9 thoughts on “Civil Forfeiture Highway Shakedowns in Tennessee

  1. Thieving gestapo thug bastards! I hope the next “victim” they pull over is a person that blows their damn head off! Outright theft in the “land of the fee and home of the slave”.

      1. Nice to see a gestapo thug get his just desserts! If that started happening all over the country, it would make a world of difference. There simply is no such thing a “good cop”.

  2. one reason to know your bill of rights inside out ………..befuddle these bastards with the LAW and have a camera recording the whole attempted robbery. I carry Henry’s awesome CD in my vehicle to ‘gift’ it to the asshole that may someday pull me over all the while remaining calm and logical and if that doesn’t work…pow! bang! zoom! no one is taking my stuff without a fight

  3. Ten times as many stops on the cash side as there are on the drug side?

    So the ‘War on Drugs’ has now become a ‘War on Cash’???

  4. No wonder a lot of these pigs are so trigger happy

    They are stealing drug money from the cartels
    That my friends gets you a dirt overcoat from what I’ve heard

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