Christie Criticized for Cost and Timing of Senate Election

Citizens for Legit Government

Christie Criticized for Cost and Timing of Senate Election  Gov. Chris Christie (R) announced on Tuesday a highly unusual special election that was immediately criticized for costing the state $24 million and setting up a schedule that was likely to confuse the voting public.

Voters will go to the polls on a Wednesday in October to cast ballots for a new senator, then return just three weeks later for the regularly scheduled general election, in which Mr. Christie will stand for a second term.

Democrats immediately accused him of squandering taxpayer money to protect his own political ambitions at a time when the state budget is under severe stress, and some promised to challenge the decision in court. Just weeks ago, party leaders noted, he vetoed a proposal to establish early voting, saying the price — $25 million — was too high.

2 thoughts on “Christie Criticized for Cost and Timing of Senate Election

  1. My Fellow Americans:

    The treasonous piece of filth called, “Lautenburg” didn’t retire,… “Christie-the-Hut” accidently ate him.

    JD – US Marines – What voters should realize is, its cheaper to have this run-off election,.. then to feed Christie-the-Hut.

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