Can The ROTHSCHILD Plan To ENSLAVE HUMANITY Be Stopped? — Michael Noonan

Published on Dec 21, 2014 by

Our friend Michael Noonan from Edge Trader Plus joins us to discuss the stark economic reality humanity is facing under the iron fist rule of the Rothschild International banking SYSTEM of control. And despite the inevitable collapse of the Dollar and consequent implosion of U.S. world hegemony, according to Michael, the chances of toppling the Rothschild’s from their seat of power appear to be slim.

Michael’s site:

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Music: “The Complex” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons “Attribution 3.0”……

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5 thoughts on “Can The ROTHSCHILD Plan To ENSLAVE HUMANITY Be Stopped? — Michael Noonan

  1. Can the Rothschild Plan to enslave humanity be stopped?

    Yes . . . and very soon. Do not fear. The arrests are coming.
    . . .

  2. Who made this defeatist video? The Communist Jew Rothschilds can’t be beat. Really? My guess is the Rothschilds themselves sponsored these fools and their video.

  3. The corrupt, oppressive system sponsored by the Rothchilds can be defeated, but only at the expense of, blood and great suffering by the victims of this centuries long con game. These parasitic ticks are dug in so deep that it will take a major overthrow of their criminal empire to correct.

  4. To even consider that the Rothschilds can’t be defeated is ridiculous! Like saying that when they die they can take it with them…oh wait, they won’t die because they have the secret to immortality… Next thing you know these idiots will be saying God can’t defeat Satan… Can’t believe I wasted my time watching this.

    1. And BTW, NO ONE, BUT NO ONE, is more enslaved than the Rothschilds! Enslaved to money, their stupid palaces, their possessions. Enslaved to psychopathy and mind control. Enslaved to evil, to Satan…so enslaved that even at the White Throne Judgment when given the chance to repent, they won’t, and the Lake of Fire awaits them.

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