Being AIPAC’s Bitch: NYT Reconsiders, Removes Mention of the 800-Pound Gorilla That Wants A War

Common Dreams – by Abby Zimet

In a revealing catch, MJ Rosenberg finds the New York Times deleting a reference to White House strategists on Syria having to consider the “800-pound gorilla in the room” that is the powerful Israel lobbying group AIPAC, which is pushing a strike so the US will stay in the war game if and when Iran poses a threat – a newly bogus reason if ever there was one, he notes, to start a war. More on how the Times explains omitting this key fact, though it made the Boston Globe. And while the bombs are falling on Syria, where will Israel’s U.S. supporters be? At AIPAC’s National Summit, their “exclusive annual gathering…in California Wine Country.”

One thought on “Being AIPAC’s Bitch: NYT Reconsiders, Removes Mention of the 800-Pound Gorilla That Wants A War

  1. Something slipped through the cracks, and I’m sure someone lost their job if the NYT ever printed that in the first place.

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