PeoplePower1The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

Does your vote really count?

Oh, come on.

Do you really have to ask?

The 2014 midterms aren’t even here yet, and already we have fraud leaking at the seams all over the place.

First it was reported that a “calibration error” in Cook County, Illinois was causing machines to register GOP votes for Democrats. The error was caught after Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan tried to vote for himself and watched his vote register for his Democratic opponent right before his eyes. The same thing happened on several other votes he tried to cast — all turned from Rep. to Dem.    Continue reading “2014 Midterms: Here Comes ALL the Voter Fraud…”


WASHINGTON – A Department of Defense memo confirms DoD personnel – which could include civilians and/or troops – will have direct contact with “exposed remains” of Ebola victims.

While the DoD has issued new guidance on how military personnel and civilians will undergo pre- and post-deployment training while in the Ebola-affected areas of West Africa, buried in the 19-page memorandum in an attachment is an indication that the personnel will have direct exposure to the affected population.  Continue reading “Pentagon: DOD personnel to handle Ebola bodies”


The question has been thrown around multiple times. Is Obama a christian? We in the conservative circle believe that he is without a doubt NOT a christian because of the way he chooses to run this country. From the very day Obama has come into the the White House, there have been instances where we can draw out the conclusion that he is in fact, not a follower of christ.

This old video that has been resurfaced, and found it’s way back into the limelight once again, originally uploaded in 2012, Barack Obama is showed mocking the bible and God in less than 3 minutes.   Continue reading “Video Surfaces Of Obama Mocking Jesus & The Bible”

View image on TwitterMondoweiss – by Ben Norton

On 18 October 2014, a self-professed “racist” pro-Israel counter-protester at a Block the Boat action in Los Angeles told black Palestinian solidarity activist and radio personality Margaret Prescod to “take your Ebola a*s and get out.”

LA-based activist Taher Herzallah first tweeted the picture and quote:   Continue reading “‘Take your Ebola ass and get out’: L.A. confrontation highlights relationship between Zionism and anti-black racism”

View image on TwitterFox 2 Now – by JOE MILLITZER

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Rams fans and protesters clashed this afternoon at the corner of Broadway and Cole in downtown St. Louis, according to a police report.  Two groups of 20-25 people argued and fought. Police arrested two protesters, one being a juvenile, for assault.

A St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter witnessed the incident.  The newspaper reports that a fan appeared to spit on one of the protesters.  The fan was then struck on the head and a fight broke out.  A protester carrying an upside down American flag used the pole to jab fans.   Continue reading “Rams fans and Ferguson protesters clash in St. Louis”