Chicago Police Accused of Using Gun to Sodomize Innocent Man

AlterNet – by Alex Kane

A federal lawsuit alleges that Chicago police sodomized a man with a gun until he agreed to become a participant in a drug sting, the Courthouse News Service reports.  Plaintiff Angel Perez is suing police officer Jorge Lopez and the city of Chicago for excessive force related to the incident, which, according to the lawsuit, was quite the nightmare.   

After Chicago police pulled over and arrested delivery driver Angel Perez in October 2012, police at the station questioned and allegedly assaulted Perez in an attempt to learn intel on robberies and drug dealers, though Perez said he did not know anything about those alleged crimes. Perez repeatedly requested a lawyer, but the police paid him no heed.

Perez says the police released him, but called him the next day and told him that his arrest was a mistake and that he needed to sign papers to prevent his car from being towed. But when Perez arrived, Lopez “slammed” his head on a car and then arrested him again.

At the police station, Perez was placed in ankle shackles and handcuffed to a bar. While Perez was languishing in a room at the station, a total of six officers entered the room and allegedly threatened to send him to jail to be raped by gang members. They also threatened to plant evidence on him if he did not cooperate with the police.

The Chicago police were particularly interested in a man named “Dwayne,” whose number was in Perez’s phone. According to the suit, the Chicago PD wanted to set up a drug purchase with Dwayne, but Perez refused. Then, the police then began to “pull” and “contort” Perez’s body. The lawsuit states that a sergeant “sat on the plaintiff’s chest and placed his palms on the plaintiff’s eye sockets and pushed hard against them, causing plaintiff severe pain. The Sergeant also drove his elbows into plaintiff’s back and head causing severe pain.” A few hours later, Officer Lopez and the sergeant pulled Perez’s pants down. Lopez allegedly said: “I hear that a big black nigger dick feels like a gun up your ass.”

Then, the two officers allegedly sodomized Perez with a gun–all while laughing hysterically. Not able to withstand the anguish of being sodomized, Perez agreed to cooperate. He called Dwayne and said he wanted to purchase heroin. Perez bought the heroin and brought along a GPS and recording device.

Even after he cooperated, the police wanted him to do more, but Perez refused. Officer Lopez allegedly continued to call him until he contacted the Independent Police Review Authority.

Perez and his lawyers are now seeking punitive damages for “excessive force, failure to intervene and emotional distress,” the Courthouse News Service reports.Perez was never charged with a crime.

The Chicago Police Department has historically engaged in brutality and abuse. For instance, Jon Burge, a former police commander, was sentenced to four decades in jail for obstruction of justice and perjury after he denied the routine use of torture on inmates in court. A federal appeals court in April noted that Burge and his detectives inflicted torture on prisoners. Inmates were “suffocated with plastic bags, electrocuted until they lost consciousness, held down against radiators, and had loaded guns pointed at their heads during rounds of Russian roulette,” the judges wrote.

Alex Kane is AlterNet’s New York-based World editor, and an assistant editor forMondoweiss. Follow him on Twitter @alexbkane.

One thought on “Chicago Police Accused of Using Gun to Sodomize Innocent Man

  1. So WTF happened to those six cops that were directly involved in this. You can be damn well sure that most it not all of that dept. knew what was /is going on there and every single on of the faggot cops should be doing life behind bars with no parole as this has been going on for many years and they have been getting away with these behaviors. If you are a cop then you are a willing and probobly actively involved. Like they say to the people/public “If you see something say something” How about it cops, HOW ABOUT IT. SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING YOU PIG FAGGOTS.

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