One thought on “Canadian citizen receives a standing ovation after laying out Klaus Schwab’s plan to enslave the world

  1. That was a great point Henry made in today’s broadcast, about “charging the machine gun nest” for the same entities the attendees at the Aurora meeting are now trying not to cause trouble with as they politely go about talking about what everyone already knows. The Canadians were known for their bravery storming Vimy Ridge over in Europe during WWI, and that was what gave us our national pride, but now, here we are at home, living under tyranny, and no one is charging that same enemy within with that same level of ferocity! Most of them did die, but we do have a monument, and it is shaped like a double obelisk. I am certain my dad is kicking up daisies right now about what he thought he was fighting for during the second world war. As if the truth alone is going to save us. Yep. We really are too bloody f**king polite!

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