Biden Signs Sexual Predator-Groper Bill in White House Ceremony

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

They hate you and think you’re stupid.

Serial groper Joe Biden virtue signaled today in signing H.R. 4445 on Thursday in a public video.

HR 4445 is the “Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act of 2021”.

Joe Biden is widely known to grope, caress and sniff women and children — IN PUBLIC.

There is no better example of this obvious abuse than Joe Biden.

He even groped a little boy on camera just 3 months ago.

And yet here he is today lecturing Americans on a groper bill.

Here is the live feed:

Gateway Pundit

5 thoughts on “Biden Signs Sexual Predator-Groper Bill in White House Ceremony

  1. The white house sign interpreter is my favorite. Turn the audio off and just watch her facial expressions. Like she finds this ridiculous as well.

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