Much has been written and expressed in many forums, concerning the state in which we find ourselves in. In doing so, both sides have claimed the high ground. The fact remains; the high ground belongs to those who’re attempting to RESTORE this Republic to its foundational roots, in other words, restoring the Bill Of Rights, which will restore Our Constitution.

The American Judicial system is also in a quagmire. This too Must be restored, at all costs. Tentacles, of this plague, reach far and wide into the fabric of society, seeking to influence the opinions of the uneducated masses.     Continue reading “Open Letter to American Nationals and Tyrants”

Oklahoma House Votes to Protect Property Rights from Feds and UNThe New American – by Alex Newman

With radical U.S. government and United Nations schemes such as “sustainable development” and UN Agenda 21 being quietly implemented across America at all levels of government under a variety of names and pretexts, lawmakers in the Oklahoma House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly this week for legislation to protect the unalienable rights to private property and due process in the state. The “Oklahoma Community Protection Act,” which would nullify Agenda 21 and other outside assaults on individual rights in the state, now goes to the Oklahoma Senate.   Continue reading “Oklahoma House Votes to Protect Property Rights from Feds and UN”

24834400_BG5Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Should police be able to kill a man for shooting at a police robot?

Sherry Booth thought she had a good, if nosy neighbor, in the man who lived in the other side of her Grays Hill Court duplex. Then her daughter called her a little after 8:30 p.m. Tuesday.

“She was scared to death,” Booth said. “The police (sic) was banging on the door. Told her to hurry up and get out because he had a gun.”   Continue reading “Did Kentucky State Police Kill A Man For Shooting A Robot?”

Freedom Outpost – by David Zuniga

In our Constitution, We The People empower Congress to make laws within its federal aegis.  But most Americans are oblivious to the bedrock fact in American civics:

We The People created our supreme law and through it, we created government.  All of government is under the Constitution, and We The People are sovereigns over it.  We The People created, defined, and severely limited our servant congresses, presidents, and supreme courts.    Continue reading “Can the Cartels Be Stopped? – The American People are the Sovereigns of the Constitution”

When To Revolt Against GovernmentMilitia News – by Wesley Allen Riddle

The cords that bind the Union together are weaker than they have been in more than a century. Many states are entering into political revolt against federal encroachment. But this situation is no departure from American tradition. Revolting against consolidated government has been a key to keeping the government in check.

The Founders themselves provided criteria by which to judge the proper occasion for action–both in terms of empirical precedent during the American Revolution, as well as in terms of written, theoretical discourse.   Continue reading “When To Revolt Against Government”

Samuel AdamsMilitia News

Here’s Samuel Adam’s essay under his pen name Candidus, published in Boston Gazette on October 14, 1771.

I BELIEVE that no people ever yet groaned under the heavy yoke of slavery, but when they deserv’d it. This may be called a severe censure upon by far the greatest part of the nations in the world who are involv’d in the misery of servitude: But however they may be thought by some to deserve commiseration, the censure is just. Zuinglius, one of the first reformers, in his friendly admonition to the republic of the Switzers, discourses much of his countrymens throwing off the yoke: Continue reading “Samuel Adams – Advocating The Overthrow Of Government”

waterNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

A Florida woman who successfully converted the utilities in her house from city water and electricity from the local power company to rainwater and solar panels is being punished for her innovative efforts to live “off the grid,” which a local magistrate recently declared to be illegal and in violation of local code ordinances.

Though he admitted that the regulations are redundant and unreasonable, Special Magistrate Harold S. Eskin ruled that Robin Speronis, a 54-year-old former real estate agent currently living in Cape Coral, is violating city code, not to mention the International Property Maintenance Code, by generating and supplying her own water and electricity from natural elements rather than public utilities.   Continue reading “Orwellian nightmare becomes reality for Florida woman after judge declares living ‘off the grid’ illegal”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael Shrimpton presented a report in which he indicated that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya in 1960, not 1961, as he has claimed.

According to Shrimpton, Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya. Shrimpton says that sits on British Intelligence files, since at the time of Obama’s birth, Kenya was considered a part of the British Commonwealth.

Mr. Shrimpton also indicated that Obama’s father was tied to a group known as the Mau Mau, and that he ran guns and money for them and the German Intelligence Network in East Africa.   Continue reading “British Intelligence Advisor: CIA Conducted DNA Test on Obama – Found No Match to Alleged Grandparents”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The war on liberty is coming to a head in Connecticut, where tens of thousands of gun owners have refused to comply with their state government’s gun registration laws. Officials have literally ordered those who failed to meet the registration deadline tosurrender their firearms or face arrest.   Continue reading “Connecticut Patriot Group Fights Back Against Confiscation Order: ‘We Are Armed… And Are Familiar With the Finer Points of Marksmanship’”

Pakistan Today – by SHUMAILA RAJA

If one goes by the American measurement, the saying goes that they do not start a venture unless they are sure about its cost not going from their own kitty. The Afghan venture does not seemingly pay them as does Iraq’s but permitting poppy cultivation to the Afghan warlords and bigwigs favouring the US intervention was the bid to justify finances of their stay in that country.   Continue reading “CIA’s secret drug trade goes on unchecked in Afghanistan”

آدریان سالبوچی

We all know what’s going on ……”Spice” This is the one “Product” that will always have a “Payday”, regardless of what shape the economy is in.

Tasnim News Agency

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A prominent Argentine political analyst said the western military campaign against Afghanistan, led by the US, was indeed to rein in the lucrative narcotics market and maximize profits, rather than an oft-repeated pretext to fight terrorism.   Continue reading “Analyst: Narcotics Trade, Real Reason behind US War on Afghanistan”

Politico Magazine – by JOSHUA KUCERA

It’s perhaps not surprising that Tajikistan, which shares a poorly guarded, 750-mile border with opium-rich Afghanistan, has become a major global drug-trafficking hub—in fact, more than 80 percent of Afghanistan’s heroin exports to Russia and Europe now pass through Tajik territory. Over the past decade, the United States, worried that the drug trade would soon be accompanied by all the other security problems that plague Afghanistan, has cooperated closely with Tajikistan’s government to help it stem the narcotics trade. Seems reasonable, right?   Continue reading “The Narcostate”

US Federal Agencies Seem To Be Preparing For Vast Civil UnrestMilitia News

The U.S. Postal Service is currently seeking companies that can provide “assorted small arms ammunition” in the near future.

The U.S. Postal Service joins the long list of non-military federal agencies purchasing large amounts of ammunition.

On Jan. 31, the USPS Supplies and Services Purchasing Office posted a notice on theFederal Business Opportunities websiteasking contractors to register with USPS as potential ammunition suppliers for a variety of cartridges.   Continue reading “U.S. Postal Service Announces Giant Ammo Purchase.”

Policy Mic – by Tom McKay

Which countries are at the highest risk of a coup d’état this upcoming year? While in any individual country a coup seems highly unlikely at any given time, this map from dartthrowingchimp shows the relative risks each country faces from a revolution instigated by its own armed forces.

The above heat map sorts the world by fifths into various levels of risk. The map’s creator, Jay Ulfelder, says that at around 80% of the countries which undergo coup attempts this year are likely to fall into the uppermost category (red). Meanwhile, this chart plots the unweighted average of two different forecast models to determine the “single-best” forecast of the risk of a coup.   Continue reading “This Map Shows Where The Next Military Coup Will Likely Happen”

Activist Post – by Josh del Sol

On the heels of Northeast Utilities admitting that smart meters are “irrational”, we’re seeing the wheels of reason and logic further come off the centralized energy cart(el).

In what is an illegal and thinly-veiled “psy-op” (psychological operation) attempting to stem the rising tide of awareness of the massive rights violations associated with their ‘smart’ meter deployments, Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC) actually disconnected the electricity from the home of Joshua Hart, a leader in the movement and director of   Continue reading “Utilities Desperate to Quash Dissent, Shut Off Activist Leader’s Electricity”

Connecticut Gun Confrontation Brewing Over RegistrationThe New American – by Bob Adelmann

Speculation about how the state of Connecticut would respond to the thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of gun owners who failed to register their firearms by December 31 ended when the state police sent out this January 2, 2014 letter to all those who registered late, but who in the process gave the state sufficient information to brand them as criminals: name, address, description of weapon or magazine, and date of ownership:   Continue reading “Connecticut Gun Confrontation Brewing Over Registration”