menNatural News – by Mike Adams 

If you haven’t already seen Hunger Games, Catching Fire I urge you to watch it now. The movie, available for free on Amazon’s PRIME service, depicts a totalitarian centralized government ruling over disarmed, oppressed subjects with outrageous cruelty and injustice.

The movie is a warning to what might happen to us all very soon if we don’t stop the march of tyranny in America. You need to watch the film because America is headed straight for a similar outcome, and this fact was especially driven home today by one of the most outrageous new laws to ever be passed in any state. By a wide margin of support, Illinois just voted to criminalize citizens filming police in public spaces.   Continue reading “Government’s descent into Hunger Games injustice and tyranny nearly complete”

A Duplicitous Obama Policy Could End Our IndependenceThe John Birch Society – by Art Thompson

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how duplicitous the Obama administration has been regarding its trade policy; how its proposed trade agreements would destroy the United States; how we’ve been led to believe that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is the American plan (think good plan) and the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) is the Chinese plan (think bad plan), when actually the Obama administration has posted on a 2010 statement of the APEC leaders, which includes the U.S., strongly endorsing the FTAAP plan; and therefore, the TPP (the so-called American plan) is only a salami slice transition step on the way to an FTAAP regional government (the so-called Chinese plan, but also backed by the American government) as part of the New World Order.   Continue reading “A Duplicitous Obama Policy Could End Our Independence”

constitution conceptPersonal Liberty – by Bob Livingston

This is the first of a two-part series.

If an effort is to be undertaken by Americans in which they are to reclaim their rights under natural law (rights that are being stolen from them every day by the tyrannical fascist American regime), then an understanding of what has transpired to take away those rights must first be achieved. For if one does not know how his rights were taken from him, there is no way he can adequately labor for their return.   Continue reading “From republicanism to tyranny: How did we lose our rights?”

child sexual abuseDC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison

I can only imagine what the numbers might be like in California, Texas, and New York. 4,317 charges of sexual assault on minors were recently recorded in a 12 month period in America’s 10th largest state — North Carolina.

Universal Free Press reports:

Between November 1, 2013 and October 31, 2014, there have been 4,317 charges of child sexual assault filed against illegal aliens in North Carolina, according to the citizens advocacy group known as NCFIRE.

Continue reading “Illegal Alien Pedophiles: 4,317 Charges Filed Against Illegals in ONE YEAR… in ONE STATE (and it’s only our 10th largest)”

CNBC – by Holly Ellyatt

Greece’s stock market crashed on Tuesday and bond yields spiked after the country’s government surprised investors by announcing a snap presidential vote.

The election was originally scheduled for the new year, but will now take place next week.

The news, announced late Monday, caused the Athens Stock Exchange to close down around 12.8 percent on Tuesday, and the yield on Greek 10-year government debt to rise to 8.158 percent.   Continue reading “Greek stocks crash, yields spike on political strife”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Beloit, Wisconsin, police chief Norm Jacobs is asking city residents to volunteer to allow police to search their homes for guns.

Jacobs believes this will put the problems associated with “gun violence” front and center in residents’ minds.

According to Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), Jacobs asked for volunteers because that’s how he has seen healthcare providers handle viral outbreaks. WPR quoted Jacobs saying: “Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus is represented in the media, and we should fight it using the tools that we’ve learned from our health providers.”   Continue reading “Police Chief Asks City Residents to Allow their Homes to be Searched for Guns”

ankles 1The National Patriot – by Craig Andersen

Obamacare…meet amnesty.

Amnesty…meet Obamacare.

Americans…bend over and grab your ankles.

The two most atrocious signatures of the Obama regime are about to collide and the scene of the accident is not going to be pretty. To be clear, the Lame Ducktator would rather have you all focused on fabricated racism than this and that is exactly why I am about to expose it.   Continue reading “Obamacare + Amnesty = Grab Your Ankles”

LugerGun Nuts Media – by Caleb

There are guns that are truly great and will stand the test of time. The 1911, the Glock 17, the AR15, the M1 Garand. Legends, and rightfully so because they’ve earned their place in history. Some guns served on the wrong side of wars, but represented innovations like the Walther P38 or the STG44. But what about guns that everyone says are great, but are actually kind of terrible? Some are propped up by lingering nostalgia, others are popular because of their price point, but for whatever reason, people love them…even if they’re not very good. So get out your stadium hats and start chanting with me: “OVER-RATED! OVER-RATED!” as we look at the 5 Most Overrated Guns of All Time.   Continue reading “The 5 Most Overrated Guns of All Time”

small pirate studioCapitalist Eric

There’s an old joke from the Soviet Union: “you can say anything you want- once!” The underlying meaning, of course, is that after you said it, you would never be heard from again. That is the implicit threat that we face every day, so it seems we’re constantly walking on eggshells. Certain words were not allowed to be said, and certain facts are not allowed to be expressed.

You have an employee who’s constantly sandbagging and incompetent, but you’re not allowed to discipline him or fire him, because he’s a “minority,” and you don’t want to get slapped with a discrimination lawsuit. So instead you tolerate his sub-par performance, and hope he’ll go somewhere else on his own volition.   Continue reading “The Low-Tech Solution to the High-Tech Police State: Pirate Radio”

nockWestern Rifle Shooters

Here is the Golden Rule of sound citizenship, the first and greatest lesson in the study of politics:

You get the same order of criminality from any State to which you give power to exercise it; and whatever power you give the State to do things FOR you carries with it the equivalent power to do things TO you.  

– Albert Jay Nock, The Criminality of the State   Continue reading “Quote Of The Century”