The Blaze

Yet another major health insurance provider is reportedly poised to pull out of the Obamacare markets. The news comes as Congress and the White House bicker over what to do next after the House Republicans’  American Health Care Act failed.

On the heels of House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) failure to get enough members on board with the GOP’s deeply unpopular Obamacare replacement bill, Anthem, Inc., may be prepping to leave the exchanges established under former President Barack Obama’s signature health care legislation, Reuters reported.   Continue reading “Another major insurer appears set to pull out of Obamacare markets”


A fatal car crash occurred on Tuesday afternoon near Spur, Texas, involving three storm chasers amid a severe weather outbreak.

Kelley Williamson, 57, Randy Yarnall, 55, and Corbin Jaeger, 25, were killed upon impact, according to police. Williamson and Yarnall, both of Cassville, Missouri, were contractors for The Weather Channel, featured in the network’s special program Storm Wranglers.  Continue reading “3 storm chasers die in car wreck”

The Patriot Factor

A Democrat state lawmaker in Massachusetts has been caught tipping off illegals – many of whom are violent street gang members, child sex offenders and drug traffickers – to imminent Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids Tuesday, even telling criminal targets not to open their doors, to stay silent, to refuse to sign anything and to “fight back” with an attorney.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman suggested to WND that the lawmaker is “doing a disservice to the community” and “endangering public safety” with her statements.    Continue reading “Dem lawmaker tips off illegals in MS-13 hotbed”


A pro-Trump demonstration on Saturday in Huntington Beach, California, broke into violence, with anti-Trump demonstrators with pepper spray brawling with pro-Trump protesters.

At the outset of the march, a permitted event that began at noon, there was simple antagonism, with the MAGA crowd and the anti-Trump group trading jeers.   Continue reading “Pro-Trump MAGA rally erupts into violent clash with counter protesters in California”

France 24

Police in the northern Belgian city of Antwerp detained a French national on Thursday after he tried to drive a car into a major pedestrian shopping street at high speed.

“At about 11am this morning a vehicle entered De Meir at high speed due to which pedestrians had to jump away,” a police spokesman told a news conference, referring to the street name.   Continue reading “Frenchman arrested in Belgium’s Antwerp after trying to drive into crowd”

Natural News – by Vicki Batts

While you’d be hard pressed to find anyone willing to use a known herbicide for medicinal purposes, that hasn’t stopped Monsanto from patenting the star ingredient of their flagship herbicide, Roundup, as a type of antibiotic. In 2003, the corporate giant first submitted a patent for glyphosate as a parasitic control-type antimicrobial agent — or, in other words, a type of antibiotic.

The patent was granted in 2010, and you can view it here. Monsanto patented the combination of glyphosate and polyvalent anion oxalic acid as a method for preventing and treating pathogenic infections like malaria. As the patent explains, parasites from the phylum of Apicomplexa are often responsible for diseases in humans and other animals — and glyphosate is capable of inhibiting the growth of these parasites.
Continue reading “Coincidence? Monsanto patented glyphosate as an “antibiotic” drug, claiming weed killer is medicine”

Fox News

One woman has reportedly died after a terror incident that saw a police officer stabbed and as many as a dozen people reportedly run over outside London’s Parliament building on Wednesday.

An alleged assailant was also shot by police after stabbing the officer. It is unclear if there were others involved in the attack.   Continue reading “UK Parliament terror attack: Woman reportedly dies, cop stabbed — dozens injured”

CBS 12 News

A presidential picture at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center is M.I.A.

Local veterans turned to a Florida congressman to get the picture hung Tuesday, but as it turns out it didn’t stay up very long.   Continue reading “Controversy over President Trump’s photo at VA Medical Center”

Town Hall – by Matt Vespa

Remember the rolling blackouts, the shortages of common supplies, like toilet paper, the eating of zoo animals (and domestic animals) because people were starving, the looting, and the spikes in crime? Yeah, that’s all coming from the socialist utopia of Venezuela. The medical system has also totally collapsed, with hospitals not having basic items like gloves or soap. One doctor described the situation as “something out of the 19th century.” Then, there’s the footage of Venezuelans eating out of garbage cans because of the food shortage. On average, people have lost 19 pounds due to food shortages. It’s a total disaster. Now, the military has been caught eating from the garbage (via PanAm Post):  Continue reading “Even Soldiers Are Eating From The Trash In The Socialist Utopia of Venezuela”

Windows Central – by Cale Hunt

How do I stop my webcam and microphone from working?

Most laptops today come with a built-in webcam — some with a standard camera used for Skype and other web-conferencing, some with IR cameras for Windows Hello facial recognition. And pretty much all laptops also come with a built-in microphone to be used in conjunction with the camera.   Continue reading “How to disable your laptop’s webcam and microphone on Windows 10”

Daily Mail

A growing US presence off the Korean Peninsula is reportedly part of a plan aimed at ‘incapacitating’ Kim Jong Un‘s despotic regime in Pyongyang should conflict break out.

A nuclear-powered US aircraft carrier arrived in South Korea on Wednesday for joint military exercises in the latest show of force against the North.     Continue reading “The US prepares to ‘incapacitate’ Kim”

TownHall – by Matt Vespa

Yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a prebuttal conference in the First Amendment Lounge of the National Press Club. At the presser, Pelosi was asked about impeaching Donald Trump, which is something that the progressive base of the Democratic Party is clamoring for Congress to do. With a solid Republican majority, that’s not going to happen.   Continue reading “Pelosi: Why Yes–We’re Looking At Ways To Impeach Trump”

New Scientist – by David Hambling

Danger zones in the air where radiation levels surge could pose an unrecognised health hazard. Airliners may have to avoid these in future, just as they do with volcanic ash clouds, to minimise any risk to travellers and crew.

We have long known that high-altitude flight exposes us to cosmic rays. The radiation dose on a flight from London to Tokyo is roughly equivalent to a chest X-ray.   Continue reading “Mystery radiation ‘clouds’ may pose risk to air travellers”

ABC 6 News

The accident came during one of the busiest nights of Mardi Gras when thousands of people throng the streets of Mid-City to watch the elaborate floats and clamor to catch beads and trinkets tossed from riders.   Continue reading “DWI suspected in crash that hurt 28 at New Orleans parade”

Fox 40

MANTECA — San Joaquin County OES is reporting a levee breach on the San Joaquin River, about two miles to the west of Airport Way and Perrin Road near Manteca.

Officials say the breach has been halted but emergency evacuations remain in place.

The breach was caused by the rising San Joaquin River and recent storms. Crews are working on filling the levee gap and reducing the flow of water. Crews will continue to stay on scene to stabilize the levee.   Continue reading “Officials: Levee Breach Near Manteca Halted; Evacuations Remain in Place”

SacBee – by Philip Reese

Butte County officials are investigating a possible norovirus outbreak at a Red Cross emergency shelter in Chico.

About 20 people at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds in Chico have exhibited symptoms consistent with norovirus, including five Red Cross workers, said Butte County spokeswoman Casey Hatcher. The Red Cross workers have been taken to local hotels. The ill residents have been isolated from others at the shelter.   Continue reading “Possible norovirus outbreak hits Chico emergency shelter”

ABC 13 News

There are at least five known injuries, but all are said to be minor.

We’re getting our first look at the incredible destruction here in the ABC13 newsroom.  Continue reading “Violent Storm Batters San Antonio, Damaging 100 Homes”

Weather Underground – by Bob Henson

While southern California tries to dry out from Friday’s watery onslaught, yet another atmospheric river will be pointed at central and northern California from late Sunday through Monday, exacerbating the woes of what’s already been a record-wet winter to date across the northern Sierra. Precipitation totals of 10” or more are possible early this week across parts of the Feather River watershed feeding into Lake Oroville. This is bound to push lake levels toward a new spike even as water continues pouring from the lake’s damaged main spillway. Fortunately, the lake level was down almost 50 feet on Saturday from its overflow state last Sunday, February 12, when the emergency spillway showed signs of failure that prompted the evacuation of more than 180,000 people. By Saturday, the amount of water in the reservoir had dropped to 81% of capacity. This greatly reduces the odds that the impending storm could bring the lake back near capacity.   Continue reading “No Rest: Another Round of Intense Rains Heading for Central and Northern California”

The Political Insider – by Kosar

U.S. Border Patrol agents along with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection have apparently caught two individuals sneaking across the border this weekend. But they weren’t from Mexico!

Breitbart has confirmation that one Egyptian national and one Iraqi national were detained by agents at the border, trying to enter America from Mexico.  Continue reading “Border Patrol Caught Iraqi, Egyptian Nationals Sneaking Across America’s Border”

KSL – by McKenzie Romero

MONTELLO, Nevada — A broken dam in Elko County, Nevada, flooded farmland and homes in the community of Montello, stopped Union Pacific trains nearby and prompted a warning to people in extreme northwest Utah to avoid the rural highway into the Silver State.

And while Utah has recently experienced a quick warmup after heavy snows, state water officials think a similar breach is unlikely in the Beehive State.   Continue reading “Broken dam in northeast Nevada flooding homes, farms and railroads”