Chinese tourists look at Eiffel Tower souvenir at the Galeries Lafayette shopping center, on October 4, 2012 in ParisYahoo News

Chinese police will help patrol tourist destinations in Paris this summer after a rise in muggings and attacks on Chinese tourists, a source in France’s interior ministry said Tuesday.

More than one million Chinese visitors come to France every year and there have been concerns over a number of muggings and attacks against them.   Continue reading “Chinese police to help patrol Paris streets”

Critical Items for Survival ShelterUS Crow

After reviewing 123survivalplan, a video that is supposed to provide the public with 37 critical food items that are considered ‘must have’ for any prepper, doomsday and survivalist plan. However, it turned out to be a 10 minute long commercial to influence you to pay for it. Yes, we love capitalism but it doesn’t bode well for our sense of patriotism to charge Americans for information about survival. So, in response we will provide our own list.   Continue reading “Critical Items for Survival Shelters”

healthNatural News – by Julie Wilson

Thanks to greater awareness surrounding the dangers of food that’s processed and doused with pesticides, consumer attitudes have blossomed from an interest to a demand when it comes to knowing what’s in our food and understanding what’s healthy.

However, consumers aren’t the only ones who’ve changed their attitude toward “conventional” food. Large food manufacturers have also transformed their tactics in regard to producing and labeling food products (mostly labeling), but instead theirs is driven by money rather than concern for consumer health.
Continue reading “Conventional ‘yogurt’ is junk food disguised as health food”

Bushcraft and Survival Skills – by GunsmithG

There are many variables to consider when choosing a cartridge for a personal protection handgun. Skill level, recoil tolerance, and cost all come into play. Staying within a budget and allowing for monthly or bi monthly trips to the range, and ammunition for practice can become a burden if a hard to get or expensive cartridge is chosen. Certain cartridges, like the .357 Sig or 10MM for example, are harder to find and usually more expensive when it is found. High cost of ammo equals less rounds for practice, and as a new shooter, practice is extremely important. That’s one of the reasons why I recommend a quality .22LR handgun, either semi-auto or revolver to learn the basics with. Recently, because of consumer fears over gun laws and ammunition restrictions, .22LR has gotten a lot more expensive and less available, so that is something to consider also.   Continue reading “Choosing a Handgun for Personal Protection: Part 2 Cartridge Selection”

US Crow – by David Black

Why do we have Aid and Litter teams? There is only one medic for every Platoon sized element. 4 squads with 2 fire teams per squad and 2 buddy teams per fire team. That is 1 or 2 (if you are lucky) medic/s or for 32+ people. My bag and treat 2-4 heavily wounded casualties.

Does anyone else see a problem here? If the medic goes down… If more than 4 people are heavily injured everyone is fucked. More than that I can’t carry everything. My fighting load weighs about 35 pounds. My aid bag weights another 35 pounds. So I am carrying 70 pounds. Read the Book “A Soldier’s Load and Mobility of a Nation” and you will see why that is a problem. Because that is not inclusive of survival or bugout gear. So as a Medic I need to distribute some of that load. Not only in terms of resources but of training and responsibility.   Continue reading “Special Teams: Aid and Litter Survival Training”

The Patriot Post, May 2, 2014

It’s never a surprise when the four leftist Supreme Court justices give the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) more power, but this week’s 6-2 ruling reinstating the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule also had the support of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy. It seems that Roberts is now a swing voter, meaning conservatives have to go 2-for-2 between him and Kennedy.

The case, EPA v. EME Homer City Generation, hinged on whether the EPA could implement new regulations on power plants without giving the states an opportunity to write their own rules and without regard to any individual state’s contribution to the problem. The Second Circuit Court struck down the regulations in 2012, a decision reversed by this week’s Supreme Court ruling. Affected are 28 states east of the Rocky Mountains but excluding the Dakotas, the New England states and Delaware.   Continue reading “Supreme Court Approves EPA Power Play”

The New American – by Jack Kenny

To an outside observer, it might appear that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has taken on too many missions. But a series of articles appearing recently in the Albuquerque Journal in New Mexico suggests that the DHS has but a single mission: one called “everything.”   Continue reading “Homeland Security Does Everything — Except Thwart Terrorists”

flagflap12.jpgFox News

California state government departments will be prohibited from selling or displaying items with an image of the Confederate flag under a bill that passed the Assembly on Monday.

AB2444 by Assemblyman Isadore Hall, D-Compton, is headed to the Senate after passing on a 72-1 vote. Hall introduced the bill after his mother saw replica Confederate money being sold at the state Capitol gift shop, which no longer stocks the item.   Continue reading “California bill bans Confederate flag sales on state property”

The New American – by Alex Newman

The Founding Fathers created the U.S. government for the express purpose of securing the God-given individual rights of Americans, according to the Declaration of Independence. A poll released last month, however, confirmed yet again that a majority of voters now view the perpetually expanding Leviathan as a threat to those rights and individual liberty. More than one in three Americans even fears the federal government, the recent poll showed, confirming other surveys finding broad public agreement that Washington, D.C., has become dangerous and out of control.   Continue reading “Poll: Most Americans View Feds as Threat to Liberty”

The anchor baby clause, and all entitlements, must be done away with. Not only are we being “changed”, from within by outsiders, but we’re being bled dry by people who don’t care one flip about this Republic. Other than what’s in it for them, for the asking. They’ll never assimilate; they’re here for the Free Stuff. Just like all the other socialist minded freaks.

 I’ll never forget seeing a banner, twenty feet wide, held by illegals, marching in a protest. On it read, “ Socialism Now !” The nerve of these brigands, demanding anything. More or less the destruction of this Republic. These freaks are a fifth column that is, and will be, used by TPTB to cause unrest, when they’re told to act up.   Continue reading “Dear Americans, Time to Come Out of the Shadows”

farmNatural News – by Mike Adams

In the latest stunning assault on Americans’ right to grow their own food, the freedom-crushing state of Michigan has ruled that local governments (cities, towns, counties) can now ban any animal they wish from small residential farms. The move opens the door to the mass criminalization of backyard farms and small, residential farming operations where people might keep a few goats or honey bees for food security.

According to Michigan Public Radio (1), the ruling could ban all chickens, goats, honey bees and other animals from farms which have another residential house less than 250 feet away.
Continue reading “Right to farm being stripped from Americans: Michigan to criminalize small family farms with chickens, goats, honey bees and more”

3a6eaef937e8ee6f2e8f4e8a9b01b88e_MThe New American – by William F. Jasper

“Domestic terrorists.” That is how U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid referred to the hundreds of supporters who had come to Bunkerville, Nevada, to stand with the besieged ranch family of Cliven and Carol Bundy against the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

While most critics of the Bundys and their supporters have veered short of the verbal excesses of Nevada’s senior senator, they have nonetheless showered the 67-year-old rancher and his adherents with venom and ridicule. “Welfare rancher,” “deadbeat,” “crackpot,” “redneck teabagger,” “fools,” “fanatics,” “wackos” — those are some of the more printable epithets. Elias Isquith at delivers the typical “liberal” analysis, describing Bundy as “wingnut rancher” and his allies as “anti-government extremists.” Over at the Huffington Post, college student Brian Jecunas was given column space to pontificate that Bundy is a “dangerous knave” and a “selfish radical.” “Hopefully,” Jecunas wrote, “Bundy and his followers will end up where criminals belong — a cramped prison cell.”    Continue reading “Showdown on the Range”

A Ukrainian military helicopter flies near a Ukrainian checkpoint near the town of Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine May 2, 2014 (Reuters / Baz Ratner)RT News

The Ukrainian army has begun a special operation against pro-autonomy activists in the eastern town of Slavyansk. The city is now blockaded by the Ukrainian military, with 20 helicopters reportedly deployed to crack down on self-defense forces.

Follow live updates on the special operation in Slavyansk   Continue reading “Ukrainian troops begin special operation in Slavyansk”

Freedom Outpost – by Rory Hall

It was the early 1980′s when the awakening process began for me. A group of friends were celebrating Spring with their annual “Spring Fling,” the first gathering of people that I was able to spend time with who were actually living an alternative lifestyle. At the time, and in some circles today, the “communal lifestyle” was more referred to as the “Counter Culture.” They had awakened to the reality that the “news” was a lie, the politicians were criminals and the “system” was broken. You have to remember the counter-culture really started in the mid 1950′s with the “beatniks,” people like Allen Ginsberg, Ram Das, Ken Kesey and Neal Cassady.   Continue reading “Using Gold and Silver as Money – Breaking Away from the System”

The media is turning on President ObamaThe New York Post – by Michael Goodwin

With multiple crises spiraling out of control around the world, stories about the Obama presidency are taking on the air of postmortems. What went wrong, who’s to blame, what next — even The New York Times is starting to recognize that Dear Leader is a global flop.

“Obama Suffers Setbacks in Japan and the Mideast,” the paper declared on Friday’s front page. The double whammy of failure pushed the growing Russian menace in ­Europe to inside pages, but even they were chock-full of reports about utopia gone wrong.    Continue reading “The media is turning on President Obama”

Gun Owners of America

In a closed-door meeting of wealthy contributors in Las Vegas, House Speaker John Boehner said he was “hell-bent on getting [anti-gun immigration amnesty] done this year.”

And earlier this week, the Speaker viciously mocked conservative Republicans for opposing him on this issue.   Continue reading “Boehner Secretly Plotting to Stab Gun Owners in the Back”

Accuweather – by Michael Kuhne

Mining groundwater for agricultural use in the San Joaquin Valley has not only created one of the most productive agricultural regions in the United States, but it has also simultaneously altered the surface of the land causing noticeable subsidence or sinking in the region, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

“The maximum subsidence, near Mendota, was more than 28 feet,” USGS reported, citing a 1970 comprehensive survey.   Continue reading “Groundwater Mining in California Creates Farming Hub but Land Sinks by Feet”