Big Brother to spy on our internet history and ISP address without a warrant


Fight For The Future warns, by using the CRA to gut the FCC broadband privacy rules, lawmakers voted to allow ISPs to:

  • Monitor and sell customer’s location data, search history, app usage, and browsing habits to advertisers without your permission
  • Hijack customer’s search results, redirecting their traffic to paying third parties
  • Insert ads into web pages that would otherwise not have them

Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future warns”Gutting these privacy rules won’t just allow Internet Service Providers to spy on us and sell our personal information, it will also enable more unconstitutional mass government surveillance…” 

The Electronic Frontier Foundation warns

Should President Trump sign S.J. Res. 34 into law, big Internet providers will be given new powers to harvest your personal information in extraordinarily creepy ways. They will watch your every action online and create highly personalized and sensitive profiles for the highest bidder. All without your consent.

50 senators who voted to let private corporations sell your ISP address and web history

image credit: Vocativ

4 thoughts on “Big Brother to spy on our internet history and ISP address without a warrant

  1. Why all this fake mock shock? News flash….. They’ve been watching us since the very beginning! The internet was developed by the ARMY!! You don’t really think they’re going to let this gem get away without watching it’s “progress” do you? So why are we worried now about something that has been taking place for the last 25 years?

  2. They do all that stuff already.
    Every time I type the words Russia or Putin in in the comment section I get all these adds over on the left showing pictures of gorgeous Russian women, who, for some crazy reason, say they want to date me.
    I haven’t been on a date since 2009.
    I sure as hell ain’t flying all the way to Russia to restart my non-existent love life.
    I don’t even want to restart it here.

  3. Don’t care.

    Where my sympathies lie is no state secret.

    And my shopping habits are virtually non-existent. Besides, I totally ignore all advertising anyway.

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