Last summer the Biden regime was pushing an amendment to the international health regulations administered by the U.N. World Health Organization that would have given the WHO the power to dictate U.S. policy whenever there is a declared “public health emergency of international concern.”
Even a public health emergency of “regional concern” would have triggered the WHO’s authority to step in and enforce rules on mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowns. Even vaccines, of which Big Pharma always has a new one at the ready, could be mandated by the United Nations agency headed by the corrupt Ethiopian communist Dr. Tedros.
But here’s the worst part. Guess who would get to declare such an emergency under these amended regulations? Of course, it’s the WHO and Dr. Tedros.
As Joe Hoft writes for The Gateway Pundit, the amended agreement would prevent Americans from doing anything that the United Nations world government apparatus didn’t want to be done “and would in essence take away all rights of Americans in an emergency like COVID.”
Thanks at least in part to the efforts of conservative news outlets like this one, the Biden regime’s push for a new level of global governance was defeated last year at the World Health Assembly in Geneva when a bloc of mostly African nations balked and walked.
But now the Biden regime is back at it, as Hoft reminds us, “pushing for this insane action to destroy Americans’ rights once and for all.”
The Biden regime publicly affirmed their commitment to a “legally-binding” Pandemic Accord in a press release in February which will give the World Health Organization (WHO) control over U.S. pandemic policies, though work remains in certain areas.
They are calling it an “accord” instead of a treaty in an effort to bypass U.S. Senate approval. Yes, the Biden regime is attempting to unilaterally hand over U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations World Health Organization while pushing other nations to do the same.
This anti-American document is designed to undermine the U.S. Constitution and its emphasis on individual God-given rights in favor of a collectivist “for the greater good” mentality. It emphasizes “equity” and “inclusiveness” which are merely code words for collectivist policies under a centralized power structure. In other words, this document would cement in stone the death of the American republic as we know it.
Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who now serves as dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University, shared her concerns about this backdoor to global government being pushed by the Biden administration in a recent interview with Steve Bannon.
“They could declare an emergency for a pandemic or even the possibility of a pandemic and then nations would be forced to do the bidding of the WHO. And every single human on earth would be given a digital identity, on your phone, there will be a QR code, and if you’re in compliance with what the WHO has mandated for you — testing, shots, boosters — then you get to travel, or you don’t get to travel. And that would be merged with your electronic medical records, and eventually that will be merged with the digital currency, and your whole life will be on your QR code, but it will be run through the World Health Organization, through the U.N. That’s the platform for global governance. We’ve never had this level of control, ever, in history. This would be a first, where we have a global body, and all 194 nations would give up their sovereignty to the World Health Organization.”
As she also stated, “once you give up freedom, you don’t get it back. It doesn’t get any bigger than this. This is as big as it gets.”
While this “accord” would formalize things, the U.S. federal government has already handed over its sovereignty to the WHO in a de facto sense. Even when Trump was in office, he followed the recommendations of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, who were merely passing on the “recommendations” of the WHO regarding lockdowns, facemasks, vaccines, etc.
The one defense the U.S. had against Fauci, Birx and the WHO was federalism, as quite a few states like Florida and Georgia, went against the recommendations coming down from Geneva through Washington, D.C., to the state Capitols. But if you were unlucky enough to reside in a Democrat or RINO-controlled state, you didn’t even have that. You were stuck with lockdowns and mandates on small businesses and individuals that were completely extra-constitutional in nature.
Remember, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that says the Bill of Rights apply unless we are in a state of emergency.
So, given what we learned with Covid, even if this new global health accord giving enforcement powers to the WHO gets defeated again at the 2023 World Health Assembly in July, we have a lot of work to do in educating the American public in the art of non-compliance. Because whether an unconstitutional usurpation of rights comes from a sovereign U.S. government or an international body, the end result is still the same. We are, at that point, living under a techno-fascist regime where individual rights no longer are respected as being “endowed by our Creator,” but rather they are seen as being “allowed” to be exercised at the whim and pleasure of human authorities. That’s not American. The only way to deal with that is through civil disobedience and noncompliance. Whether it’s your governor, president, or some global bureaucrat at the WHO barking orders for you to “stay home” and “get the shot,” we simply say no and go on living our lives as normal free human beings.