RPG_Grenades_Collection_03.jpg696bb774-c06b-4a1e-833c-7db268e4bc16LargerWeapons Man

Obsolete (or at least obsolescent) in Russian service, the RPG-7 continues to serve with scores and scores of armies worldwide. Every Afghan armed force, regular or irregular, since about 1980, has used this versatile and powerful weapon.

This DOD B-roll video shows Marines training members of the Afghan National Army in the loading and firing of the RPG on 24 August 2011.  This was a train-the-trainer event; the Afghans in this video were being trained as small arms assistant instructors.   Continue reading “Learning the RPG-7”

Mrs. Zieve is correct in her thinking ….

The “boy” and his playmates MUST be physically removed  from the sand box. Better yet, let’s just let the cat bury them there.

Either way, Mrs. Zieve’s thinking has finally come to the realization of what the Patriot Community has known for a long time. Yes, she’s written about corruption for many years, and has done a good job, too. She’s been sounding the alarm as well, unlike many of her counterparts. Who’ve denied the obvious, and avoided the topic, all together.   Continue reading “US Republic now gone—Fully replaced by Dictatorship”

Liberty Under Fire – by Harold Pease, PH. D

We drove down a quiet country road, trees and green meadows in every direction. Mount Carmel, the famous Branch Davidian Compound, was a sharp turn to the right. Gone was the mailbox at the entrance with Branch Davidian Church clearly written on it in big black letters where the once 100-plus residents of a devout break-off of the Seventh-day Adventist Church received their mail.

Once on the grounds, we were met with two simple memorials each telling us that something very significant and violent had happened here; one to the four ATF agents killed in the February 28, government raid. A few feet away was a shrine of sorts with a name on a plague for each of the 76 Davidians (19 men, 34 women, 23 children) who lost their lives in the fiery furnace in their place of residence 21 years ago, April 19, 1993. Sympathetic visitors had left money on one of the shrines.   Continue reading “Branch Davidian Sacred Soil, 21 Years Later”

Web Commentary – by Sher Zieve

When even Marxist and “progressive” icon Noam Chomsky is sounding the alarm about Obama’s dissolution of human tights and the US Republic, one knows that America is in the deepest trouble it has been in since prior to the American Revolution in the 1700s. I would even venture to state that the situation in which we find ourselves today is far more dire than in those early days; when my ancestors fought in the American Revolution in order to establish this country.   Continue reading “When all that Remains is Deceit, Tyranny and Treason”

Photo credit: Oregon Department of Transportation (Flickr)Western Journalism

“A government which will turn its tanks upon its people, for any reason, is a government with a taste of blood and a thirst for power and must either be smartly rebuked, or blindly obeyed in deadly fear.”—John Salter

How many children, old people, and law-abiding citizens have to be injured, terrorized, or killed before we call a halt to the growing rash of police violence that is wracking the country? How many family pets have to be gunned down in cold blood by marauding SWAT teams before we declare such tactics off limits? And how many communities have to be transformed into military outposts, complete with heavily armed police, military tanks, and “safety” checkpoints before we draw that line in the sand that says “not in our town”?   Continue reading “Just Shoot: The Mindset Responsible For Turning Search Warrants Into Death Warrants, And SWAT Teams Into Death Squads”

The Complete Takeover Of AmericaMilitia News

The wholesale looting of America and the transfer of wealth and power, along with the complete obliteration of any remaining freedom to protest, resist, or even speak out is now entering its final phase as numerous different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fall into place and portray a clear picture of tyranny.

We are about to sound the death knell for the United States if our liberty, free speech, sovereignty, and right to not be ruled over is not fiercely opposed and crushed.   Continue reading “The Complete Takeover Of America”

d8fb63d495b6571268a3de2452581f36_XLThe New American – by Alex Newman

Under the guise of re-defining and improving what they inaccurately called “capitalism,” top insiders representing institutions that control some $30 trillion in assets met at aRothschild-sponsored “Inclusive Capitalism” summit in London to push what sounded suspiciously like global tyranny. From the IMF boss quoting Karl Marx to crony capitalist CEOs and central bankers pushing radical notions of “sustainability,” the globalist bigwigs consistently blamed what little remains of the free market for the horrific failures of socialism, central banking, and Big Government. Ironically, many of the attendees enriched by fleecing taxpayers via government were tripping over themselves to advocate more wealth redistribution and taxes.    Continue reading “Rothschild Crony Capitalist Summit Plots Against Free Markets”

Was there any doubt that the players are all on the same team? They fall on their swords out of either threats or promises of promotion. They all get cushy positions after the public has forgotten the events. Now watch, this “movie maker” will end up with his own production company. And end up making documentaries about the regime, and it’s lackies.

Nothing will surprise me anymore….except to hear all our enemies admit to the errors of their ways, ask forgiveness, and slink quietly into the night. But we know that, that will only happen in the land of rainbows and lollypops. You know, the kingdom of which Glenn Beck, Pelosi, Reid, AJ, and Limbaugh dwell. Where unicorns prance about with Hobbits eating cakes while they wash it down with cream ales. And wizards turn their enemies into toads……….   Continue reading “Bombshell: Benghazi Filmmaker CONFIRMED To Be An Agent Of Eric Holder Justice Department”

Sniper_rifleBearing Arms – by Bob Owens

In the same interview where President Barack Obama blatantly lied about background checks, he praised Australia’s gun control laws, which Charles  C.W. Cooke notes reliedentirely upon confiscation:

Let me be clear, as Obama likes to say: You simply cannot praise Australia’s gun-laws without praising the country’s mass confiscation program. That isAustralia’s law. When the Left says that we should respond to shootings as Australia did, they don’t mean that we should institute background checks on private sales; they mean that they we should ban and confiscate guns.

Continue reading “Confiscation and Rebellion”

Last Resistance – by Dave Jolly

A growing sign of the decay of American values and principles can be seen in courtrooms around the nation. Liberal judges appointed by liberal presidents are ruling more on their own personal agenda than on the rule of law.

Case in point is how federal judges are ruling against the will of the people and state constitutions in favor of their personal support of homosexuality and same-sex marriage. One such federal judge is Barbara Crabb, the Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin. She was appointed to the bench by liberal Democratic President Jimmy Carter in 1979.   Continue reading “Federal Judge Rules on Personal Agenda to Strike down Part of Wisconsin Constitution”