US Supreme CourtMilitia News

The US Supreme Court (USSC) has ruled another devastating blow against freedom and the 4th Amendment, including the Bill of Rights.

The ruling made by the US Supreme Court on Tuesday (February 25, 2014) says police don’t need a warrant to search your property. As long as two occupants disagree about allowing officers to enter, and the resident who refuses access is then arrested, police may enter the residence. In other words, the US Supreme Court has ruled that police officers may enter and search a home without a warrant as long as one of the occupants agrees to the search.   Continue reading “Supreme Court Ruled The 4th Amendment No Longer Applies to Police.”

honeyNatural News – by Carolanne Wright

As a healing and nutrient-dense food, many of us are familiar with the benefits of raw honey. But did you know that honey can be used in a variety of ways outside the kitchen?

If we only use honey for its sweet taste and glorious texture, we miss out on an entire spectrum of applications. Granted, a batch of local, organic and unpasteurized (raw) honey offers a wealth of nutritional perks, including minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium — not to mention easily digestible simple sugars, which can give you a healthy boost when energy lags. Nevertheless, honey is much more than just a delicious food. Have a look at the following eight alternative uses for this “liquid gold.”   Continue reading “Eight unique ways to use honey beyond the kitchen”

Freedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

In his first TV commercial, Bill Connor, who is looking to unseat South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, uses Graham’s own words against him, showing viewers that Graham isn’t as conservative as his electorate want him to be.

The spot, which according to The State, cost the Connor campaign $7,500 to produce, starts by posing: “Conservative Republicans love Hillary Clinton, right?”   Continue reading “Bill Connor’s “Lindsey Graham for Hillary” Ad Uses Graham’s Own Words Against Him”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Ares Armor is a small tactical company that operates a store in National City, California. Recently the town of National City disapproved of a sign displayed at the National City store location and told the store, “Take down the sign or go to jail. We do not approve of guns…or you.”

The store has been in compliance with the law and was not doing anything illegal. So why is there a fuss? It’s because of the guns and the message of freedom being promoted by Ares Armor.   Continue reading “Ares Armor Tactical Store Threatened with Fines & Jail Time for AR-15 Sign”

American Tax Reform

President Obama’s Internal Revenue Service today quietly released a series of Obamacare “Health Care Tax Tips” warning Americans that they must obtain “qualifying” health insurance – as defined by the federal government – or face a “shared responsibility payment” when filing their tax returns in 2015. The term “shared responsibility payment” refers to the Obamacare individual mandate tax, one of at least seven tax hikes in the healthcare law that directly hit families making less than $250,000 per year.    Continue reading “IRS Warns: Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid with Tax Return”


Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa was the highest-ranking Soviet bloc intelligence official ever to defect to the West. He exposed the massive crimes and corruption of his former boss, Romanian President Nicolae Ceauescu, giving the dictator a nervous breakdown and prompting him to post two different million-dollar bounties on Pacepa’s head and send assassination squads to the U.S. to find his former spy chief and kill him. Pacepa, at 85, today lives in the U.S. as a “proud American citizen.”   Continue reading “Ex-commie spymaster warns of rapid ‘American descent’”

Pope Francis - Photo by Christoph WagenerThe Truth Wins – by Michael Snyder

Is Pope Francis taking steps that are laying the groundwork for the emergence of a one world religion?  If that question sounds quite bizarre to you, I urge you to read the rest of this article.  We live at a time when globalization is advancing rapidly.  The global economy is more integrated than it has ever been before, and with each passing year new economic treaties tie us even more closely together.  And “global governance” (as the elite like to call it) is also steadily gaining ground.  Through a whole host of global institutions such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements, global governments are working together to a degree that is unprecedented.  Well, what about religion?  Is there evidence that we are also witnessing the globalization of religion?  Well, yes there is.  In fact, it appears that Pope Francis intends to lead the way.   Continue reading “Pope Francis And The Emerging One World Religion”

Trail - Photo by Ws47The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

What are we to make of this sudden rash of banker suicides?  Does this trail of dead bankers lead somewhere?  Or could it be just a coincidence that so many bankers have died in such close proximity?  I will be perfectly honest and admit that I do not know what is going on.  But there are some common themes that seem to link at least some of these deaths together.  First of all, most of these men were in good health and in their prime working years.  Secondly, most of these “suicides” seem to have come out of nowhere and were a total surprise to their families.  Thirdly, three of the dead bankers worked for JP Morgan.  Fourthly, several of these individuals were either involved in foreign exchange trading or the trading of derivatives in some way.  So when “a foreign exchange trader” jumped to his death from the top of JP Morgan’s Hong Kong headquarters this morning, that definitely raised my eyebrows.  These dead bankers are starting to pile up, and something definitely stinks about this whole thing.   Continue reading “Does The Trail Of Dead Bankers Lead Somewhere?”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Nearly two weeks ago, following posting a couple of articles from Mac Slavo and Dean Garrison on the comments by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia regarding the return of American Internment Camps, I also read an article by Dr. Joel McDurmon titled A Rising Police State is a Reality. McDurmon’s article was about the topic of Scalia’s comments and the increasing number of stories we’ve been hearing about the militarization of local police departments and the growing use of SWAT teams. However, while I was familiar with the things he wrote about, it was in the comment section that I found a little nugget from the CATO Institute.   Continue reading “Rise of the Police State & No-Knock Raids – Either We are Against Them or Allowing Them to Happen”

Guns America

Turnbull Manufacturing Company

What do you buy the tactical nut who has everything? The answer is: A steel framed, bone charcoal case colored Doug Turnbull AR-15 called the TAR-15. It costs $2,750 with a plain American Black Walnut stock, and you’ll have to get in line if you want to buy one, because they are selling like hotcakes and backordered 5 months. Wait a minute, you ask? Wooden stock? Steel? AR-15? Something doesn’t add up here. But no, your eyes are not deceiving you. Continue reading “Steel & Wood AR-15 – Custom Case Colored TAR-15 Rifle from Turnbull Manufacturing Company.”

US flagDidn’t the boy meet with the king of Jordan in California?

Middle East Monitor

The United States is planning to use the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as a base for a potential military intervention in Syria to topple Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and his regime, Western diplomatic sources claimed.   Continue reading “US to use Jordan as base for potential military intervention in Syrian”

kelp-earthquake-radioactiOrange Country Register – by ERIKA I. RITCHIE

Anyone wondering about radiation found in kelp along the West Coast can check out the latest details on a new website.

Steve Manley, a biology professor at Cal State Long Beach, just launched Kelp Watch 2014 at The site will update readers on how much radiation is found in kelp growing in the waters off California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and British Columbia. The website will be updated as data come in.   Continue reading “Cal State Long Beach professor tracks radioactive kelp”

Climate Alarmists Push Chinese Communism, Population ControlThe New American – by Alex Newman

Global warming alarmists such as Al Gore, United Nations climate boss Christiana Figueres, and senior Obama administration officials are showing their true colors, proposing “solutions” for fighting alleged man-made climate change that are increasingly outlandish and outright totalitarian. Even as UN theories crumble amid 17 years with no warming, climate alarmists are calling for, among other measures, more population-control schemes and even Communist Chinese-style despotism to supposedly battle human CO2 emissions.   Continue reading “Climate Alarmists Push Chinese Communism, Population Control”

Canada Free Press – by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Lately I see a lot of Marxist propaganda in our country, particularly in the MSM and in education. I know all the slogans because I lived the lies of the communist propaganda for 20 years.

I will start with equal pay, social justice, and equality across the board by government fiat. The commie social justice was equality of misery, hunger, poor, cold, and cramped living conditions, scarcity of food, basic needs, electricity, water, and everything else spoiled brats in America take for granted that is produced by a free market model. The Sochi hotel accommodations are a case in point. To deal with the misery, the workers (the proletariat), which was all of us (except the ruling regime), joked that the “communists pretended to pay us, and we pretended to work.” I choose capitalist inequality any day.   Continue reading “Shameless Communist Propaganda from the Left”

Canada Free Press – by Herman Cain

It is coincidental that I was inspired to write a commentary about not giving up on Presidents Day, which remembers George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. If either of them had given up during the toughest times of their presidencies, then we would not be here today. And where we are, just to be clear, is standing as a free nation united, but losing our freedoms and becoming more divided every day.   Continue reading “A Presidents’ Day reminder of why we must fight”