7 thoughts on “Brutality of the Israeli Army in Kidnapping a child of 11 Years old from his mother

  1. Boy, those Jews are really brave when they’re after a little child aren’t they?? Actually they’re YELLOW BELLY COWARDS. The World is finding out about them….it’s about time.

    1. Take away our American weapons and cash from these cowards and the Palestinians would conquer them overnight!

  2. I don’t even want to imagine what these stinking pigs are going to do with her.

    We definitely DO need to cull the population, but it’s not the poor people who need to die.

  3. According to the Talmud Jews consider Gentiles to be “the scum of the Earth ….fit only to serve Jews”.
    Jews make up a teeny tiny minority of the Earth’s population and many of us Gentiles consider Jews to be “the real scum of the Earth”
    (see Enbe above).
    Since Gentiles make up the vast,,,vast majority of the Earth’s citizens the Gentile view carries………..by unanimous opinion of the Earth’s population…..Jews are indeed the scum of the Earth. Their behavior proves it.

    1. “According to the Talmud Jews consider Gentiles to be “the scum of the Earth ….fit only to serve Jews”.

      “All gentile children are animals”
      (Yebamoth 98a).

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