JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel on Wednesday mourned the death of Shimon Peres, a former president and prime minister whose life story mirrored that of the Jewish state, as the government began preparations for a funeral that is expected to bring together an array of world leaders and international dignitaries.

Peres, celebrated around the world as a Nobel Prize-winning visionary who pushed his country toward peace during a remarkable seven-decade career, died early Wednesday from complications from a stroke. He was 93.   Continue reading “Israel mourns as preparations begin for Peres’ funeral”

DENVER (AP) — Police officers across the country misuse confidential law enforcement databases to get information on romantic partners, business associates, neighbors, journalists and others for reasons that have nothing to do with daily police work, an Associated Press investigation has found.

Criminal-history and driver databases give officers critical information about people they encounter on the job. But the AP’s review shows how those systems also can be exploited by officers who, motivated by romantic quarrels, personal conflicts or voyeuristic curiosity, sidestep policies and sometimes the law by snooping. In the most egregious cases, officers have used information to stalk or harass, or have tampered with or sold records they obtained.   Continue reading “Across US, police officers abuse confidential databases”

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton is struggling to make inroads among young Americans who overwhelmingly supported Bernie Sanders during the Democratic presidential primary, a worrisome sign as she tries to reassemble the coalition that twice propelled Barack Obama into the White House.

Opinions of Clinton among young Americans vary by race and ethnicity, according to a new GenForward poll of adults ages 18 to 30. The majority of the nation’s younger blacks and Asian-Americans have a favorable impression of Clinton, but the presumptive Democratic nominee struggles with whites and Hispanics.   Continue reading “Poll: Clinton struggles to make inroads with young Americans”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

When events in the American Gladio campaign take place, one of the first instincts for the leadership class of the town or city involved has to be centered around self preservation. If it’s a city that centers on industry (not many left here in the states) then the first inclination of the spin doctors working for the city would be to assure the financial investment class that they are #BackToWork so that the global speculators don’t write them off or worse, start pulling capitol out of their localities.   Continue reading “#KeepDancingOrlando ? When Massa Mickey says DANCE! you Dance”