International Liberty – by Dan Mitchell

This arrived in my inbox today. A quick search on the Internet reveals it is not a real article from a Canadian paper. But it is somewhat amusing, so enjoy.

“Build a Damn Fence!”
From The Manitoba Herald , Canada ;
by Clive Runnels, December 1st 2010
Continue reading “Canada’s Immigration Crisis: Too Many American Leftists?”

Ascension with Earth

Attention: By special request, this Internet community has been sent a global status report now that certain diplomatic assets can no longer engage in such matters due to NDA contracts signed years earlier.  Once the global financial re-calibration began, all diplomatic operatives were advised to cease communications.  And now that “The Event” process has begun in earnest, said information patterns and flow had to end.  Below are a few topics that were asked to be explained in greater detail for this Internet community–a final “TETELESTAI” SITREP will be released with toll free 800# contact information and sovereign rate updates via these websites:
Continue reading “Global Status Report – (Behind The Scenes Look Into The Geopolitical Landscape)”