The Daily Caller – by Chris White

Environmental Protection Agency employees joined a street protest organized by environmentalists opposing President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the agency.

Around 30 employees at the EPA’s Chicago office joined a protest organized by the Sierra Club and the American Federation of Government Employees to protest Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt’s nomination. They argue that Pruitt, a critic of the agency’s Clean Power Plan, will lay waste to the EPA’s ability to confront companies that violate the law.   Continue reading “EPA Employees Join Street Protests Against Trump’s EPA Pick”

Health Impact News

Once again, we must look outside of the United States to find research and news regarding vaccine safety. A new study published in Italy, which is of course being censored in the U.S. mainstream media, reveals that vaccines currently used to inject America’s children are contaminated with toxic material not revealed as ingredients in the manufacturer’s product information leaflet.   Continue reading “Study: Almost All Vaccines Contaminated with Toxins and Linked to Side Effects”

Daily Mail – by David Rose

The Mail on Sunday today reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world’s leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.

A high-level whistleblower has told this newspaper that America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) breached its own rules on scientific integrity when it published the sensational but flawed report, aimed at making the maximum possible impact on world leaders including Barack Obama and David Cameron at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.   Continue reading “Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data”

ZD Net – by Ed Bott

Last week I explained how to use the Reset option to achieve the equivalent of a clean install of Windows 10. You choose whether to keep your files or wipe the disk clean, but the installation process removes all apps and settings.

That’s great if you want to get a fresh start, but what if you want to do a repair installation of Windows without losing those programs and settings? Yes, there’s a way. Although it sounds odd, the solution is to upgrade Windows, using the same edition that’s already installed and choosing the option to keep files, apps, and settings.   Continue reading “Windows 10 tip: Repair your Windows 10 installation”

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

A study revealing that over 800,000 non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton doesn’t account for dead and fraudulent voters, which accounted for over 25 million “registered voters” during the 2012 presidential election – and little has changed since then.

Illegal alien voters combined with dead and “multiple state” voters could easily explain Clinton’s “popular vote” margin over Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, especially considering that her “victory” came from Democratic-controlled counties known for illegal immigration and loose voter ID laws such as in New York and California.   Continue reading “At Least 25 Million Dead And Fraudulent “Registered Voters” In 2016”


The Greenpeace protesters who unfurled a banner reading “Resist” on a 270ft crane near the White House in protest against President Donald Trump now face multiple charges after being arrested for the stunt.

“Due to the extreme danger of the situation, the Metropolitan Police Department monitored the situation until the protesters descended from the crane at 10:04pm,” the MPD said in a statement on Wednesday, according to ABC. “At that time, seven individuals were detained and taken into custody. These individuals are charged with Second Degree Burglary, Unlawful Entry and Destruction of Property.”  Continue reading “Anti-Trump Greenpeace crane protesters hit with charges of burglary, destruction of property”

Click 2 Houston

RICHMOND, Texas – Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls blamed a lack of security along the southern border of the United States for a rash of burglaries in the county, which he said were committed by people who were illegally in the country.

Nehls lauded Thursday President Donald Trump’s recent executive order on border security and immigration after announcing the arrests of 17 people in connection with a rash of burglaries in Fort Bend County and the west side of Houston.   Continue reading “Sheriff blames weak border for rash of Fort Bend County burglaries”

Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

Law enforcement has a number of informants working for it and the companies that already pay their paychecks, like UPS, for example. It also has a number of government employees working for the TSA, keeping their eyes peeled for “suspicious” amounts of cash it can swoop in and seize.

Unsurprisingly, the FBI also has a number of paid informants. Some of these informants apparently work at Best Buy — Geek Squad by day, government informants by… well, also by day.   Continue reading “The FBI Is Apparently Paying Geek Squad Members To Dig Around In Computers For Evidence Of Criminal Activity”

Yahoo News

BEACHWOOD, Ohio (AP) — Fights broke out at malls around the country Monday night sending shoppers, who were looking for post-holiday deals, scrambling for the exits.

No one was seriously injured in the mall melees, which, during the panic, also prompted numerous false reports of gunfire.   Continue reading “Mall fights send post-holiday shoppers scrambling for exits”

All News Pipeline – by Susan Duclos

A series of events occurred in 2013, which when looked through the prism of present day events, shows us how the Obama administration, with the help of its propaganda arm, known as the mainstream media, are waging a brainwashing campaign against the American public.

The first item from 2013 was highlighted this morning on Steve Quayle’s site with a note stating “Important Flashback Reminder,” leading us to  a July 2013 article at Tech Dirt, which detailed the repeal of the “anti-propaganda” law earlier in October 2013.  Continue reading “Mainstream Media & Washington Busted In Direct ‘Fake News’ Campaign Against American Public”

The Telegraph

A plane on an internal flight in Libya has been hijacked and forced to land in Malta with 118 people on board.

Two hijackers on board the state-owned Afriqiyah Airways plane have hand grenades and are threatening to blow up the aircraft, according to Malta state television.

Around two-and-a-half hours after hijacked Flight 8U209 landed at Valletta, passengers began leaving the Airbus A320.    Continue reading “Libyan plane hijack: Passengers allowed to leave Afriqiyah Airways flight in Malta amid grenades threat”

BBC News

The Berlin market attack suspect, Anis Amri, has been shot dead by police in Milan, Italy’s interior minister says.

The man opened fire on police who asked him for ID during a routine patrol in the Sesto San Giovanni area in the early hours of Friday.

German authorities say fingerprints they provided have confirmed the dead man is Amri. They are trying to find out if he had accomplices.   Continue reading “Berlin attack suspect Anis Amri killed in Milan” – by David Bruce

Saint Vincent Hospital has agreed to rehire six former employees it fired after they refused to get flu shots in late 2013 and early 2014 due to their religious beliefs.

The Erie hospital also will provide about $300,000 in back pay and compensatory damages to the employees as part of an agreement to settle a lawsuit filed on behalf of the workers by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in September. A consent decree that ended the case and detailed the settlement terms was filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Erie.   Continue reading “Erie hospital to pay, rehire ex-workers who refused flu shots”

The Last Great Stand – by Voice of Reason

It’s no secret Barack Obama’s belief system leans towards Marxism, and by his own admission his childhood was very heavily influenced by Communist revolutionary Frank Marshall Davis. The media once shouted “conspiracy theory” whenever anyone tried to tie Obama to Davis, however conspiracy theorists were once again vindicated when film of Obama explicitly and openly identifying “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis suddenly surfaced on the Internet not long ago.    Continue reading “Old Soviet Union 45 Goals to Destroy America”

KIII TV – by Jonathan Munson

CORPUS CHRISTI (KIII NEWS) – Late Wednesday evening the City of Corpus Christi notified Corpus Christi residents that an unknown chemical substance may have contaminated the City’s drinking water due to a recent back-flow incident in the industrial district.

As a precaution, the City is warning residents not to use the tap water for drinking, brushing your teeth, showering, etc., until further notice.   Continue reading “City warns residents against using tap water until further notice”

Allen B West – by Jessie Jane Duff

In just a month, we’ve heard many tragic stories about veterans seeking care from Veterans Affairs.  The first happened in November, when a young Iowa veteran committed suicide after he was told he had to wait 5 to 6 weeks for an appointment for severe headaches, which he feared were related to a previous tumor.

Elsewhere, a veteran in an Oklahoma VA hospital died and maggots were found in his wounds after the family begged for his bandages to be changed. Then, another veteran died in a Florida VA hospital and his body was left in a shower room for 9 hours to decompose.  Yet the employees tried to cover up the egregious mistake. These incidents are just three, but every month, there are others just like them.     Continue reading “Marine drops TRUTH BOMB about VA horrors”