Chattanooga Shooting: How Did Suspect’s Car Ram Through Gate Without Any Damage?

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

As Jan10 pointed out, I’m looking at these photos of the suspect’s car in the parking lot of the Navy support center in Chattanooga and I notice there doesn’t appear to be any damage done to the front end of the vehicle. The bumper is fine. The airbags didn’t go off. And even the headlights got through the crash without a scratch that I can see.  

car 1

car 2

Not a scratch on the hood, not a busted headlight, not a single airbag deployed that I can see. How does that happen?

I guess someone wanted to make sure they got their deposit back on the rental. That or they forgot to buy the insurance.

9 thoughts on “Chattanooga Shooting: How Did Suspect’s Car Ram Through Gate Without Any Damage?

  1. because its an FBI plant …

    i bet it someone was really quick and took down the Vin# of that car you’d find it was never registered to the “suspect” but more than likely a government held entity or person

    just to be clear, im talking Vehicle identification number , not licence plate numbers

  2. These are all hoaxes. Sandy Hook, SC Church shooting,now Chattanooga. No pictures or video of blood, dead bodies, wounded being put in ambulances, ambulances racing to and from scene. No hospital vigil of reporters for dead and wounded count.
    Its a packaged “terrorist” event packaged by black OPS agents and handed to the media and they run with the story.
    This B.S. is as real as Barry’s citizenship.

  3. yeah, I hear ya… .that definitely didn’t look like it crashed any gates…..but who’s surprised by this?

    If a nation has a quarter-billion guns between three hundred million people, the fact that they have to fabricate shootings makes it obvious that people simply don’t do these things.

    If there were any real gun violence at all they’d jump on it for political purposes, but they only have to fabricate these events because we’re a very peaceful people.

    1. With all the ‘money’ they’ve stolen from us, JR, you’d think they could at least spring for some halfway skilled technical advisers, a decent prop crew, and something better than a bad porno director.

      Fifties B Sci-Fi movies were more believable.

  4. Interviewed “teachers” of “dead” marines on “news”. Not one school mentioned by name

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