China Owns California: that’s why the Fires are Happening!

Published on Dec 8, 2017

Just so you know China has the Legal Right to Force Americans off of their Land! You can thank the Clinton & Obama Administration’s for this! China is taking Back it’s assets of California! They are also transforming California into Smart Cities! So the fires are about Forcing Americans Out of California! Note: If your short on time go to the 7:30 mark! This explains China’s Legal Right to Force you off your Land!

5 thoughts on “China Owns California: that’s why the Fires are Happening!

  1. C’mon now…

    The Chinese are responsible for California firez.

    I would suspect the Mexicans and Trailer park trash cooking up meth and exploding before that.

    Although the Chi Knees are supplying all the chemicals at Wal-Mart’s prices.

    Doesn’t mean those slant eyed gooks are first cause initiating these fires.

  2. And I suppose all the fires we get here in May and June (that is, fire season) every year is because Mexico owns far west Texas… right. Idiots welding outdoors in 50 mph winds have nothing to do with it…And I also suppose China owns Mexico (which I have heard since the 1990s!)

    As to the “dot connecting” the name of the website posting this is not shown, but “A. True Ott” is shown and the article is dated 2-28-9. I have no actual proof, but it appears “A True Ott” is a con artist as per this link:
    I know for a fact that he is associated with Christian Identity (I myself had some forays into that theology that states blacks cannot get into heaven because they are “mud people”, and most Christian Identity folks I know have very very strange and unbiblical beliefs. But, as the Bible says, and I paraphrase, God is no respector of race, and He who has the Son has the Father also (1 John chapter 2, Ephesians 6), regardless of race.))
    Not saying Ott is wrong. I’m saying what he says needs further checking out. I am sure that it’s more than about China.

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