One thought on “BREAKING: All heII is breaking loose in Leeds after British police are forced to retreat. Migrant mobs are now taking over.

  1. Is this a glimpse of what’s ahead if we don’t rise to our power and get our Bill of Rights up and running. I think so.

    Have to say what a grand spectacle the RNC was. From what parts of it I did catch, it seemed to be a parallel universe, something living outside reality. The people in that dome were represented as the majority, the heart of America pulling for their savior. The savior alluded to representing everyone. I did not feel represented. Bill of Rights, as usual, ignored.

    Another faction not given any voice: the anti-war movement. No one there to ask the savior to end the genocide in Gaza. It was as if it didn’t exist. All Israel; no Gaza. And there was horrible and tired rock music, mostly metal, that seemed to go on-and-on, attempting to ignite and arouse a crowd of many older folks who appeared to just be enduring it. Celebrities, musicians, wrestlers, talk-show hosts, CEO’s, religious leaders, all came out for what played as something of a canonization. There was talk of Jesus, and miracles, and a Hindu prayer or two.

    Who fell for all this? I bet if there was ever a way to know, we’d see that that whole game represented a tiny minority whose vision of “making America great again” will assure they keep getting hefty paychecks. All this, while genocide rages on, and in our home country, suffering escalates every day: Inflation, homelessness, infringement of every kind.

    Make America Free Again; or better put, LET’S Make America Free Again. Bill of Rights gets us there.


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