The Hill – by Dale Wilcox

In an attempt to curb the ongoing surge of Central American illegal aliens crossing over our southern border, the Obama DHS yesterday announced the dramatic expansion of a 2014 program that puts so-called “refugees” from high-crime regions onto commercial airliners and brings them here directly to live and work. The initial surge, first reported on over the summer of 2014 and involving mostly unaccompanied alien minors (UAM) from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, caused outrage among the American public after apprehended minors began telling border patrol agents they were lured into making the dangerous journey by Obama’s apparent promise of amnesty—Indeed, statistics show the surge starting directly after his 2012 DACA decree which granted self-described “dreamers” deportation deferrals and work permits.   Continue reading “Just before election, Obama doubles down on illegal immigrant fly-in program”

Political Insider – by Kosar

The DNC Action Committee has made a major announcement on their Facebook page.

They want to place Hillary Clinton under citizens arrest, due to the “mass election fraud” that took place during the Democratic Primary.   Continue reading “At DNC, Liberals Are Trying to Arrest Hillary Clinton”

Fox News

One of Florida’s richest women is donating big time to keep medical marijuana out of the state. The trust of Carol Jenkins Barnett, daughter of the founder of the Publix supermarket chain, has donated $800,000 to the Drug Free Florida group, which is fighting a legalization measure on the ballot this November, the Miami New Times reports.   Continue reading “Publix heiress gives $800G to fight medical marijuana”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Melania Trump’s wearing a white dress during her speech at the RNC is “scary” racist, at least according to The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Fashion Writer Elizabeth Wellington.

From, “Melania Trump’s RNC fashion: A scary statement”:   Continue reading “Newspaper Fashion Writer: Melania’s White Dress is “Scary” Racist”

Natural News – by Ethan A Huff

The success of the globalists in perverting the minds of Western youth is evident in a new study by the Innovation Group, which found that most people between the ages of 13 and 20 – what the mainstream media and social engineers have dubbed “Generation Z” – no longer believe in strictly-defined gender identities like “male” and “female.”

These gender “binaries,” which are really just the pronouns humanity has been using since the beginning of time to differentiate between individuals with external reproductive equipment versus internal reproductive equipment, are now “old-fashioned” to the youth of today, which the study found are more comfortable than previous generations using gender-neutral (and grammatically incorrect) pronouns like “they” and “them” to describe a single, genderless individual.   Continue reading “A generation of poisoning with gender-bender chemicals has created a new class of youth who fail to recognize gender at all”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Shocking video shows a young African-American male violently rob a 95-year-old woman outside a mall in Tennessee.

From WREG:

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A man has been charged with the assault of a woman outside Oak Court Mall.
Continue reading “Purse Snatcher Throws 95yo Woman to the Ground, Breaks Her Teeth”

Electronic Intifada – by Rania Khalek

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed rejected a demand from groups affiliated with the movement for Black lives to halt Israel’s training relationship with local police departments.

Following a resurgence of street protests over the gruesome police slayings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two Black men killed on film in Louisiana and Minnesota, Reed held a meeting with a collective of protesters calling themselves #ATLisREADY to discuss their list of demands.   Continue reading “Atlanta mayor rejects demand to end Israel police training”

Clinton Journal – by Aaron Dykes

The political world is swarming over revelations that Hillary Clinton hid her emails during her time as Secretary of State.

She apparently went so far in shielding her official correspondence from public scrutiny that her team set up the private domain, used cover names for family members and reportedly ran a server for the mail client out of her home. Hillary publicly tweeted to dispel concerns about secrecy, dubiously claiming ‘I want the public to see my email.’   Continue reading “While Clinton Hid Emails, $6 Billion Went Missing in Her State Dept.”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following the failed Turkish coup, U.S. military operations out of Turkey’s giant Incirlik Air Base – critical in the ongoing campaign against ISIS – came to a halt Saturday afternoon as the Turkish military closed the airspace around the base and suspended all US-led operations, mostly targeting the Islamic State.   Continue reading “Turkey Suspends All US Operations Against ISIS At Incirlik Airbase, Which Vaults B61 Nuclear Bombs”

Stars and Stripes – by John Vandiver

STUTTGART, Germany — U.S. military operations against the Islamic State group out of Turkey’s Incirlik Air Base came to a halt Saturday afternoon as the Turkish military closed the airspace around the base following an attempted coup, a Pentagon spokesman said.

Power also was cut to the base and the U.S. was restricting movements of its personnel as base security was raised to the highest level.   Continue reading “Turkey closes air space over Incirlik, grounding US aircraft at base”

Yahoo News

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkey’s armed forces said it “fully seized control” of the country Friday as explosions and gunfire erupted in the capital. Turkey’s president remained defiant and called on people to take to the streets to show support for his embattled government.

Turks appeared to heed that call early Saturday taking to the streets of Izmir and Istanbul waving Turkish flags, according to television footage. Crowds also began gathering in the main square in the capital, Ankara. The Dogan news agency reported that soldiers fired on a group of people trying to cross the Bosporus bridge to protest the attempted coup, and that some people have been hurt.   Continue reading “Turkish military says seized control, people take to streets”

Gov’t Slaves

(FREEDOM FIGHTER)  Americas worst nightmare potentially just got the green light. The blue helmets of the UN are coming to police the streets of the USA. Foreign Military is now allowed to police the streets, arrest, and use force in combat.

In May 2016, the USA approved a set of principles that give the green light for UN peacekeeping troops AND POLICE to use force to “protect” citizens in armed conflicts, but the agreement does not specify exactly where. The Blue Helmets are coming, and the American police force could now be a part of a global police force. Continue reading “Did The US Just Agree To Allow UN Foreign Troops To Police The Streets Of The USA?”

Underground Reporter – by James Holbrooks

(UR) Washington, D.C. — In a congressional hearing on Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence and retired Navy admiral Dennis Blair told the panel that the United States should be prepared to use military force to oppose Chinese aggression in the South China Sea.

“I think we need to have some specific lines and then encourage China to compromise on some of its objectives,” Blair, who headed the U.S. Pacific Command while in the Navy, said at the hearing.   Continue reading “Former Admiral Urges America To Prepare For Imminent Naval Battle With China”

Natural News – by Daniel Barker

Doctors at British “gender identity clinics” are prescribing sex-change hormones for children as young as 12 years old, according to recent U.K. media reports.

One Welsh GP, Dr. Helen Webberley, admitted that she is treating a “handful” of patients under 16 with cross-sex hormones, one of whom is a 12-year-old living as a boy.   Continue reading “Reckless, profit-driven doctors prescribing children as young as 12 sex-change hormones”


A top leader of the radical People’s New Black Panther Party says his group wants to gain major footholds in five Southern states to establish “our own government in a nation within a nation.”

Babu Omowale, the party’s national minister of defense, told Breitbart News’ Aaron Klein on his radio show, which aired Sunday on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and News Talk 990 AM in Philadelphia:   Continue reading “Black Panther Leader: We Want to Form Our Own Country”

The Daily Caller – by Tori Richards

A former federal prosecutor has sued President Obama, the founders of Black Lives Matter, Al Sharpton, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and former US Attorney General Eric Holder for inciting a race war that led to the fatal Dallas police shootings.

The federal class action lawsuit, filed Saturday in Dallas, accuses the defendants of aiding and abetting murder, terrorist promotion of gang activity and civil rights violations of law enforcement officers. It seeks damages of more than $2 billion.   Continue reading “Former Prosecutor Sues Obama, Al Sharpton For Inciting A Race War”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

Black Lives Matter protesters blocked off a bridge and prevented a suffering child from traveling to the hospital so they could hold up some protest signs while browsing the internet on their cell phones.   Continue reading “Black Lives Matter Protesters Block Bridge During Child’s Medical Emergency”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Gun Control supporters, and the Left in general, like to portray themselves as loving peaceniks who only want to make America safe. They say that if only the American public was willing to be disarmed, we could reduce crime and eliminate mass shootings. However, gun control is an inherently authoritarian policy, and deep down, the most radical gun control proponents are anything but peaceful.

For instance, take Professor James Pearce of Southern State Community College (SSCC) in Ohio. He recently told his followers on Facebook that the only way to stop the NRA’s influence, is for liberals to arm themselves, storm the NRA’s headquarters in Virginia, and kill everyone.   Continue reading “Professor Tells Gun Grabbers To Arm Themselves And Storm NRA HQ”