Clinton heavily favored to win Electoral College: poll


After a brutal week for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton maintained a substantial projected advantage in the race to win the Electoral College and claim the U.S. presidency, according to the latest results from the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project released on Saturday.

If the election were held this week, the project estimates that Clinton’s odds of securing the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency at more than 95 percent, and by a margin of 118 Electoral College votes. It is the second week in a row that the project has estimated her odds so high.  

The results mirror other Electoral College projections, some of which estimate Clinton’s chance of winning at around 90 percent.

For the Trump campaign there are a handful of states the Republican candidate must win if he is to cobble together enough states to win the White House.

Among them is Florida, but numerous recent visits to the Sunshine State by Trump and his vice-presidential running mate Mike Pence did little to dent Clinton’s advantage in the contest for the state’s 29 Electoral College votes. She leads by 6 percentage points, about the same lead she enjoyed last week.

Still, the race tightened in Ohio, another important state for Trump. Both Ohio and Nevada were leaning toward Clinton last week but are now toss-ups.

However, Clinton’s support grew in North Carolina and Colorado, both of which moved from toss-ups to leaning Clinton.

In the last week, the Trump campaign struggled to respond to allegations from several women that Trump had groped them or made unwanted sexual advances over several decades. Trump said the reports were lies and part of a media conspiracy to defeat him.

All of the allegations came after The Washington Post disclosed a video from 2005 of Trump describing how he tried to seduce a married woman and bragged in vulgar terms how his celebrity allowed him to kiss and grope women without permission.

The accusations overshadowed what might otherwise have been a difficult week for Clinton. Her campaign manager’s email account was apparently hacked and thousands of his emails were released by Wikileaks. U.S. officials say the Russian government sanctioned the electronic break-in.

The emails have been trickling out for two weeks. Included in the hacked emails were undisputed comments that Clinton made to banks and big business in a 2014 speech. In those comments, Clinton said she supports open trade and open borders, and takes a conciliatory approach to Wall Street, both positions she later backed away from.

Since that release, waves of other emails have been released, among which were some that suggested Clinton had inappropriately received questions in advance of a debate with Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primaries.

Without Trump’s own woes, the Clinton emails may well have become the central issue in the campaign. Yet with just over three weeks to go until the Nov. 8 election, Trump does not have much time to turn the race around.

According to the project, Trump trails by double-digits among women and all minority groups. Among black voters he trails by nearly 70 points. To a large extent his support is almost entirely dependent on white voters. And while Trump’s support among white men is strong, among white women his lead is negligible.

(Reporting by Maurice Tamman; Editing by Reg Chua and Leslie Adler)

14 thoughts on “Clinton heavily favored to win Electoral College: poll

  1. “The results mirror other Electoral College projections, some of which estimate Clinton’s chance of winning at around 90 percent.”

    ‘Chance of winning’ doesn’t even come into play, considering the total lack of the element of chance to begin with.

    “The accusations overshadowed what might otherwise have been a difficult week for Clinton.”


  2. I hate both Trump and Hillary, but I have to admit that the media bias against Trump couldn’t be more obvious.

    Even so, I’d still rather see Hillary win. At least then we won’t have millions of gun owners across the country believing that the federal government is their ally and that real change is still possible by working within the System.

    1. “real change is still possible by working within the System”

      Real change is opposite to System. (I bet Bama knew this, but then again, nothing can change a firm belief of the pr(e)-programmed “Yes we can.”) IN retrospect we can now say that: Yes we can be fooled again, and again, and again…. Then again, the hitting of the baseball bat on the third eye must become painful by now.

      Both candidates might be owned, and forced to play ball in order to survive their candidacy, but you gotta give it to Trump that he has pissed repeatedly over the edge of the bowl, and the elites DO have their panties in a knot, about the reaction of the unwashed masses, and whether this time they will become the collateral damage.

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    Reuters: “….Clinton’s odds of securing the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency at more than 95 percent…”

    Every Person On The Planet: “….. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah,…… GAAASSPPPP!!!!!!,…. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,….. GAASSSPPPP!!!!,….. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,….. GGGAAASSSPPPPP!!!!!!,….. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,…… GGGAAASSPPPP!!!!!!!!,….. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,….

    “OH GOD!!!!!,… PLEASE!!!,.. NO MORE!!!!!!,…. I CAN’T BREATH ANYMORE!!!!!!… GGGASSSSSSPPPP!!!!!!,…. HILLARY HAS A 95 % C..HH..AAA…NN.. CC…. EEE!!!! …. Hahahahahahahahqahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha,…. GGGGAASSSSPPP!!!!…”


    Note: At this point,… every person on the planet just passed out from laughing so hard!!!!

    JD – US Marines – A Pile Of Fresh Steaming Dog Shit is LLLLOOVVVVEEEEDDDD!!!!!! compared to Hillary “Barf” Clinton! (Golum!!,.. Golum!!)


  4. If they don’t report the campaign as being a close race, no one will turn out to vote. If either candidate is winning or losing by a wide margin, people stay home.

    They’re constantly reporting this as a close race to lock in the Trump landslide, and this electoral college upset that’s been reported for the last few days, will only get more people to the voting booths to cast their vote for Trump.

    1. “If they don’t report the campaign as being a close race, no one will turn out to vote.”

      Not that important… It makes the fraud EASIER… If everyone believes that it is a close race…

      Frauding 1% of the votes or 47% of the votes.

      More scary is that in spite of all the media pushing (And the obviousness of that pushing.. that we are manipulated to accept a Trump win as natural and deserving… And later on in History when it has repeated full circle and when Trump/America/The Americans have been defeated in a world war, like others for him, it can be stated by historians that he was voted in by massive support among the population… And only we will know, or the survivors (Like among the Germans.) will know the truth, that is was manipulated since NO honest American could ever vote for Hillary… THAT is the spooky part… IF the Elite/Maters really didn’t want Trump he would be pushing Daisies by now.

      Really, them people fight dirty. Every other thought is self deception.

  5. I for one, am absolutely terrified, that people in my area may start shooting, all the judges, and lawyers, and politicians, and cops, and all the K%nty f&*ks that work for them, and live with them, once hitlery is confirmed as the our next leader and ruler.

    The very thought, frightens me, into a weird sense of release.

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