Washington Post – by Lindsey Bever, Fred Barbash and Elahe Izadi

The cruise ship carrying a Texas health-care worker who “may have” handled lab specimens from Dallas Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan is headed back to the United States after Mexican authorities failed to grant permission for the ship to dock off the coast of Cozumel, according to a Carnival spokeswoman.

The Carnival Magic had been waiting off the Mexican coast since Friday morning for its scheduled port visit. Mexican authorities still hadn’t given clearance by noon, so the ship continued to its home port of Galveston, Tex., where it was due back on Sunday, according to Carnival.   Continue reading “Mexico fails to grant access to cruise ship carrying Texas health worker”

The Daily Caller – by Eric Owen

On a Thursday night last month, a few students painted their faces black when they attended a “blackout” football game at Sun Devil Stadium.

Now, because of the black face paint, the Arizona State athletic department has asked all students not to wear any kind of face paint whatsoever to future sporting events, the Arizona Daily Independent reports.    Continue reading “Arizona State University Is Banning Face Paint Because It’s Politically Incorrect Now”

Abel Danger – by Christopher Bollyn

For all practical purposes, the United States and Britain are Zionist-occupied nations. Because the American and British people are generally ignorant of what Zionism is, the meaning of this statement is not widely understood or appreciated.

The lack of understanding by the public, however, doesn’t change the fact that these once great nations have become Zionist-controlled states. The evidence is clearly seen in the self-destructive foreign policies these nations have pursued for the past 40 years or so.

The Anglo-American “leadership” positions in the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq and their support of the costly Zionist fraud known as the “War on Terror” is further proof that Zionists control these nations – as if any were needed.     Continue reading “Exposing the Zionist Hidden Hand Ruling Britain and the United States”

The Telegraph – by  Aislinn Laing

Post-mortem examinations revealed that most of the 34 victims of the police action on August 16 were shot in the back while a smaller number were shot while facing forward, Johannesburg’s Star newspaper reported citing sources close to the investigation.

If proved correct, the leaked results could contradict police claims that they only opened fire after being fired upon.

Those working to keep the peace in the northwestern town of Marikana, where the Lonmin platinum mine is situated, said they feared that the report could inflame tensions further in the still febrile atmosphere.

Continue reading “Striking South African miners ‘were shot in the back’”

Protestors against the equal rights ordinance gather outside the Houston City Hall during the city council meeting in which the future of the ordinance will be decided, Wednesday, May 28, 2014, in Houston. Photo: Marie D. De Jesus, Houston Chronicle / © 2014 Houston ChronicleChron – by Katherine Driessen

Amid outrage from religious groups, Mayor Annise Parker and City Attorney David Feldman on Wednesday appeared to back off a subpoena request for the sermons of certain ministers opposed to the city’s equal rights ordinance, with Parker calling it overly broad.

The subpoenas, handed down to five pastors and religious leaders last month, came to light this weekwhen attorneys for the group of pastors filed a motion to quash the request. Though Feldman stood behind the subpoena in an interview  Tuesday, he and Parker  said during the Mayor’s weekly press conference Wednesday that the wording was problematic.   Continue reading “Mayor, city attorney distance themselves from sermon subpoenas”

Gen. KellyWestern Journalism – by Norvell Rose

Without a doubt, a highly decorated, four-star Marine Corps General has courage and conviction. But this particular Marine — Gen. John Kelly, head of the U.S. Southern Command — has demonstrated real guts by coming right out and saying something that his own Commander-in-Chief might not like to hear.

While President Obama calls for more health screenings at a handful of U.S. airports, Gen. Kelly argues that the real threat of a domestic Ebola outbreak could come sweeping across the southern border…which has nothing to do with air travel into the United States.   Continue reading “This Top Marine General Just Courageously Broke Rank To Deliver A Crushing Blow To Obama”

Gay Pride FlagIsrael National News – by Ari Yashar, Feb. 26, 2014

A new poll released Wednesday shows that a majority of Americans support ‘gay marriage.’ The group with the largest percentage expressing support was practicing Jewish Americans, 83% of whom came out in favor, despite homosexuality being expressly forbidden by Judaism.

The survey, which polled 4,500 Americans, was conducted by the non-partisan Public Religion Research Institute. It found that 53% of Americans support gay marriage, reports AFP. That figure indicates a significant rise from ten years prior; in 2003, American public support for same-sex marriage was at 32%.   Continue reading “83% of American Jews Support ‘Gay Marriage’”

CounterPunch – by Mike Whitney

The Saker is an ex-military analyst who was born in Europe to a family of Russian refugees. He now lives in Florida where he writes theVineyard of the Saker blog and is a regular contributor to Russia Insider. The international community of Saker Blogs includes, besides the original Saker blog, French, German, Russian, Oceania and Serbian members and will soon include a Latin American member. – Mike Whitney   Continue reading “The Ukraine, As We Know It, Is Gone Forever”

Information Clearing House – by George Galloway

October 14, 2014 “ICH” – October 11, 2014 – I have been urged by a number of my constituents to support a motion being debated and voted on in parliament on Monday “that this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel”.

As many probably know the Palestinian cause has been central to my political activity for the last 40 years. I appreciate the good intentions many have in urging me to support this motion.    Continue reading “Why I Cannot Support This Motion on Palestine”

Washington’s Blog 

No More Federal than Federal Express

As we’ve reported for over 4 years, the Federal Reserve banks are private, not government agencies.

Indeed, the government admitted 86 years ago that the Fed banks are private. And the Fed hasrepeatedly reaffirmed this fact.

As Matt Stoller points out, they have just done so again … in the AIG trial. Specifically, government lawyers said:    Continue reading “Federal Reserve Bank Admits Again That It Is NOT a Federal Agency”

infection disease ebola quarantine danger 263x164 Texas Ebola Outbreak Results in Forced Quarantine, Blood Draws Or ArrestNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

The United States has taken action in light of the recent Ebola outbreak in Dallas, appearing to want to keep the issue isolated. The U.S. government has forced quarantine and blood draws from the family in Dallas where a member was found to have the virus. They face arrest if they don’t comply.

My question is – if the government was so keen on keeping this ‘virus’ (biowarfare) in control, why didn’t they restrict travel from countries where it is running rampant? Why have they not informed hospitals of the possible dangers? Why was this man, who sought medical attention, turned loose to possibly contaminate hundreds more people before the government then decided to use militia tactics for lock down?   Continue reading “Texas Ebola Outbreak Results in Forced Quarantine, Blood Draws Or Arrest”

Zen Gardner

[They call this on-going mass slaughter of innocents a war? A war needs two armies, this is mechanized murder. If world leaders stand idly by again they will pay a very dear price as their karmic cup is full. Interesting to note this demon Eizenberg is named Eval. You’re not kidding. – Z]


Israeli occupation military officer said that “the upcoming war on Gaza will be greater, and will down more victims,” Israeli sources say.   Continue reading “Israeli Military Official: The Upcoming War on Gaza Will Be Greater”

This image of Super Typhoon Vongfong using NASA’s Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), obtained October 8, 2014 (AFP Photo / NOAA / NASA / RAMMB /CIRA)RT

NASA astronaut has posted the photo of the biggest 2014 storm on Earth from the International Space Station. Typhoon Vongfong is heading to Japan coast and is as powerful as the Haiyan storm that killed thousands of people in 2013.

As of Thursday Vongfong winds were as strong as 105 knots (194.46 km/h) and gust up to 150 knots (277.8 km/h), with wave height reaching 15.25 m. It is expected to be to 260 km/h in the coming days. Typhoons graduate to ‘super’ status when winds reach 150 mph (241 km/h).    Continue reading “Strongest storm of 2014 as seen by NASA astronaut”

Iran missile in TehranThe Guardian

The US government on Wednesday asked a federal judge in Manhattan to dismiss a private civil lawsuit against an Iran sanctions group on national security grounds without any public explanation for the reason.

If the judge agrees, it would mark the first time the government had invoked the state secrets privilege without publicly explaining its motivation for doing so.   Continue reading “US invokes secrets privilege to request civil lawsuit against Iran sanctions group be dropped”