Freedom Outpost – by David Risselada

Change for America has already been written in the history books. The Left set out on a mission to fundamentally transform this nation, and they are succeeding at an alarming rate. We are living in a time where so many are completely clueless as to what the intentions of the founding fathers were for the people of this country; and we are literally witnessing society give up their rights to self-governance for the false promise that somebody can care for them better than they can care for themselves.   Continue reading “The Winds of Change Are Blowing in America”

Government vehicles and personnel outside of the Bundy ranch / Cliven and Carol BundyFree Beacon – by Elizabeth Harrington

A two-decades-old battle between a Nevada rancher and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has resulted in officials armed with machine guns surrounding the ranch and forcibly removing the owner’s cattle, according to the rancher’s family.

Cliven Bundy, the last rancher in Clark County, Nev., has been fighting a “one-man range war” since 1993, when he decided to take a stand against the agency, refusing to pay fees for the right to graze on a ranch run by his family for centuries.   Continue reading “Last Man Standing”

A New World Tax RegimeThe New American – by Alex Newman

To anyone who even casually monitors international agencies — such as the UN, the OECD, and the IMF — it will come as no surprise that those agencies have long wanted stable sources of funding that they could count on, rather than relying on handouts from governments around the world. But it would likely come as a surprise to most that we will likely see the initial operation of a world tax regime to fund international entities by 2015.   Continue reading “A New World Tax Regime”

Restore the Republic – by Nick

They hunt in packs. They are not stealth. They come growling, snarling, and ready to tear into the prey.

They can run for miles, upon miles. If you can run twenty, they will run twenty-one. If you can go fifty, they will go fifty-one.

Their pursuit is endless. No prey can outlast them. They are the greatest hunters in the world as they are absolutely relentless.   Continue reading “The Relentless Hunter”

atfClash Daily – by Mark Mayberry

To The Head of the ATF

Mr. Jones:

It has come to my attention that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has recently instituted yet another ban on previously legal and widely imported ammunition.  These rifle rounds are made illegal and banned from import through a small and frankly underhanded tactic being carried out by your agency.  This week your agency announced that the further import of Russian surplus 5.45 X 39mm ammunition with military designation 7N6 would be banned in the United States.   Continue reading “An Open Letter to the Head of the ATF: Another Ammunition Ban?”

Russell Crowe as NoahThe Truth Wins – by Michael Snyder

In the new Hollywood blockbuster “Noah”, the Creator of this world is portrayed as an evil homicidal maniac that utterly hates humanity, and the Serpent is portrayed as the one holding the secret that will restore the “divine spark” to humanity.  Unfortunately, most Christians (even those that have reviewed this film negatively) have totally missed the Luciferian Gnostic themes that are being openly promoted by this film.  I have previously written about how “Noah” turns the fallen angels into good guys that actually help Noah build the Ark, but the occult themes in this movie go much deeper than that.  Director Darren Aronofsky has expertly woven elements of Luciferianism, Gnosticism and even from the Kabbalah throughout the film.  Over the years, hundreds of millions of people all over the world that watch this movie will be exposed to the Luciferian gospel without even realizing it.   Continue reading ““Noah” Promotes The Luciferian Gnostic Belief That The Creator Of This World Is Evil”

UN “Human Rights” Report Attacks U.S. Gun Rights, ConstitutionThe New American – by Alex Newman

The United Nations pseudo-“human-rights” bureaucracy released another report attacking Americans’ self-defense rights, “Stand Your Ground” statutes passed at the state level, and the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment protection of the people’s God-given right to keep and bear arms without government infringement. Agreeing with the Obama administration and the most extreme anti-Second Amendment members of Congress, the UN “Human Rights Committee” also claimed that the U.S. government needed to expand the unconstitutional background-check regime to include even private firearms sales.    Continue reading “UN “Human Rights” Report Attacks U.S. Gun Rights, Constitution”

Old news but current propaganda.

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo, Dec 5, 2011

It’s not just the hundreds of thousands of members in the alternative media community that are pointing out the dangers to liberty posed by government’s anti-terror legislation. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), like his father Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX), puts the platitudes and pointless bickering aside to tackle the real issues – the underlying fundamental issues that threaten our very way of life.   Continue reading ““Someone Who Has Guns, Ammunition, 7 Days of Food” Can Be Considered a Potential Terrorist”

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

As the battle rages on against the US government and some states’ attempt to disarm American citizens, in violation of their 2nd Amendment rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution, one of the best speeches given in defense of this type of tyranny, was by Doug Cutler, at a gun rally organized by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League took place Saturday, April 5, 2014, at the Connecticut State Capitol.   Continue reading “‘If They Mean To Have A War Let It Begin Here’ – CCDL Gun Rights Rally 4/5/14”

Common Core-approved Textbooks Rewrite Second AmendmentThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

As the grassroots revolt against Common Core grows stronger, attention to lessons contained in textbooks approved for use within the Common Core curricula is increasing, as well.

One of the chief criticisms of the standards mandated as part of the Common Core education program is that it is one-size-fits-all, federally funded, and permissive of fundamental errors that affect the quality of education of students.   Continue reading “Common Core-approved Textbooks Rewrite Second Amendment”

Pirate Morgan’s Innermost Thoughts

“Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence.” ~ John Locke, 2nd Treatise on Government.   Continue reading “Dear Connecticut Read This and Take Heart!”

You Can't Spell Progressive without an S.S.Canada Free Press – by Tim Dunkin

Sinclair Lewis was wrong—when fascism came to America, it was actually wrapped in a rainbow flag and wearing an ascot.

How else can one describe the ongoing left-wing commitment to the stamping out of free speech, whenever that speech contradicts the gay agenda, as well as other parts of the “progressive” platform? With the resignation of newly-minted Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, the “progressive” Left, especially its social wing, has once again shown itself to be the enforcers a political correctness in speech and thought that ought to be chilling to any person who actually cares about individual liberty.   Continue reading “You Can’t Spell “Progressive” without an “S.S.””

Abandoned Packard Automobile Factory - Photo by Albert DuceThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

How long can America continue to burn up wealth?  How long can this nation continue to consume far more wealth than it produces?  The trade deficit is one of the biggest reasons for the steady decline of the U.S. economy, but many Americans don’t even understand what it is.  Basically, we are buying far more stuff from the rest of the world than they are buying from us.  That means that far more money is constantly leaving the country than is coming into the country.  In order to keep the game going, we have to go to the people that we bought all of that stuff from and ask them to lend our money back to us.  Or lately, we just have the Federal Reserve create new money out of thin air.  This is called “quantitative easing”.  Continue reading “Shocking Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Everyone Should Know”

Obama’s the coming RevolutionCanada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

While the worst administration in American history has been perfecting the Big Lie that all dissent to their policy stems from conspiracy theorist wackos, they are the biggest conspiracy of all.

At this stage of the Fundamental Transformation of America, the wake up call should be glaringly obvious.   Continue reading “Obama’s the coming Revolution”

Sipsey Street Irregulars

What would it take to establish an unofficial “emergency broadcast system” that would be within the average gun owner’s reach and capabilities to participate in? Would there be a better place to test it than one where the only way to enforce existing law is through widespread initiation of force against the multitudes defying it? One thing we know: Creatures of darkness hate the light.   Continue reading “David Codrea’s excellent suggestion for the CT situation: An early warning commo network.”