information of American citizens without a warrant.    Continue reading “Kavanaugh: Warrantless Data Collection “is entirely consistent with the Fourth Amendment””

Activist Post – by BN Frank

Many publications have already reported about Fitbit wearers experiencing a variety of health issues including Activist PostDaily Mail UK, and Natural Blaze.  Regardless, they continue to be manufactured, marketed, and lauded – even for saving  lives.  They are even being made and marketed for kids.

It was reported earlier this week that an Ohio woman claimed that she started experiencing unusual symptoms about a month after she started wearing a Fitbit.  Continue reading “Woman Claims Fitbit Alerted Her to Medical Issues. Decades of Research Confirms WiFi From The Fitbit Could Have Caused Her Medical Issues.”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Welcome to the future, citizen, where employees not replaced by robots will be granted raises based on their predicted performance by a computer.

And no, this is not some dystopian vision of the future: IBM is already doing just that – using their “Watson” artificial intelligence to look at an employee’s “experiences and projects” and integrating data from their internal training system to assess whether an employee has gained new skills.    Continue reading “Employers Start Using AI To Set Raises Based On “Predicted” Performance”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The Trump administration halted billions of dollars in payments to health insurers after the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the agency that administers programs under Obamacare, announced on Saturday it was freezing payments to insurers that cover sicker patients, saying a federal court ruling ties its hands. The move brought a sharp response from health insurers warning of market disruptions and even higher costs.

The payments are intended to help stabilize health insurance markets by compensating insurers that had sicker, more expensive enrollees in 2017. The government collects the money from health insurers with relatively healthy enrollees, who cost less to insure.
Continue reading “Trump Freezes Billions In Obamacare Payments, Outraging Insurers”

Big League Politics – by Laura Loomer

High level sources within the Broward County Sheriff’s office exclusively revealed to Big League Politics that disgraced Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is set to be removed from his position as Sheriff next week.

According to the source, Sheriff Israel is being removed from office for criminal issues, not malfeasance, following an investigation conducted by the office of Florida Governor Rick Scott. The source exclusively revealed to Big League Politics that Sheriff Israel is also allegedly being investigated by the IRS. Continue reading “Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel To Be Removed Next Week”

The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

June 29 marked the end of the Third Review Conference (RevCon) of the United Nations’ Programme of Action (PoA) on Small Arms and Light Weapons. Delegates at the conference, including representatives of the United States, worked on producing updates to the global gun-control agreement.

According to the text of the latest draft of the agreement, the PoA will serve as an “international instrument to enable states to identify and trace, in a timely and reliable manner” the small arms and light weapons that are the target of the scheme.   Continue reading “U.S. Promises “Full Implementation” of UN Gun-control Agreement”

Jon Rappoport

Many people have been led to believe Hillary had two separate email accounts. One was a traditional, secure, State Department address, where she received most of her classified information; the other was her personal, sloppily run, wide open, unsecured email, where she received some classified information. But wait.

Paul Sperry (NY Post) has the explosive story. Or, rather, he had it on January 31, 2016. That’s when it was published. What happened to it?   Continue reading “Bombshell accusation: Hillary never had a State Department email address; all emails were sent to her at her private unsecured email”

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”
– Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769-1821

Activist Post – by Qi Alfred Chen

The day when cars can talk to each other – and to traffic lights, stop signs, guardrails and even pavement markings – is rapidly approaching. Driven by the promise of reducing traffic congestion and avoiding crashes, these systems are already rolling out on roads around the U.S.

For instance, the Intelligent Traffic Signal System, developed with support from the U.S. Department of Transportation, has been tested on public roads in Arizona and California and is being installed more widely in New York City and Tampa, Florida. It allows vehicles to share their real-time location and speed with traffic lights, which can be used to effectively optimize the traffic timing in coordination with the real-time traffic demand to dramatically reduce vehicle waiting time in an intersectionContinue reading “Connected Cars Can Lie, Posing a New Threat to Smart Cities”

Gritpost – by Matthew Baione

Eight days after 9/11, former EPA administrator Christine Whitman told New Yorkers that the dust-filled air that filled New York City’s skies was safe to breathe. We now know how shockingly false this declaration of safety was.

In fact, more people may have died from healthcare complications resulting from breathing in toxic debris than people who died in the 9/11 attacks nearly 17 years ago. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), more than 500,000 people are battling cancer and other diseases linked to the toxins that poured into the air following the attacks. Of the 500,000 exposed, NIOSH estimates 35,000 will develop cancer at a rate 21 percent higher than the general population.  Continue reading “I Represent 9/11 Victims Battling Over 70 Forms of Cancer. Their Fate Is in Congress’ Hands.”

NBC News

The Supreme Court is setting aside a Colorado court ruling against a baker who wouldn’t make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. But the court is not deciding the big issue in the case, whether a business can refuse to serve gay and lesbian people.

The justices’ limited ruling Monday turns on what the court described as anti-religious bias on the Colorado Civil Rights Commission when it ruled against baker Jack Phillips. The justices voted 7-2 that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission violated Phillips’ rights under the First Amendment.   Continue reading “Supreme Court Rules for Baker in Same-Sex Wedding Cake Case”

The Mind Unleashed – by Markab Algedi

In October of last year, a 64 year old man residing in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio was stripped of his life savings when he was robbed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the airport.   Continue reading “64 Yr Old’s Life Savings Confiscated from Flight Carry-on by Customs”

American Herald Tribune – by Robert David Steele

A new book is out that indicts the US President at the time – Lyndon Baines Johnson – for being the originator of the false flag attack on the USS Liberty. [1]

As a retired spy and retired naval officer, I have long considered the USS Liberty to be the greatest atrocity prior to 9/11 committed by Zionist military forces against US interests. I have long known of the fact that LBJ – and Admiral John McCain – covered up the attack by Zionist Israel and had the military chain of command order the survivors to be silent or lose their pensions and go to jail. [2]   Continue reading “USS Liberty – a False Flag Attack “Made in the USA””