Boston Subway Ads Depicting Violence Against Palestine Shock Commuters

Screen Shot 2014-06-09 at 4.50.46 AMPopular Resistance – by Annie Robbins

Bostonians have been checking out the “ONE WORD” campaign in their subway system, describing Israel’s crimes against Palestinians. The ad campaign was launched this week by Ads Against Apartheid (AAA), a local Boston-based nonprofit.  

(Photo: It'sApartheid)

The ads are currently running in Boston’s downtown State Street Station where they can be seen by upwards of 13,000 riders per day. AAA’s website states they are “challenging Israel’s commitment to peace”.


The ads have already made headlines– in Palestine and Israel that is. Both WAFA Ads against Apartheid Launches Campaign Questioning Israeli’s Commitment to Peace  and Ynet,  MBTA approves pro-Palestinian ads in Boston subway quote Chadi Salamoun, the President of Ads Against Apartheid, and Richard Colbath-Hess, the NGO’s co-founder:

“The ads simply state the facts and are backed up with citations from credible human rights and international organizations, including the United Nations,” said Chadi Salamoun, the president of Ads Against Apartheid, who added that “if the ads are shocking, that’s because the reality on the ground is shocking.”

Richard Colbath-Hess, a Jewish-American faculty member at the University of Massachusetts, and the co-founder of Ads Against Apartheid, noted that “American tax dollars help the Israeli government maintain an incredibly brutal military occupation, which has denied the Palestinian people their basic rights for decades. These ads show what Israel’s occupation and apartheid really look like, and it is important for Americans to see that.”

Colbath-Hess told me that the ads featuring one word per ad– HOMELESS, VIOLENCE, and STOLEN–  each represented an aspect of Israel’s “unrelenting injustice towards Palestinians.” IMHO, the “ONE WORD” approach is in your face, educational and very effective:


Ads Against Apartheid is planning to expand the campaign to other cities all across America. The campaign has other hard hitting ads up on their website too. Instructing readers to “Stop Talking, Start Acting” and support spreading the campaigns.

Here’s one featuring that pillar of Israeli zealotry Naftali Bennett, from AAA’s Peace or Land Series:

Naftali Bennett (Graphic: AAA) 

Peace or Land Series, Naftali Bennett (Graphic: AdsAgainstApartheid)

This one is from their Palestinian Children Series:

Palestinian Children Series (Graphic AAA)

13 thoughts on “Boston Subway Ads Depicting Violence Against Palestine Shock Commuters

  1. These things which occupy Palestine are savages, shooting little
    kids in the back. Oh, yea, that also makes them cowards.
    Palestine was a peaceful country until this brothel entered the scene.

  2. The only ones who are shocked are the MSM brainwashed crowd.

    This is common knowledge among those with more than half a brain.

  3. What they are doing to Palestinians are what they have planned for the rest of the world including us…you all know that.

    1. but the palastinians are peacefull people – obviously.

      the rest of us arent – if they try any of that talmudic shit on Europeans or africans for that matter it will be over in a matter of days!

  4. I know that: starting with one politician at a time, one corporation
    at a time, one police chief at a time, one city council at a time, one
    lobbyist group at a time, one president of the US X 3 at a time,
    one supreme court at a time, one school principal at a time, etc.
    Democracy, then, was the transition stage from freedom and Christianity, and a Republic, to Communism, slavery, godlessness, and debt.
    And, there you have it.

  5. They should post these signs in front of churches and synagogue’s and see who takes the posters down first.

  6. These ads should be spread around the World. They should be in every train station, bus stop, airport terminal in every country on Earth.
    Every one entering a church, temple, mosque or synagogue should see one or more of these posted on the streets surrounding it.
    Israel must be exposed for what it is and shamed into civilized behavior.
    These people, (Jews), who claim to be the “Chosen People”, were given the Ten Commandments because they needed written instructions on how to behave in a civilized way in the ancient World. It appears they still have not learned to obey the law.

    1. “Israel must be exposed for what it is and shamed into civilized behavior.”

      IF they were exposed completely, they would simply use the Samson Option, and we won’t be needing BBQ pits anymore. As for being shamed, that’s a totally foreign concept to them.

      “These people, (Jews), who claim to be the “Chosen People”,…

      Therein lies the problem. They lie. They are nothing more than converts to Judaism (740/42 A.D.) from the Khazarian empire (app. 700 – 1000 A.D.). The Palestinians are more closely related to the true Israelites than those lying scum.

      It is my considered opinion that the top echelon (Rothschilds and the like) are direct descendants of the Pharisees of Jesus time. The ones he called children of their father, the Devil.

      These creatures are barely human, with souls as black as the deepest pit of Hell. There can be NO negotiating with them. Their TOTAL annihilation is our only option.

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