Freeedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

Secretary of State John Kerry was on Capitol Hill Thursday urging lawmakers to approve an economic aid package to Ukraine. After the hearing, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Kerry, “Hey John, good job. Let me know what I can do to help you with [House Speaker John] Boehner.”   Continue reading “Hot Mic Catches Lindsey Graham Offering Help to Democrats to Send Tax Payer Money to Ukraine”

DHS TraitorsMilitia News

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was formed as a result of the 911, when [supposedly] 19 jihadists, Radical Muslim terrorists, most of whom came from Saudi Arabia, who were armed with box-cutter knives, took over the planes and flew them into the Pentagon and the twin Towers.

Since its awkward birth in 2003, it’s safe to say the baby never learned to walk, or stopped flinging its food or sucking its thumb. But it has grown. An umbrella agency that now incorporates 22 different agencies and components with some 240,000 employees, it has survived mostly because of natural bureaucratic intransigence, but fed also, by the lingering specter of 9/11, which gives it near-impenetrable political security. It is currently receiving appropriations of $39 billion for fiscal year 2013 (and that is after sequestration).   Continue reading “It Is Time To Defund And Abolish The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)”

South Carolina's Fight Over ObamaCare Heats Up in State SenateThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Both sides of the legislative attempt to block enforcement of key provisions of ObamaCare in South Carolina are ratcheting up their efforts.

A bill the supporter calls a “blueprint for other states” is pending in the state Senate and, although not as strong a nullification of the president’s pet project as some would prefer, it does retain the right of state agents to refuse to execute portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).   Continue reading “South Carolina’s Fight Over ObamaCare Heats Up in State Senate”

Photo: ‘Igla’ missile systems stolen from Ukraine’s military depots during unrests / PoliticsTrend

Several, maybe even a few dozen ‘Igla’ man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS) were stolen from Ukraine’s military depots during the incidents in this country, a senior Ukrainian military man told RIA Novosti.

The lack MANPADS was particularly registered at the 80th separate airmobile regiment, where there were 54 sets of such systems and at the 27th separate mobile brigade, stationed 45 kilometres from Lviv city, where there were 90 MANPADS, according to the information.   Continue reading “‘Igla’ missile systems stolen from Ukraine’s military depots during unrests”

Russian airborn troopsRIA Novosti

MOSCOW, March 11 (RIA Novosti) – An airborne division based in central Russia began large-scale exercises Tuesday against the backdrop of an ongoing political and security crisis in Ukraine.

The Defense Ministry said units of the 98th Guards Airborne Division, based in Ivanovo, a city east of Moscow, were put on high alert and moved to unspecified locations to “check readiness” in simulated combat conditions.   Continue reading “Russian Paratroopers Hold Massive Drills as Crimea Vote Nears”

Freedom Outpost – by David Whitney

It seems that we live in dangerous times. There are those who tell us the danger is some people hiding in a cave over in the Middle East that is our gravest danger, but there is another line of thinking that reveals we have a greater danger right here on our own shores. Consider what is happening in the State of Connecticut.   Continue reading “Connecticut Gun Owners – Standing Against the Fear of Man”

Freedom Outpost – by David Risselada

In his book “Rules for Radicals,” Saul Alinsky writes on the power tactics to be used against a political opponent for the purpose of breaking them down and destroying their reputation. One of these tactics characterizes nearly everything we have experienced since Barack Obama has been inaugurated as he and his administration have successfully used it to blame republicans for everything. The very tactic itself speaks to the wicked nature of Alinsky as a man, and a community organizer. It goes right to the heart in describing the goals of those seeking political power as it virtually eliminates any opposition while painting them out as hypocrites. This tactic is rule # 4 in Alinsky’s list of power tactics.   Continue reading “You Can’t Say We Weren’t Warned: The Communist Influence & Infiltration of the United States”

How the Crisis in Ukraine Relates to the New World OrderThe John Birch Society – by Art Thomson

JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for March 10 – 16, 2014.

In this week’s analysis behind the news video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses how Liz Wahl, Russia Today news anchor resigned live on air over the Ukraine crisis; how he had warned against depending on RT for news back in 2012; how there is something more going on in Ukraine than you are seeing on your TV news; how that something is the creation of a New World Order; how presidents of the United States, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, signed a whole series of agreements with Russia between 1990 and 2008 regarding the formation of a U.S.-Russia partnership working toward such goals as “economic integration” of the U.S. and Russia; how the ultimate goal of all this maneuvering is world government; and how all of this is explained in Art’s new book, International Merger by Foreign Entanglements.   Continue reading “How the Crisis in Ukraine Relates to the New World Order”

cancerNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

A revolutionary breakthrough in cancer treatment that is being described as a “game-changer” would see the body’s own immune system utilized to attack diseased cells, rather than rely on sickening chemotherapy, researchers announced lately.

Scientists at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York say they have successfully experimented with the new procedure, using 16 people who had advanced leukemia and had otherwise run out of treatment options. The researchers said the patients underwent targeted T cell therapy, which then eliminated the cancerous cells in most of the patients, CBS News reported.   Continue reading “Chemotherapy-free cancer treatment uses body’s own immune system to attack diseased cells”

naturalNatural News – by S. D. Wells

So we start this whole thing off with cancer, since that’s the biggest “mystery” on Earth. Cancer, the eighth wonder of the world, or is it the ninth? Cancer — that “disease” (actually it’s a disorder) of the cells where certain dying or “chemicalized” cells mutate and multiply uncontrollably, then attack your good cells. Scientists all over the world cannot figure out a vaccine or medicine to cure this problem. Or can they?

Then there’s Alzheimer’s disease, again, not really a disease at all. It’s not contagious, and you don’t inherit it either, so forget about that big lie. Yes, it’s “genetic,” because your genes get screwed up, and oxygen can’t get to your brain. Can anyone say “aluminum and lead in food”? Scientists certainly can’t build a human brain, and they definitely can’t take it apart — to figure out what causes seniors to forget who their immediate family is, and not know how to take care of themselves anymore. There’s just no pharmaceutical cure for that. Dang it! After all, what’s the pill made from that makes you stop eating heavy metals?   Continue reading “Amazing herbal cures from around the world”

Global Security

A “covert” operation differs from a “clandestine” operation in that the former seeks to hide the identity of the operation’s sponsor, while the latter seeks to hide the operation itself. See Joint Pub 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 1 December 1989. A clandestine operation, if properly conducted, remains totally concealed. The authorities in the target area never know that anything happened. A covert operation, on the contrary, must have a product. For this reason the service carrying out a covert operation knows from the start that it cannot keep the activity itself a secret; it aims instead for plausible denial.   Continue reading “Covert Operations”

Vitamin DNatural News – by L.J. Devon

As various amounts of aluminum begin showing up in food products tested at the Consumer Wellness Center Forensic Food Lab, it’s becoming clear how metals like aluminum can build up unnecessarily in the body, taxing the organs over time.

A percentage of ingested aluminum is naturally retained by the food going in as it passes through the body. This is denoted by the metal retention factor, a concept discovered in gastric acid solution, pioneered by lab director Mike Adams. (Higher metal retention factor is better.)   Continue reading “Active vitamin D helps remove toxic aluminum in chronic kidney disease patients”

healNatural News – by Jonathan Landsman

Type-1 diabetes, celiac disease, multiple sclerosis plus many other autoimmune diseases are on the rise and conventional medicine says there’s ‘no cure’. Once again, and I say this respectfully, it’s simply not true what you’ve been told. To resolve these serious health conditions – one must look at their immediate surroundings for a natural solution.   Continue reading “Autoimmune diseases can be cured naturally”

Globalists and Gangs Back Marxist Mass-murderer in El SalvadorThe New American – by Alex Newman

With brazen backing from the globalist establishment, socialist despots, as well as U.S. and international crime syndicates, “former” communist-terrorist “commander” Salvador Sánchez Cerén of the Obama administration-subsidized FMLN appears set to win the presidency in El Salvador’s upcoming runoff election this weekend. If he wins, as is widely expected based on recent polls, the mass-murderer — a close ally of the communist Castro regime in Cuba — will become the latest ex-Marxist guerrilla to lead a U.S. taxpayer-funded Latin American national government.   Continue reading “Globalists and Gangs Back Marxist Mass-murderer in El Salvador”

House Approves Bill to Stop Obama's "War on Coal"The New American – by Raven Clabough

The House of Representatives has approved a bill to block President Obama’s climate plan that aimed at regulating so-called carbon pollution from new power plants. The bill passed by a vote of 229 to 183, with 10 Democrats voting with Republicans and three Republicans opposed.

ABC News explains,   Continue reading “House Approves Bill to Stop Obama’s “War on Coal””

The Hal Lindsey Report

The last twelve months have been rather remarkable for Mr. Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia.

He further solidified his control over the country since returning for his third term in May of 2012. He accepted Edward Snowden, the American NSA whistleblower and/or traitor. And he allows Snowden to continue releasing information both embarrassing and damaging to the United States.    Continue reading “This week on ‘The Hal Lindsey Report’”