Screen shot 2014-06-29 at 9.52.21 PMWestern Rifle Shooters

Keynote speech, Dr Michael Hill, President, League of the South, 28 June 2014:


Congratulations, Leftists, you have won.

You have taken over the West and now your worldview is triumphant. Europe, America, and the other former lands of Christendom lie in your grasp. The Age of Enlightened Utopia has arrived.   Continue reading “To The Leftists: Enjoy It While You Can”

“After America Comes North America,” Gen. Petraeus BoastsThe New American – by Alex Newman

Former general and CIA chief David Petraeus (shown), a key figure in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations and the shadowy Bilderberg network, boasted at a recent conference that the United States of America is set to be merged into the continental regime being erected under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Speaking at the Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty last week in London, the ex-commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq essentially celebrated the end of U.S. independence — and by extension, the demise of the Constitution.      Continue reading ““After America Comes North America,” Gen. Petraeus Boasts”

The one who’s in power, is the one who’s coordinated the twisting of our Constitution, Satan. As Satan desires even more, each day, to be worshipped, he’s pulling out all the stops. All of his groupies, such as the “boy” and his hoard, they’re doing his bidding.

The all out attacks upon our Republic is proof positive that we’re at war, not only with those physical enemies of our Republic, but with spiritual entities as well. Our enemy hates God, and all that He represents, and desires. Our enemy also hates all institutions that God has installed, the family, good government, the Church, God’s word, and things which are pure and holy.   Continue reading “Common Core Sample Lesson Teaches ‘Evolving Nature Of Constitution’”

The New Boston Tea Party

A conspiracy is in progress, Lois, the liar Lerner, the infamous IRS employee (our employee) who took the fifth amendment when asked to explain who gave here the order to target TEA PARTY groups is front and center. Have her arrested, throw away the key until she comes clean.

Now we have learned that the email storage company who had the contract to store these IRS emails was given the door at the same time when those emails disappeared. They broke the Federal Record Keeping Law by not notifying the National Archives.    Continue reading “Conspiracy At The Highest Levels Of Our Government”

UN-riot-policeSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

It’s no secret that the United Nations, with assistance from members of the Executive and Legislative branches in the United States, has been actively working to reduce Americans’ accessibility to firearms. In 2012 President Obama, along with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, spearheaded a backdoor move that would have imposed gun control on the United States through foreign means by signing a global disarmament initiative known as the Small Arms Treaty. Though that attempt failed, mass shooting incidents at Sandy Hook and elsewhere have kept the pressure on gun owners with the President having made repeated suggestions that he would mandate gun restrictions through Executive Order should state and federal legislatures fail to act.   Continue reading “United Nations Seeks US-based Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Specialists”

President Barack ObamaWND – by KATHY SHAIDLE

In an interview on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” commentator Charles Krauthammer remarked that, “Obama is a president choosing decline.”

“We are in a position to dominate again,” he explained, “but we have a president who doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism, American greatness.”   Continue reading “Rush: Obama ‘greasing skids’ of U.S. decline”

White House finally admits its role in causing the child-immigrant tsunamiHuman Events – by John Hayward

Breitbart News commemorates a milestone in the deliberately-created humanitarian crisis on our border, as the White House finally admits that President Obama’s unilateral dismantling of immigration laws might just have been a factor in bringing a tsunami of underage illegal immigrants crashing down on our heads:

The White House admitted rumors of free entry to the United States are motivating migrants to risk the trek northward. Officials said they are pushing back against “misinformation,” noting that Vice President Biden’s trip to Guatamala to meet with the leaders of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico is part of that effort. Continue reading “White House Finally Admits Its Role In Causing The Child-Immigrant Tsunami”

bildeBearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Heckler & Koch fanboys—and I’m specifically referring to those who insist that the company can do no wrong—aren’t going to like this.

The German government is claiming that the G36 assault rifle—the parent of the XM8 once looked at as a replacement for the M4/M16 family of weapons fielded here in the United States—can’t hack it in real-world conditions:   Continue reading “That Awkward Moment When H&K Fanboys Find Out That The Germans Call The G36 The Rifle That “Doesn’t Shoot Straight””

2c7567224fe219443d0357730c42785c_MThe New American – by Alex Newman

Communist, socialist, and Islamist tyrants, as well as some elected governments from around the world, came together in Bolivia mid June to sign a massive declaration outlining their autocratic demands. Among them: Global government, planetary wealth redistribution from Western taxpayers to their governments, the United Nations “sustainable development” scheme known as Agenda 21, an “international climate regime,” and economy-crippling energy-rationing policies in the West, as well as much more power for their oftentimes brutal regimes in “global governance” institutions such as the UN and the IMF. UN boss Ban Ki-moon was there to cheer them along.    Continue reading “Dictators Worldwide Demand Aid, Empowered UN, Global Socialism”

Liberty’s Beacon

Good morning, Gentle Reader. Have you been disturbed by the most recent news? Thinking that things really aren’t as bad as that, because they’re actually worse? Wondering if you’ll ever manage to unravel that knot in your stomach short of hauling stakes and “going Galt?”

If the above applies to you, turn off the television — those patent medicines won’t do a damn thing for you and you know it — and address this most important question with me:   Continue reading “Declarations Of War”

False alarm? Agents went to the Valrico property of Martin Winters looking for as many as 50 high-powered AR-15 rifles and several explosive devices, but found only buried barrels of foodDaily Mail – by Joel Christie

Federal agents this week searched the Florida home of a ‘doomsday prepper’ they alleged had stockpiled over 50 high-powered assault rifles and several explosive devices buried around his property as ‘booby traps’.

However the warrant showed up little more than barrels of food.

Martin Winters, a father-of-three from Valrico, surrendered to police on Wednesday following a widespread two-day hunt.   Continue reading “FBI raid the home of ‘doomsday prepper’”

Freedom Outpost – by Bradlee Dean

Over the last couple weeks I have been glued to the true story “The Lone Survivor,” where four of America’s finest Navy SEALs of “Operation Red Wings” were sent to do some reconnaissance concerning terrorists in Afghanistan.

Right from the start it seemed very clear that the special op was cursed. All the way from herdsman coming directly into their particular position where they were discovered (they could not terminate the compromise of being discovered because of Rules of Engagement), to being surrounded by 200 Taliban while they were waiting and expecting to be extracted but could not (their radio signal was too weak to reach headquarters). Then there was the downing of two Chinook helicopters (two apache helicopters would have given them cover, but they were grounded). All circumstances around this operation seem very strange both from within and from without. Tragically, three of the four SEALs were killed. What began to catch my attention was when Marcus Luttrell said about the enemy, “They knew exactly where we were.”   Continue reading “The New World Order & The ‘Order Out of Chaos’ Globalists”

Mike Malloy: Fan of the Second Amendment and Law Enforcement.Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Atlanta-based left-wing radical talk show host Mike Malloy says that if he sees a long gun open carrier, he’s going to do everything in his power to cause a panicked andpotentially deadly police response:

I guess what I’ll do if I’m ever in that situation and I see one of these half-witted yahoos walking in with a weapon, high-caliber rifle like that, I’ll just put on a berserk act.I will just start screaming Gun! Gun! Gun! Watch out, everybody hit the deck! Guns! Guns! Everybody! And then dial 911 and I will say, shots fired, which will bring every g**-damned cop within 15 miles. And then the half-wits with the long guns are going to panic and they’re going to run out of the store and if that rifle isn’t shouldered properly, the cop is going to take a look at that and put a bullet right in their forehead.

Continue reading “This Deranged Radio Show Host Wants To Trick Police Into Killing Open Carrier Protesters”