The best reason not to home-school your children

Jon Rappoport

After conducting a multi-center, phase-3, double-blind, placebo controlled, independently reviewed study, encompassing 39 countries, various undersea kingdoms, and the moon, I’ve concluded that the best reason parents shouldn’t home-school their children is:

They can’t.

They can’t, because the public education they received was so wan and thin and bereft of substance, they’re unfit to teach.

For those parents who did receive a decent education, and who can handle the schedule, home schooling is a rational decision.  

At minimum, it removes them and their kids from a system designed to impart values, values that should be taught at home.

Sex. Politics. Mental health. Vaccination. Gender. Contraception. Abortion. Diversity. These are a few issues schools now consider “public.” Schools become society’s parents. It takes a village. Their kind of village. They run it. They own it. “For the children.”

Put a bright parent and his/her children in a room, and who knows how quickly learning can take place? What schools try to impart in a year, in standard course work, might be accomplished in a month.

Plus, the commitment to educating one’s children to be as smart, sharp, independent, strong, free, responsible, and creative as possible revolutionizes the whole idea of what a family can be.

Of course not all parents are up to it. But those who are need not wait around and believe that catering to the lowest common denominator of society is a moral position worth taking.

There are home-schooling challenges. One of the deepest occurs at the intersection of fostering independence in a child vs. the parent imparting his own values to that child. There is no manual or system for solving this situation. It is ongoing. Working it out is part of working out the whole relationship within a family.

It’s called life.

The so-called “progressive agenda” is unrelenting. It is aimed at programming new citizens for a Globalist world. Everyone is tolerant, everyone is equal, everyone is dependent, everyone gives in to the Super State.

Against that, cultivating the emergence of a child’s unique and independent interests, desires, and talents is a genuine North Star. No matter which way civilization heads, this is vital.

The individual can never be eradicated. But why promote the deflated and purposeless individual? Why not work to bring forward his power, through actual, not fake education?

Thomas Jefferson’s central idea in promoting public education was: teaching students how to be citizens in Republic. A Republic equals severely limited federal government and individual freedom. Jefferson’s premise, of course, has been turned on its head. Now public education entails teaching students to fit into a nation/planet of centralized power coalesced at the top.

That reversal doesn’t happen by accident. It was planned and spread as a form of mind control.

It aims to destroy forever the axioms of a Republic.

Parents are the best line of defense.

“Why is it that millions of children who are pushouts or dropouts amount to business as usual in the public schools, while one family educating a child at home becomes a major threat to universal public education and the survival of democracy?” (Professor Stephen Arons. Compelling Belief: The Culture of American Schooling)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Jon Rappoport

7 thoughts on “The best reason not to home-school your children

    1. LOL… love Jon’s cynicism, Katie (reminds me of me)…

      “I’ve concluded that the best reason parents shouldn’t home-school their children is:

      They can’t.

      They can’t, because the public education they received was so wan and thin and bereft of substance, they’re unfit to teach.”


      Cynicism aside, IT’S ABSOLUTELY (sad, but) TRUE!!!

  1. “Thomas Jefferson’s central idea in promoting public education was: teaching students how to be citizens in Republic.”

    Got the Republic part right… but CITIZENS???


  2. And here is another reason most parents can’t or won’t home school (from a woman who home schooled two kids into college)..well, a couple of reasons–
    1. They can’t do the math
    2. since they can’t do the math, they can’t do the chemistry and especially physics, either
    3. they don’t read too well, either
    4. If you don’t read well then you sure as heck don’t write well
    5. grammar and spelling–and it isn’t just bloggers who think using lousy grammar and spelling is a badge of honor
    6. Well, that covers reading, writing, and ‘rithmatic…they can’t do PE either since they are too damned out of shape to do it; they can’t do industrial arts, home ec, music, art, performing arts, etc. because instead of learning a musical instrument or how to draw or how to sew or how to weld or how to garden, etc., they are too busy showing their kids how to play video games.
    Only parents who are completely committed to their children ought to home school anyway…otherwise, they are just going through the motions.

    Then you have families where both parents are forced to work to pay off the mortgage and credit cards…

  3. “while one family educating a child at home becomes a major threat to universal public education and the survival of democracy?””

    Didn’t know we lived in a democracy. Thought it was a Republic.

    1. while one family educating a child at home becomes a major threat to universal public education..< this is all they are worried about

      not worried about if your brat gets a real education or not , just worried that the system may end up unfunded when enough people figure out that public schools are a farce and a tax burden

      as far as the survival of democracy …. let it f-king die already!

  4. The best reason not to home school your children is because they might learn something.
    Like… if I home schooled my two sons…
    They would actually be smart enough to figure out I’m a Moron….and.

    We just can’t have that.

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